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#1 Arena player in EU - 23 lvl Summoner


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1 minute ago, Minatbar said:

Win trading at its best. This is what is wrong with ranks, no one doing it legit.

I think the problem is a hack/script that summoners can use, I see a lot of topics about it. No win trading envolved.

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6 minutes ago, Brainy said:

That's not wintrading.


Look at the image again. There's a lvl 23 summoner at 2310 rating.

Win trading means, you make another account and character and play on 2 PC and que at the same time end up against your own other account and lose on the other account on purpose

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2 minutes ago, Minatbar said:

Win trading means, you make another account and character and play on 2 PC and que at the same time and lose on the other account on purpose

Are you really explaining to me what wintrading is ? O.o


What planet do you live on to believe that he only got into matches against his other account / friends ? Or is everyone on the server their friend... ?


Please keep these kind of comments to yourself next time. Thank you.

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2 minutes ago, Brainy said:

SAre you really explaining to me what wintrading is ? O.o


What planet do you live on to believe that he only got into matches against his other account / friends ? Or is everyone on the server their friend... ?


Please keep these kind of comments to yourself next time. Thank you.

Sure, will do.

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Ive posted a vid about this alrd my friend told me they only resist when in melee range and ive tried it and it does indeed work. Dunno how u deal with that on a melee class cause im an fm but yea send in a ticket

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OMG guys! This dude just that skilled. Don't be envious...

But on serious side I wounder why NCsoft don't any action against this kind of stuff ... He is clearly using some sort of 3rd party software to help himself win. And I know for sure that NCsoft moderators saw this thread... That "we'll just remove your thread or pictures from it and pretend there is no such thing as bots in game" ain't going to cut it.
I'm not asking for some miraculous solution but at least 1 team of GM on issue would be greatly appreciated. And I'm sure, if NCsoft would make clear statement, followed by actual actions, that boting in game will be not tolerated, majority of people would be discouraged to use that kind of software. For example, the word got out that some people got banned for skipping doors in dungeons and almost no one does that anymore. Well cmon guys, 1 GM per realm or two, just running around banning most obvious bots, who are farming daily quests or dungeons, would be a great start.


P.S.: to any NCsoft employ reading this post: "Any kind of response on this matter from you or your colleagues would be greatly appreciated!".

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It is just one of many summoner bots, they are just way more common on NA than EU and some people have learnt to deal with them and beat them consistently. The is a script for summoner bots that allows them to exploit a glitch in dandelion, this lets them abuse the resist of dandelion that they can self proc that allows them focus regeneration for the sunflower spam and root. They all seem to have the same pattern, in that they never manage their pet at all (since what they are not using the true friend resist), they includes never using any CC at all. Contrary to popular belief it isn't a cooldown/infinite cooldown hack, and it is ONLY works on summoners since there is a glitch with dandelion that can only be abused with a script.


Being a script, the sunflower spam used isn't accurate from the summoner bots, since it aims at where you currrently are than predicting where you will go, this is quite evident if you circle them, they just stand still and spam the resist and sunflower mostly missing you. You probably noticed that sometimes you can get damage in, this is because mostly when they are moving that the script abuser is most vulnerable (resist is down), and why they tend to stand stationary. If you kite back then wait for them to autopath to you, use a dash/leap charge and it will land on them and allow you some burst damage. The script also tries to autoface (like the destro bots), so they will be spinning around in the spot when you CC and circle around them, so probably even more annoying for assassins. If you kite/move back long enough you will see them holding up the dandelion which you can counter break/disable that screws up their script for the duration. If you know how to exploit the weaknesses of script, then it is quite easy to beat, which includes the lvl 45 HM level summoners bots that uses the same script. 

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5 hours ago, Grompok said:

OMG guys! This dude just that skilled. Don't be envious...

But on serious side I wounder why NCsoft don't any action against this kind of stuff ... He is clearly using some sort of 3rd party software to help himself win. And I know for sure that NCsoft moderators saw this thread... That "we'll just remove your thread or pictures from it and pretend there is no such thing as bots in game" ain't going to cut it.
I'm not asking for some miraculous solution but at least 1 team of GM on issue would be greatly appreciated. And I'm sure, if NCsoft would make clear statement, followed by actual actions, that boting in game will be not tolerated, majority of people would be discouraged to use that kind of software. For example, the word got out that some people got banned for skipping doors in dungeons and almost no one does that anymore. Well cmon guys, 1 GM per realm or two, just running around banning most obvious bots, who are farming daily quests or dungeons, would be a great start.


