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Oathbreaker or Awakened Sire?


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Hmm so the new update came out and im wondering which one would be better to get in the long run? ive seen not many people go down the oathbreaker route, any reasons why? i mean the oathbreaker is alot more cheaper it seems but everyone i ask just say "go down the siren" but i dont understand why :/

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The evolution at True Profane has those two options. Yes at this point Oathbreaker cost less but this is completely to fool those who don't know the truth about the costs of upgrades. After this upgrade your weapon will require nearly double or triple the materials than what Siren path requires. You decide which is better. Pay now less and pay after it way more or pay now more and after less.

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For the jawdropping price:

Silverfrost Trans. Stone = 50g ea

Moonwater Trans. Stone = 7g ea


And you need about 28 of those stones to get to the final before both path merge to one, so choose wisely.

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My boyfriend also made the choice of getting Oathbreaker without first asking me. Instead of going through Oathbreaker path we decided to get him another Hongmoon weapon and do the whole thing again just to lower the costs and upgrades he needs in future.

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There's also the matter that Oathbreaker path randomizes number of gem slots, while Siren -> Pirate path does not. For those who spent at least 1 Gem Hammer for the 4th gem slot after reaching Awakened Blight (the later you do it, the more hammers you'll have to use), going Oathbreaker is a terrible investment, since it could mean wasting the Gem Hammer(s) you used for the 4th slot.


And don't even bother starting an argument about Gem Hammers not being that expensive or the like. The point is a weapon path shouldn't waste the hammers you used beforehand, that's just stupid and unfair. Other servers may have done it, some may say, but they also offered Gem Hammers more. We don't have any of that, which is why making number of gem slots random doesn't really work for NA/EU.


Stick with Siren -> Pirate... or just focus on accessories first to see if NCsoft will actually address the random gem slot issue at some point and then make your choice.

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