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Summoner vs DS, KFM, Sin


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Can someone tell me what you are supposed to do when you play a summoner and come up against a destroyer, kung fu master, or assassin now? All of those classes basically get a free win off my class because they either resist all my skills passively (KFM being the worst as it's is literally evading my cat curl and ignoring petal storm) or running all over the map and avoiding all my attacks by jumping or resisting and evading even my briar patch as they hit me on top of it in stealth.

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17 hours ago, OddFinrir said:

Can someone tell me what you are supposed to do when you play a summoner and come up against a destroyer, kung fu master, or assassin now? All of those classes basically get a free win off my class because they either resist all my skills passively (KFM being the worst as it's is literally evading my cat curl and ignoring petal storm) or running all over the map and avoiding all my attacks by jumping or resisting and evading even my briar patch as they hit me on top of it in stealth.

Against destroyer you are not suppose to win, it's a counter class. As soon as you use your escape you get hit with stun > furyinstagib. Against KFM it's not that bad, learn when to use your cat covers so the KFM can't stun both you and cat at the sametime, which is trouble, also learn when to use escape 1 the cat swap, which if used at wrong time it's basically wasted with no effect, at the right time it's another cc escape. Against Assasin it's about using damage overtime to keep them out of hide as much as possible.

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On 3/28/2016 at 3:52 PM, Sexifier said:

Against destroyer you are not suppose to win, it's a counter class. As soon as you use your escape you get hit with stun > furyinstagib. Against KFM it's not that bad, learn when to use your cat covers so the KFM can't stun both you and cat at the sametime, which is trouble, also learn when to use escape 1 the cat swap, which if used at wrong time it's basically wasted with no effect, at the right time it's another cc escape. Against Assasin it's about using damage overtime to keep them out of hide as much as possible.

The only thing I can do against destroyers is never use 2. They just wait forever, but they can still win just by facerolling. KFM, I've tried using curl, but they use it to start their evasion because it's broken; I have to lure them into a corner and still might lose. Assassins...are just broken this patch. They don't have to do anything to go into stealth accept hit a button now. Using Rumblebees is better than sunflower because they can't abuse jumping to dodge it, but I still lose to even bad ones that I knock over 10 times per match. There's just too many escapes, stealth, resist, evade, and movement on them.

I also see on my cat they stealth nerfed it again. It's missing 40 attack and takes so much more damage now.

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As a Destroyer, I meet 2 types of Summoners:

1. They have no clue what they are doing and just spam skills - against this type I have no clue what I'm doing either, just going full PvE on them and win.

2. They know what they are doing and avoid all my deadly skills - against these I still have no clue what I'm doing and I lose.


The type no. 2 is so rare that I never managed to learn how to fight them.


I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but this leads me to believe that you were used to facerolling your way through arena and now hit a point where you actually need to know the skills of other classes and how to avoid them.

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6 hours ago, OddFinrir said:

. Assassins...are just broken this patch. They don't have to do anything to go into stealth accept hit a button now. Using Rumblebees is better than sunflower because they can't abuse jumping to dodge it, but I still lose to even bad ones that I knock over 10 times per match. There's just too many escapes, stealth, resist, evade, and movement on them.

I also see on my cat they stealth nerfed it again. It's missing 40 attack and takes so much more damage now.

Not a sin player, but maybe you should learn more about the classes you have difficulty against. The sin matchup isn't much different except the sin is a bit stronger now. If you proc their skills it means you didn't pay attention to their animations, and so didn't avoid it. Summoners generally tend to just faceroll opponents without knowing many PvP mechanics other classes need to learn to climb, so maybe this is the time to actually look at your opponent.


Also whining and screaming broken isn't going to help. If anything summoners are the most broken class with by far the most in diamond.

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53 minutes ago, Masqava said:

Not a sin player, but maybe you should learn more about the classes you have difficulty against. The sin matchup isn't much different except the sin is a bit stronger now. If you proc their skills it means you didn't pay attention to their animations, and so didn't avoid it. Summoners generally tend to just faceroll opponents without knowing many PvP mechanics other classes need to learn to climb, so maybe this is the time to actually look at your opponent.