P.S.: to any NCsoft employ reading this post: "Any kind of response on this matter from you or your colleagues would be greatly appreciated!".

Automated Reply from NCsoft,


Dear customers, we can only reply questions from following subject, your question didn't include in our reply parameter, please submit a trouble ticket.  Thank you.


1.  Help customers to pay for the game.

2.  Questions relate to cosmetics.

3.  Reply how great the game is.







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1 hour ago, Archmage said:

It is just one of many summoner bots, they are just way more common on NA than EU and some people have learnt to deal with them and beat them consistently. The is a script for summoner bots that allows them to exploit a glitch in dandelion, this lets them abuse the resist of dandelion that they can self proc that allows them focus regeneration for the sunflower spam and root. They all seem to have the same pattern, in that they never manage their pet at all (since what they are not using the true friend resist), they includes never using any CC at all. Contrary to popular belief it isn't a cooldown/infinite cooldown hack, and it is ONLY works on summoners since there is a glitch with dandelion that can only be abused with a script.


Being a script, the sunflower spam used isn't accurate from the summoner bots, since it aims at where you currrently are than predicting where you will go, this is quite evident if you circle them, they just stand still and spam the resist and sunflower mostly missing you. You probably noticed that sometimes you can get damage in, this is because mostly when they are moving that the script abuser is most vulnerable (resist is down), and why they tend to stand stationary. If you kite back then wait for them to autopath to you, use a dash/leap charge and it will land on them and allow you some burst damage. The script also tries to autoface (like the destro bots), so they will be spinning around in the spot when you CC and circle around them, so probably even more annoying for assassins. If you kite/move back long enough you will see them holding up the dandelion which you can counter break/disable that screws up their script for the duration. If you know how to exploit the weaknesses of script, then it is quite easy to beat, which includes the lvl 45 HM level summoners bots that uses the same script. 

I am diamond in NA and have faced many summoner bots. While certain classes are pretty much helpless against them, any class with decent ranged attack can kite them and bombard them - I win all my games against summoner bots because their resist script bugs out when you kite them and drop big nukes on them and kite them some more. They also constantly attack into counters and don't know how to deal with daze shuriken, which means sins have some ways to deal with them. Summoner bots are not very effective against upper level players, but they will easily wreck people up to platinum who don't understand the glitch they're exploiting.


That level 23 top diamond summoner is *not* a bot script. He is an active hacker - I have played against few summoners like that and they have infinite chi, infinite resists, and 0 second cooldowns. It's completely impossible to kill them no matter what class you are. It's possible to kite them, because behind the hack there's still a human, and that human probably isn't very good if he's relying on hacks to climb, but you'll lose in the end.

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2 hours ago, VortexMagus said:

I am diamond in NA and have faced many summoner bots. While certain classes are pretty much helpless against them, any class with decent ranged attack can kite them and bombard them - I win all my games against summoner bots because their resist script bugs out when you kite them and drop big nukes on them and kite them some more. They also constantly attack into counters and don't know how to deal with daze shuriken, which means sins have some ways to deal with them. Summoner bots are not very effective against upper level players, but they will easily wreck people up to platinum who don't understand the glitch they're exploiting.


That level 23 top diamond summoner is *not* a bot script. He is an active hacker - I have played against few summoners like that and they have infinite chi, infinite resists, and 0 second cooldowns. It's completely impossible to kill them no matter what class you are. It's possible to kite them, because behind the hack there's still a human, and that human probably isn't very good if he's relying on hacks to climb, but you'll lose in the end.

Just watch the video posted in this very same thread of that level 23 summoner and pay attention to what he uses and his movements, You do realize he is NOT using 'true friend' for the resist since that requires the cat. If he did have zero cooldowns you would be CC locked until death in under 10 seconds. The dandelion glitch exploit with the script is the only reason why it is only evident with summoners, if the hack did exist, a zero CD KFM will wreck you so much harder while invulnerable, with permanent blue buff, searing palm and spam you with tremor (3sec stun) until you are dead. Imagine any other classes that can spam their most OP abilities, you would see way more crazy shit, but no it isn't a infinite focus/cooldown/resist hack. 

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I've been telling everyone this is why I don't do arena anymore.   I haven't in a LONG time.  Once you come across this so many times in one day, you tend to get turned off of arena completely.  *cricket* all that lolz.

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