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Be Ido, Naryu Lab - very specific


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Ok so ive seen some guides but I need some very specific information in terms of "how to do x" regarding the fight. 


I understand he'll put either a fire or ice shield around him. I understand there are 3 FM with 1-3 of them having the opposite element he has. 


Im wondering how Exactly to pop his barrier with the opposite "debuff stack"?


Am I supposed to stay in the opposite color mob circle until im going to explode (timer) and then rush in on Be Ido and explode in his circle and then iframe the damage in his circle. 


Do I just stay in the opposite color mob circle and explode in the mob circle causing Ido to be downed?


Do the FM attacks cause the debuff needed to explode be ido's shield?


Thanks for the feedback,just want to be effective!

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You have to stay in the oposit until you get 10 stacks of debuff,then you become terorrist and rush to the boss to explode there....it will knock him off and once he recover from the KD he will grab someone to get back about 20% hp.You have to CC him to prevent him sucking you or your party member.As FM usually is me doing it and I have specced Heat wave and Glacial beam.By running to him I use heatwave,wait for the explosion and Q/E away then when he grab someone I just kd him,but if he resist I use Glacial beam.


Rinse repeat until he is dead.

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When you stand in a fire/ice circle, you'll get a debuff. You'll get another stack every few secs (I think it's 2 or 3 secs but dont quote me on that). Once you get 10 stacks, the debuff will transform into another debuff, the bomb debuff. You can see the timer on your head. Once you have the bomb, you need to get close to Be Ido to 'explode' on him, breaking his shield.

Only the circles gives the debuff, not the attacks.

EDIT : After the first bomb, you can go back to another circle start to get debuff stacks again. If you do it too early the bomb will explode before he puts another shield, if you're too late, you won't get the bomb.

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Choose a tank in your Team (BM or Summoner)

Teach them what to do when tanking adds (they might die a few times cause they lack experience).

Then call someone on your team to plant bomb (KFM has many target I frames). Bomberman has to type in "B" before going in with bomb so allys can move out of circle soon enough.


After Bomb beido will grab the bomberman or else, 2x CC him or he will leach hp from bomberman.


After grab he will genkidama, group ice or i-frame.


Then he will keep building shield, bomberman who prepares bomb from opposite colour will break it.


If your tank and bomberman does well + your team is not stupid to stay in when Bomberman says "B" beido will be killed at ease

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I saw this fight done once killing adds... Seemed easier to me cause you don't have 3 casting spells at the party the whole fight.. Plus I read somewhere you can all get in the opposite color circle and run in to bomb the add as well..   All I know is, seems the adds are the major problem on this fight cause someone dies or doesn't realize they lost the aggro or two people accidentally go after same add.. and one is left to hit whatever..  And from that experience even though I had no idea what was going on in the fight my first run through. I died kind of early and 5 were still able to kill boss..  The common method, you can mess up at 20% and still wipe.. cause the whole spectrum of mobs are still alive to the end by doing boss first..


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On 13.3.2016 at 6:08 AM, NeoPlasmaX said:

I saw this fight done once killing adds... Seemed easier to me cause you don't have 3 casting spells at the party the whole fight.. Plus I read somewhere you can all get in the opposite color circle and run in to bomb the add as well..   All I know is, seems the adds are the major problem on this fight cause someone dies or doesn't realize they lost the aggro or two people accidentally go after same add.. and one is left to hit whatever..  And from that experience even though I had no idea what was going on in the fight my first run through. I died kind of early and 5 were still able to kill boss..  The common method, you can mess up at 20% and still wipe.. cause the whole spectrum of mobs are still alive to the end by doing boss first..


Lets say you kill all 3 or maybe 2 adds. What will you do if beido has red circle and the 2 left adds also red?


I guess you are able to kill adds but will you risk your partys death by doing it in a way that doesn't seem to help bypassing boss mechanics just for the sake of having it "easier" at the end?


Even if.. Beido stacks a shield on himself, same as the adds I guess and you sure wanna get that shield away or it will be much harder.


With a good group I once popped 45-50% of his hp away after using bomb. Well we had 3 warlocks but the communication (TS3) was there.

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5 minutes ago, icyterror said:

Just need good tanks for this. Some people just don't do their tank jobs and no I didn't hit the adds but all the agro is on me anyway. (I was standing at the corner when the fight start.)

Dedicate a tank or let warlock thralls tank 1 each (it worked with my guild). Running beido with brainless randoms who don't wanna communicate is the worst thing you can do.

@icyterror Make sure you get the communication going in the first Room and if not.. leave you don't wanna suffer from the frustration

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On 8. 3. 2016 at 4:08 PM, YuriYuran said:

After Bomb beido will grab the bomberman or else, 2x CC him or he will leach hp from bomberman.

We've found out that T2 escape that allows you to get out of phantom grip works as well.

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As a sidenote.


My experience (I´ve played the bomber part in every run I did)


- A single  Bomb doesn´t always break the shield

- When the bomb succesfully blow the shield, and if you are a ranged character - you can go back and start stacking another bomb - and if Be Ido´s color is opposite of the colour you´re standing in, you already stacked almost a full bomb. If 2 other people does the same, you´re almost sure to have 1 right colour and can bomb Ido continously without much delay.

- Bomb doesn´t do much damage to yourself or other players, so with heals and 30% pots, you shouldn´t worry about it too much - mainly the knockback is annoying.

- It´s not always worth ressing people. Often I´ve seen a domino effect, where 1 player dies, and a ress attempt leads to either another player dying or 2 players on extremely low hp dying shortly after. However I completed lots of runs with a single player just dead on the floor. The party ought to have mass revival charms or ress-self charms. Summoner cats can ress quite easily as long as you remember to heal the cat while the ress attempt.


- Be Ido is quite easy once you know the drill and the party teamplays. High AP is preffered, but not necessary. Warlock buffs absolutely does wonders when the shield is down.

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