Also whining and screaming broken isn't going to help. If anything summoners are the most broken class with by far the most in diamond.

That's because more people play summoner than any other class. That's why there are so many in diamond and bots play it as well and get free wins off of people. In regards of balance, summoner isn't going to get a buff or nerf the entire time. People who say summoner was OP back then didn't know how to play against them. People are learning to play against them so now it's harder for them. ^_^ It's alright just keep practicing and try different methods.

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Hey there! My name is Therinfloofs, high diamond summoner in the top 50 for the class! I can help you with these matchups a bit:


KFM: Don't use your tab until you see them do a large stomp on the ground, spec your beckon to knockdown nearby enemies if used while cc'd and be mindful of it going on CD even if your cc'd or not. After that avoid damaging them until max agility is gone or when they have 2 stacks or so of agility, use sunflower or undodgable/pierce parry abilities instead.


Destroyer: Spec your cats lunge and your flying nettles to block approach skills and use them at every possible opening, sit in petal storm after landing either of these and you see the 'dash block' debuff on your opponent so they cant throw their spinning axe at ou to prevent your kiting. Also keep in min during their red spin move their completely unstoppable, you can negate its damage by using enhanced seed shroud and running off. Also DO NOT use your tab until after they;ve finished their grab combo and throw you on the ground. Save it until then. Other than that learn their animations they use before going ham on you so you know when to counter with seed shroud. This matchup takes practice and patience


Sin: block approach is effective vs. sins as well. Learn to predict their movements since alot fo sins follow the same general pattern. Bait out their tab as often as possible and avoid attacking into their arm-wavey naruto jutsu counter thingy. When they become imune and start to chain stab you or your cat, use seed shroud to deny some of the healing they recieve from that move. Also keep in mind spamming beckons normal form on E creates a small aoe that can reveal the assassin if their nearby, dont spam thorns/sunflower unless your positive you'll unveil them.


I hope this helps!

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On 28-3-2016 at 5:27 AM, OddFinrir said:

Can someone tell me what you are supposed to do when you play a summoner and come up against a destroyer, kung fu master, or assassin now? All of those classes basically get a free win off my class because they either resist all my skills passively (KFM being the worst as it's is literally evading my cat curl and ignoring petal storm) or running all over the map and avoiding all my attacks by jumping or resisting and evading even my briar patch as they hit me on top of it in stealth.

As a KFM, when i hit lvl 45 back in week one, i was so going to spar againt a RL friend who had a lvl 18 Summoner, i was so gonna whoop his butt....


Fast forward the match and he killed me using LMB/RMB tapping while maniacally laughing while my health said, screw this shit, i am outa here....


Now a good 2.5 months into the game, when i see a summoner, it goes like, hello /dance and have a nice stunlock 3RF +Win.


Everyone else got better, Summoners still try to faceroll 2 buttons to win, its not gonna happen anymore.

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1. Consider that players are now used to with summoners. So do they counter it now harder than before.
2. Balance patch.
3. Assassin
-use doom n bloom immediately so they wont hide.
-use rumblebees since they are so agile that u will always miss with sunflower
-save your cat charge+pin when you know theyve used their esc.
-when they stealth on you, counter between 3-5secs. This is where they usually re-stealth and hit you.
-dont let them burst your cat.
4. Destroyer
-most of their openers are jump towards you. wait for that and exploit through counter or f escape.
-distance yourself when they are on rage/resist mode.
-their spin can't be countered so just run away.
-when they are shielding it is your opportunity to pin.
-slowing them is a good tactic especially if they are out of focus.
-dont let them burst the cat.
-most of their openers are jump towards you. wait for that and exploit through counter or f escape.
-distance yourself when they are on rage/buff mode.
-spec to beckon+knockback during cc to avoid stunlock.
-spec to bomb knockdown to avoid stunlock.
-dont let them burst your cat.
6. If they are really good you need to practice.
7. Everyone has their weakness. I find it hard to win with FMs but others says it is the easiest. For me my most wins are with destro and kfm. (counting non-bot of course)

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