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FM Hongmon skill


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I don't have this skill yet, but it's not worth it, I think.

All because

>Casts instantly without Focus once on accurate hit

AFAIR Inferno T5S1 used to reset its cd every time on critical hit before Feb.10, but the recent patch not olny introduced T5 Infernos, but also killed the usefulness of good old Hongmoon S1 Fireball. I hope to see these changes reverted, though.

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On 19.02.2016 at 4:33 PM, painkillers said:

I don't have this skill yet, but it's not worth it, I think.


I should take my words back :)

The T5S1 Inferno is quite useful in boss fights when used alongside T5S2 Flame Palm (LMB), Dragonblaze, and Flame Soul. The cast time is quite high, yes, but you can start casting your Inferno when the boss fight hasn't begun, or when boss is invulnerable or blocking attacks for a short time (Yeti backstepping, Fujin of Naryu Lab warping etc).

The combo I'm talking about is: Flame Stance – X – LMB – F – LMB – X – LMB – F. It takes ~ 5,5 s to perform, but can deal up to 100k damage with proper gear and if all attacks connect and crit.

Do try it! You might like it.

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Casting Inferno is only good if

- you definitely don't wanna have aggro (it does not generate threat so it's very good)

- you don't have the LMB HM skill

- you are not tanking


Let's imagine all attacks crit: If I use double Inferno, I will do around 70k damage. While I cast it I could also use 3x LMB, 3xRMB, 2x 2 and 1x Inferno which would be 3x 6500, 3x 1500, 2x 13000 and 1x 23000. (numbers may vary of course). That together would be 73k. Sure, not all attacks crit always and if double Inferno crits 2 times it might be better than using other skills but if it doesn't crit, it not good at all. Also more attacks are more chances to crit so Overall, double Inferno shouldn't be better. And: you lose movement. If you have to move or get interrupted you lose much damage. In some cases it's not that bad but I prefer instant Inferno.

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