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Unfair ranking system


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So with the new preseason coming in i decided to start playing 1v1 more frequently and tbh i am really dissapointed.I have been winning so much but I am still at a rank that i feel like i am dominating my opponents.Even though i have been winning so much i am still too low of rank for my skill


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you don´t really got a lot of fights ... look at other player who already got over 100 matches in the new season ... the most got up to 500 fights in one season und you are complaining with just 27 fights oO
There is nothing wrong with the ranking system ... you get points for every fight and with that you are rising in the ranking.

Just fight more

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because you are gold from 1600 to 1900

and when you lose you lose less points than  you can win in gold. ^^

when you think you are good you should try to reach for platinum or diamond ;)

1727 and 27 fights are not really a lot

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Gold rank is very easy to get and is very large (1600 to 1899), when you get close to Platinum things will most likely change, just keep fighting until you hit the point where you struggle to win =).

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28-0 gets you Platinum.


When you hit Platinum and Diamond you'll notice that the player skill level jumps significantly, so you won't feel like you're "dominating". Unless you happen to be that new player in town that will hit rank #1.

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1 hour ago, Eckogen said:

28-0 gets you Platinum.


When you hit Platinum and Diamond you'll notice that the player skill level jumps significantly, so you won't feel like you're "dominating". Unless you happen to be that new player in town that will hit rank #1.

This +1

You'll notice that players will anticipate your class more and it just becomes a game of knowing what they can do and can't do, a big part is also knowing their escapes. I'm still plat and trying for diamond, but it's slowly getting there. I win one and lose 1

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I'm assuming the two loses you do have is effecting your ELO rank. It's possible that your opponents that you lost to had a considerable lower rank than you. Either way you need to play more games. 27 games is to low to show your true rank. As you play more games and start to defeat more quality players with a higher rank than you will you start to see some big jumps in rank.

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