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Warlock vs FM advice?

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Hey guys, I'm a newbie pvp player starting off with warlock for 1v1 arenas and I've been wondering, any tips for going against FM's :o...  I have a lot of trouble countering skills like their root.  I don't really know much about their skills or if FMs are a problem at all for Warlock but any advice would be great, thanks! :D

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Dont heal the FM through hitting into Divine Veil pls. You should get Frost Armor down before you go for Time Distortion burst, because of obvious reasons. Deflect Block works pretty well against me playing FM, but some say Knockback Repulse is good as well, due to knocking back out of Divine Veil, same for Thrall Knockback. Block a lot but dont spam it and dont make it too obvious that the FM can Snowball it (Guard Break). AoE abilities still do damage during Divine Veil so keep that in mind. Some FMs go for the cheesy Inferno + Meteor + Grab combo, so maybe get a grapple escape. Sometimes they Frost Sheath in Divine Veil which is really smart, dont hit them at all during that time, they will heal from everything then. I dont exactly know where you need to improve, because FMs counter Warlock pretty hard. If they use Moving Divine Veil, just stall. It has a long cooldown and doesnt heal, so they will most likely not get this one. Abuse targeting and stay behind Thrall. Sometimes the no targeting Sanctum will help against some FMs. 
You should watch some of Carthh's streams, he is one of the few Warlock Diamond players.


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E when they veil or tab ice (doesn't put a frosty star above their head).


Spec Wingstorm down the right side and Rupture to pierce (2 points is fine, 3 if you don't know where to put another point down the right side).


No targetting Sanctum.


Remember 3 can go through Veil.


If you *cricket* up your Time Warp, you're probably dead.


Remember that most of your damage will come from Rupture generally. I'm still testing a knock-up build vs FMs because I feel like you can get a good bit of damage with a double/triple knock-up over trying to wait for ice flower, ice tab and veil.


Pray hard.

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Force Master is probably the hardest matchup Warlocks have (close to Assassins) because they can passively beat you by just staying out of range of your abilities and rooting you due to your limited iframes. The main issue is that all of your skills minus dragon call requires you to be facing your opponent and Force masters just have better sustain AND mobility in pvp, not to mention they pretty much counter your ranged abilities with veil and your burst with iceblock. The main issue is that you often have to wait for an opening to unload your combo and if you can't get them down really low at this point it's probably over because your poke damage can't really touch them. 

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