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my new tier list after feb10 patch


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i am not a pro i am a 1700-1800 rating( 1850 on a good day)  i have a fm 44 sin 44 destroyer 45 i play alot on destroyer in pvp because it's simple. i would play blade dancer if they are not a lyn only class.

this is based on personal opinion.

S tier) summoner

A+ Blade Dancer

A) KFM, Destroyer,

B+) Force Master

B) assassin, blade master



force master got buff quite a bit. its not higher up because there isn't many fm in the higher rank still. i do believe FM is at least A tier.

i also feel destroyer should be in B+ but the majority still think destroyer is OP because most ppl will say summoner,blade dancer and destroyer when people mention OP this is why it is in A tier if i had it my way i would put destroyer in B tier.

feel free to share your opinion. English is not my first language so there are a few typos.


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my opinion:

S )Summoner, assassin

A+)Blade dancer

A ) Destro, KFM


B-)Blade Master


SUmmoner - well check forums

Assassin - so easy to cheeese and abuse stealth, speed and teleports he have.

Blade dancer - very easy to abuse - 3 charges then get back and wait for cds.

Destro - people learning to play against them and they becoming not that op.

KFM - people learned to play them and more and more people trying him. Still requires huge amount of time to learn him.

FM - got boost but havent met yet really good ones.

Blade master - i believe they are better but all those ive met as KFM where terrible. Still not many of them out there 

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  • KFM, SUM
  • ASS, BD, FM
  • BM, DES

Unfortunately you can't really rank classes based on which is the best, but if you could it would look something like this. This is NOT my opinion, this is based on the top 200 players ass of posting this. But in reality its based on which class is going up against which class and how big of an advantage they have.
For example:


Assassins > Destroyers > Summoners > Kung Fu Masters > Force Masters > Assassins/Destroyers


This is not 100% accurate but you get the point. It is a more complicated version of Rock - Paper - Lizzard - Spoc

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As my personal BM pov


heavily op = Summoner. I have sparred multiple times against them, readed multiple tips how other bm fight against them, watched multiple streams where bm fight against them and that not look fair figth at all. Still not managed find proper way how i should fight against them. In the next step i m gonna level my own summoner so i can understand better how it work. I still believe there is some proper way fight against summoners, because some bm have managed to get top 10 even with filled arena of summoners.


bit overpowered = Assasin. Because they have simple too many escapes and after they burn their escapes, they can play time and run around stealth until they can re use. Pretty much only class i can fight until time limit as bm.


balanced or near balanced = Everybody else.

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42 minutes ago, Suna said:

As my personal BM pov


heavily op = Summoner. I have sparred multiple times against them, readed multiple tips how other bm fight against them, watched multiple streams where bm fight against them and that not look fair figth at all. Still not managed find proper way how i should fight against them. In the next step i m gonna level my own summoner so i can understand better how it work. I still believe there is some proper way fight against summoners, because some bm have managed to get top 10 even with filled arena of summoners.


bit overpowered = Assasin. Because they have simple too many escapes and after they burn their escapes, they can play time and run around stealth until they can re use. Pretty much only class i can fight until time limit as bm.


balanced or near balanced = Everybody else.

I do agree on Assassin and summoner part but what about Blade dancer ? 

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4 minutes ago, Valiant said:

I do agree on Assassin and summoner part but what about Blade dancer ? 


Umm so so. Depends on level of play. If a BD of equal skill fights a Bm on equal skill, BD will win higher percentile then BM. I say level of play because the bm tricks against a bd are limited, so an exp BD will know your few hopes and easily prevent them with minimum effort. That being said most BD think they can just spin and deflect to win. Like destroyers.

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Just now, voodooblade said:


Umm so so. Depends on level of play. If a BD of equal skill fights a Bm on equal skill, BD will win higher percentile then BM. I say level of play because the bm tricks against a bd are limited, so an exp BD will know your few hopes and easily prevent them with minimum effort. 

Man BD in higher level just a pain in the ass for Destroyers, BM, Summoners, every class except Assassin cause it sink into them

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1 minute ago, Valiant said:

Man BD in higher level just a pain in the ass for Destroyers, BM, Summoners, every class except Assassin cause it sink into them


My biggest issue with BnS PvP is that damage is too high for some classes. Like a Destroyer and BD can burn 75% of your hp in seconds if not all. They also have lots of cc and approaches and long immunities. Which is why from beginner to high middle level of play they can be annoying. ! mistake and you are gone. Especially as a BM without HM skill you will never do the same. But thats why I love BM, because I feel as if everyone win and lose is earned. I never am given a victory because my class is op or can anim cancel a guy in 4 seconds.

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1- KFM/BM - if they know what they are doing or they are just exploiting who knows... they counter every hit even from sides and behind and hit you far away some of them will jump at you even if they are chilled and freezed, especial notes to kfm freezing themselves 3 times in less than 10s and bm blocking and deflecting skills in the middle of every skill

2- destroyers - some of them will resist all your hits while attacking with lmb+rmb+tab to deflect you/ jump with the shield on and doing the lmb+rmb+tab at the same time/grab with the shield on, ALL AT THE SAME TIME maybe they know what they are doing who knows...

3- sins - doing lmb stun without stealth for a 10s combo, maybe they know what they are doing who knows...

4- blade dancer - grabbing you every 10s even with a cd of 24s after their full air combo, maybe they know what they are doing who knows...

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18 hours ago, TOUGHENOUGH said:

this is based on personal opinion.

S tier) summoner

A+ Blade Dancer

A) KFM, Destroyer,

B+) Force Master

B) assassin, blade master


My personal opinion.

S tier) Blade Dancer, KFM

A+ Summoner (over rated, can be killed pretty easy, just your average players will not have a chance IMO)

A) Destroyer, Force Master

B) assassin, blade master

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