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What happend to me


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6 hours ago, Can Oa said:

If you wrote this in the chat, you deserve ban.

this game is Business for millions  dont try joke whit that

/end story

Please talk correctly. You made no point.

5 hours ago, Fuz said:

Are you people crazy? He just made a joke. He doesn't deserve a ban for a joke.
That was not a real link to anything. HE DIDN'T BREAK THE RULES. There's no rule about joking with fake sites urls. He didn't advertise anything.

Contact support again, they probably banned you by mistake with an automated process, explain them the situation (and hope to find a GM who actually reads the message instead of just copypasting default answers).

NCSoft won't give him his acct back, though you are correct. He didn't break the rules. No ads were involved.

Contacting again will only serve to disappoint you, but you can try.


I'm going to quit soon.


3 hours ago, Immortal Technique said:

Meanwhile the real gold sellers are still spamming chats, like this one Lyn FM gold seller who has been standing in Bamboo Village on Ebon Hall server for weeks. 


This game makes me sick.



There are also BOTS FOR DAYS but no easy program to autoban them? LOL PATHETIC. I'm sick as you are.



Could be censorship since you joked about their lack of security on that.

I know firsthand they do whatever they want. They remove forums they don't like (this one will be removed, too), they ban anyone they don't want in game. I don't expect anything else. I don't.


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Here' what i think happened to you bro, you said that ONCE in faction chat.


And someone who didn't like you, OR a clan who had something against you, all got together with their friends to mass report you as a spammer. Resulting in these shenanigans.


However, since the ban reason states "Real Money Trading" and not "Advertising" or something along those lines...Im MORE thinking that you have either bought gold, or sold gold to a gold seller in the past, and NCsoft finally tracked down all the transactions and dished out a ban for THAT, not what you actually said.


But, what do i know. I didn't witness any of this and both scenarios are mere speculation.


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What I'm reading from the original post is:


"I broke the rules. They banned me for it. It was actually just a joke, please unban me."


That's the equivalent of committing a crime in real life for a joke, get jailed, then tell the deputies that it was all a joke and they should let you out.


Joke or not, you broke their rules. It's their rules to their word, not yours. Sorry to hear it happened, but best quit or make another account to catch back up!

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