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Nightshade harbor


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I have been doing nightshade harbor almost everyday and when i'm fighting the mysterious man I never get any loot and this is the 4th time this happens for 3 days,don't know if I'm doing anything wrong also don't see if I could be doing less damage because I have my gear gotten better by the time I last got loot from him and there has been no change on how I fight the boss.

So could this be some kinda of a bug or just me not doing something right?

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6 minutes ago, kjartan said:

I have been doing nightshade harbor almost everyday and when i'm fighting the mysterious man I never get any loot and this is the 4th time this happens for 3 days,don't know if I'm doing anything wrong also don't see if I could be doing less damage because I have my gear gotten better by the time I last got loot from him and there has been no change on how I fight the boss.

So could this be some kinda of a bug or just me not doing something right?

Are you dying mid fight? cause if you are ur "dmg contribution counter" gets reset if not then how much dmg are u doing exactly like 4kdps? or like 10kdps? if your killing it and not dying at all and do decent amounts of dmg send in a ticket and explain it it may be due to some weird kinda lag or something. Never experienced this myself so i cant give any custom fixes

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I gave up on this, every time I try I get killed by a random leap when he's at 1-10% and miss out on credit. Just another frustrating thing in a game that seems to have been designed solely to *cricket* people off. Resetting the counter is retarded, if you hit it, then you damn well hit it and should get credit, regardless of whether you get RNG gibbed or not!

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3 minutes ago, Redsquirl said:

I gave up on this, every time I try I get killed by a random leap when he's at 1-10% and miss out on credit. Just another frustrating thing in a game that seems to have been designed solely to *cricket* people off. Resetting the counter is retarded, if you hit it, then you damn well hit it and should get credit, regardless of whether you get RNG gibbed or not!


This is why we can't have nice things. 


There are valid complaints in that vein - for instance, Blackwyrm and the Terrors, where changes would be beneficial but people just hide behind a facade of relativity and essentially say "get good, it's easy". I always hate those people, but then there's this extreme on other side. Control+F completely nullifies delay issues for Hae Mujin. As for his pattern, it doesn't even have variants, it's completely static. He jumps to the four circles, then a large AoE circle to the current aggro holder. The telegraphs for his spam also give enough time to dodge. Hae Mujin is pretty well designed.  

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5 minutes ago, Cynic said:


This is why we can't have nice things. 


There are valid complaints in that vein - for instance, Blackwyrm and the Terrors, where changes would be beneficial but people just hide behind a facade of relativity and essentially say "get good, it's easy". I always hate those people, but then there's this extreme on other side. Control+F completely nullifies delay issues for Hae Mujin. As for his pattern, it doesn't even have variants, it's completely static. He jumps to the four circles, then a large AoE circle to the current aggro holder. The telegraphs for his spam also give enough time to dodge. Hae Mujin is pretty well designed.  

If you die in a dungeon fight you get credit, so why should this be any different???? It is poor design regardless of whether the mechanics are predictable. The guy runs all over the place usually changing aggro every 2 seconds so it's not exactly predictable as to where he is going to land. I don't give a crap if I die, but I do get peeved when I have waited for god knows how long to get a kill only to be gibbed and have my time well and truly WASTED! It seems that completing this daily relies far more on luck than judgement or how much DPS you can deal.

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8 minutes ago, Redsquirl said:

If you die in a dungeon fight you get credit, so why should this be any different???? It is poor design regardless of whether the mechanics are predictable. The guy runs all over the place usually changing aggro every 2 seconds so it's not exactly predictable as to where he is going to land. I don't give a crap if I die, but I do get peeved when I have waited for god knows how long to get a kill only to be gibbed and have my time well and truly WASTED! It seems that completing this daily relies far more on luck than judgement or how much DPS you can deal.


It doesn't rely on luck at all. Even if he changes aggro every 2 seconds (which he doesn't in my experience), there is enough time for you to avoid all of his attacks. Most importantly, him changing aggro doesn't change his pattern like with Blackwyrm. Him changing direction doesn't completely screw you over. If this isn't a lag-based issue, you just need more experience with the boss. 


As for loot, as far as I know, death does not reset your counter. I've seen people asking for 'res' at the very end, when inexperienced or lagging players are dropping like flies due to the spam. They then get their loot, and be on their way.   

