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Jumping in arena


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Is jumping in arena bad mannered? Discuss.



After having to duel against a summoner that kept jumping and rubberbanding all over the place I feel that jumping should be disabled in Arena combat. If the arena had some obstacles, I can understand the need for jumping, but as it with the arena being a completely leveled ground it should be disabled along with potions. If disabling jump is too extreme, then make it so that if a player takes damage while jumping will automatically gets knocked down. Thoughts?

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Disabling jumps ? no, just no, at the beginning of a fight there can be an airfight, when you're in the air, they cannot charge you. 
Some classes have special stuff (all classes ?), BM have a read charge that stun if it hit your back, for example.

They 'just' need to fix the latency and it'll be fine with people jumping around.

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OP is making an important point. Jumping shouldnt be completely disabled tho. But it should be disabled during combat. There is no need for jumping and it is annoying and unrealistic anyway. The Air Fight at the beginning of every match is important, but jumping during combat makes not really sense and it makes the enemy a lot harder to hit if you or the enemy have latency issues. I agree on what OP said.


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If it's disabled in combat in arena, it shoul be good then. It serves no purpose besides being hard to target. But in PvE it should not, if you need to do some jump + gliding to reach the next platform and you're stuck in combat for no apparent reason, that'd be annoying. I'm not sure if they can disable jumps only in arena.

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27 minutes ago, Voikukka said:

As a Force Master, I tend to jump alot during matches. Why? That way I can move away from the opponent while using skills. 

its pretty much this ^


you jump to keep attacking while you're moving away from your opponent especially since force masters have limited escapes that keep them away from enemy. 


If they jump on you after match is over, then its bad manners

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You can't disable jumping in the arena, it serves an incredibly valuable SKILL BASED purpose.


Jumping to create "de-sync" is something of an exploit (in that you're exploiting a bad game design function), but that's not the value to jumping.


All the people saying jumping serves no purpose really need to "git gud".  Jumping serves many many purposes.


1. For ranged DPS classes it allows them to kite and gain distance by jumping, turning, and landing abilities while in mid-air.  You retain your forward momentum, but can still land attacks while moving.


2. For melee classes it allows them to use defensive abilities against opponents that strike from behind while gaining distance to use specific abilities, or just in general.


(there are many more reasons to use jumping in PvP, but they are more class-specific niche reasons and these two are more general)


Example - KFM countering an assassin in stealth.  Face the assassin, jump turn 180 degrees, press counter, and repeat - this tactic allows you to counter their teleport / daze-from-stealth skill that hits the back of the opponent.


There's dozens more examples of where jumping combined with proper skill timing is essential in top-tier PvP.  Should the de-sync abuse continue?  Maybe not, but disabling jumping is not the solution.  Fixing the lag and removing the targeting restrictions is the better fix to that issue.

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Anyone who's suggesting to disable jump in arena should really need to git gud!

i agree that most of the time a constantly jumping opponents is so annoying especially those forcemaster as they are kiting you while jumping. But i got no problem with it, then just do the same thing? No one is telling you not to jump as well.. Tbh jumping in arena help me win against all bots in arena (i'm assassin) i think they can't target someone who's constantly jumping very well .. 

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This topic is so much fun, people are blatantly telling it's an exploit and you should keep doing it because you need skills to exploit.


These Korean games are totally in there own domain when it comes to bots, hacks, exploits, bugs and people defending them.


Some are defending exploit with another exploit, mainly animation cancel and if you are saying it's not an exploit then why don't you have option to disable animation on skills?


Best part is that if you go down the road to say you can do some exploits then i will say it's ok to use any hacks, macro's etc you want. No need to tell me that using exploits need skills and making bots, hack or macros don't.


Mind you i haven't used macro's or hacks and i have used jumping and animation cancel but it's just so much fun to see people try to make excuses why their favourite exploit should not be removed xD


Ps. With so many flaws it will never going to be regarded as "serious" E-sport and many games that try to get recognized as serious sport with gambling will also suffer. 

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