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[Spoilers] How did Cricket (you) know about Yunsang's daughter?


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In Act IV: Chapter 9 (or around there), Cricket says Yunwa is Yunsang's daughter, and then one of the Grand Harvest Square civilians is taken as a decoy to lure Yunsang to Yu Chun. 

Later on, Yehara speculates about Yunwa's father, but she doesn't know who it is exactly. And Cricket doesn't let on to anything.


How did Cricket know Yunwa is his daughter? Was it mentioned at some point and I just missed it?

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Way back in Cinderlands it was either Gil or Yunwa that mentioned Yunsang was her father. Not sure why Yehara didn't know that though but I guess not even Juwol knew and she was really close to Yunsang. Cricket probably just didn't give a shit because he was busy tracking down Jinsoyun at the moment he was talking to Yehara. 

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32 minutes ago, tyhlin said:

In Act IV: Chapter 9 (or around there), Cricket says Yunwa is Yunsang's daughter, and then one of the Grand Harvest Square civilians is taken as a decoy to lure Yunsang to Yu Chun. 

Later on, Yehara speculates about Yunwa's father, but she doesn't know who it is exactly. And Cricket doesn't let on to anything.


How did Cricket know Yunwa is his daughter? Was it mentioned at some point and I just missed it?

Seem like you didn't read the story well, Yunsang said that he did left his daughter with some guy called Gil. So that why Cricket did know about it

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Just now, Valiant said:

Seem like you didn't read the story well, Yunsang said that he did left his daughter with some guy called Gil. So that why Cricket did know about it

I guess I didn't... But I'm starting to remember something about the Princess of Thieves. Thanks all for the reminders!

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There was a quest from Stillbrook Monastery that had you go find a portrait. This was the beginning of their history that Cricket was clued in on. One of the monks talked about him and his daughter. When we get closer to yehara's mirage and meet Yunwa the story unfolds more there. 

I don't blame you for not remembering. Cinderlands was a pit of suck very easy to shove out of memory.  

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Leave it as bad localization and writing. Your character always knew because of Gil spilling the secret of who her step dad was at the oasis while he was recovering. As for the part how your character never said a word. It's just bad writing.

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You know that Yunwa was Yunsang's daughter even before Silverfrost.

Yehara literally tells you that her sister's daughter was adopted by Yunsang when you do the Lotus Flower mission when looking for Mushin's heir. 

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The real question is, why did they knock out your character, and then show the player that Yunwa was Mushin's heir at a time when the character was still knocked unconscious. What the point of giving the player out of character information like that? The game never uses it for anything. This was just inexcusably bad writing.

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