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they really need to optimize the game and quick. the 24 mans are barely doable for a lot of people. and blackwyrm is a joke. you should be mad because the lucky people who can actually play without freezing or really low fps are getting around 20 more soulstones a day than you just because there computers don't shit themselves on the horrible code.

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system isn't that bad. Here are some intel of what i discovered :)


general boss hunting:

1. You need 1% dmg to get reward, more damage if you want brilliant chest (24 man dungeon). Only brilliant chest has a chance for purple soul shield.

1.1 World bosses offer extra reward for last hit. For example backwyrm brilliant chest is from last hit ( from what I hear, didn't do him often)

2. if you do 1% dmg, die, then do 1 % dmg, at the end it counts as 2% dmg

3. ( is pretty much same idea as 2) if you do enough damage and die, and hit the boss once, you get reward. Example, I fought widows from start, died when both were at 20% and pressed 4. when i got back they were at 3%. Only managed to hit them once, and got brilliant for both. Once I died at 90% and didn't get reward because i couldn't mange to hit the boss again. Be carefully when you hit 4 for ress if dps is to high. 10 seconds it all it takes to loose/gain reward

4. if you die, and boss dies, you will probably see treasure chest ( if you did enough damage). If you hit 4 to resurrect by yourself, it disapears (saw it happen). Ask and wait for someone to ress you. Also it takes 20 seconds to ress. It's nothing for you while important for those who died. Ress everyone before leaving. they will be grateful

5, I think damage done to boss resets if you go to far, or don't hit the boss in a period of time. Didn't have time to test this yet, but i always ress (hitting 4) if boss has a lot of hp left because of 2. and 3.


to increase dps in 24 man:

- you can get 10 stacks of fevor in 24 mans. Each one gives 5% crit chance for a total of 50%. This buff is a must. You get it by killing bosses, or mini bosses ( mobs that require 2 cc for a stun to work). Mini-boss,unlike bosses can be tagged ( gray name). Although you don't get drop if someone else marked it you still get buff if you hit mini boss once, so don't steal mini bosses if people are around and you already done your quest. You don't get quest reward if it was tagged by someone else. keep that in mind and be respectful.

You loose buff by dying or log out, or after 15 min. Time resets if you get another fever buff

- potions. The new 24 man introduced potion that give 100+ atack ( not ingame and forgot number) and 20% crit chance, and another potion to get invulnerabilities. Use them for bosses you can't normaly do enough damage or die a lot ( widows and mysterious man are particularly more troublesome).

- on some bosses you have time to leave combat, heal with dumpling and go back. Don't really recommend it tough.

- party up with kfm? he has a dps party buff. Not sure if any other class has that.


Mysterious man is hard to get reward/brilliant if you are melee with bad gear. Easier for ranged classes. That is because the mechanics he has

1. at around 80% he goes invulnerable and start spinning. If he goes from 100% to 80% in 5 seconds, and you have bad gear. Assume you didn't do enough damage.

2. He spins 4 times, 2nd time he pause enough for you to dps a little.

3. He does 2. for two times. If you haven't done enough dps by this point ( as a melee), you might be screwed as it gets harder.

4.  he start jumping 4 times. Last jump is usually is an aoe on the target. Save backstep and prepare to dps. he does this 2 times, and from my experience you have little time to do dps between them.

5. at the end of 4. he starts spaming aoe. Getting hit by one is ok, by two you might die.  Use potion for invulnerability and iframes. All aoe attacks can hit melee but some have small spaces you can escape to. Not enough time to get there if you aren't on that spot before he start casting. 

Range players have it a little easier i think...

Lots of people die in that phase.


Sometimes phase 1 is all it takes to know if you get reward or not. The other phases are faster and you end up doing less dps than at the start. if you did poorly at the start and don't step up you game.....tough....

My KFM is geard ok-ish. (have siren weapon, but I need better soul shield), If i don't have buffs, i have little chance for brilliant chest. ( which ironically i need for soul shield) 


Good luck and don't forget to update your gear.



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the most annoying thing about both 24 mans are the people who finish the quest and sit at the final boss. there have been multiple times i couldn't get mysterous man down because more than half the instance was afk at the spawn and nobody was killing bosses. there is a teleporter to the boss close to every boss stop being *cricket*ing lazy. 

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