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Best PvP class now and at 50?


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Best class atm are Summoners (insane heals to combat legendary skills which we only have one which results in them overpowered). you will never die and the heal has like 22 seconds cooldown that heals more than 20% of your health. and your pet can get all the hp back through morning drain. summoners also has the best legendary skill which is the sunflower skill out of all classes


next is LBD and Des. but Des can be countered quite easily once you know their tricks.


weakest class atm is Blade Master and it will most likely takes a year before we get lv50 patch. Sin lacks some legendary skills points which results in them being easy targets for Sum/ LBD/ FM.

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30 minutes ago, TakunDes said:

Best class atm are Summoners (insane heals to combat legendary skills which we only have one which results in them overpowered). you will never die and the heal has like 22 seconds cooldown that heals more than 20% of your health. and your pet can get all the hp back through morning drain. summoners also has the best legendary skill which is the sunflower skill out of all classes


The heal is 20% of pets health.  In arena that's 29215 or so (29xxx).  So you get back about 6000hp.  Other classes have such heals too, most just do not spec for them because they want all points in pew pew pew dps.

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3 minutes ago, Archaegeo said:

The heal is 20% of pets health.  In arena that's 29215 or so (29xxx).  So you get back about 6000hp.  Other classes have such heals too, most just do not spec for them because they want all points in pew pew pew dps.


Here we go again with the dishonestly about your class. X is a 20% heal on a 24sec CD. NO other class has a flat 20% heal on that low of a CD. There's also a flat 10% heal on T2 Petal Storm. The pet heal is now 60% over 4.2 sec with Z. You also have Q which is a 2% pet heal upon taking damage. 

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23 minutes ago, Archaegeo said:

The heal is 20% of pets health.  In arena that's 29215 or so (29xxx).  So you get back about 6000hp.  Other classes have such heals too, most just do not spec for them because they want all points in pew pew pew dps.





Why would you even humor that kid, he has obvsly NO IDEA what he's talking about given this statement:

53 minutes ago, TakunDes said:

summoners also has the best legendary skill which is the sunflower skill out of all classes

That sunflower skill you get with the beans is useless, OKAY? It's 100% USELESS, you don't even have a 1% situation, it's utter garbage.

You NEVER get 5 stacks in Arena, rendering the 5sec buff meaningless, like srsly, stop talking about things you clearly don't know anything about.




As for the OP, summoner is very strong right now. This is due to the class beeing more easy to get into, and also due to the players not beeing good enough.

You will see ppl cry about the summoner all day long, even tho the players they face are on gold/silver level and nowhere near good enough to abuse the class. Good summoners, give other good players a hard time, that indeed is true, but the crying kids are not playing against players like that, their summoner enemys aren't experienced enough to use the class to it's full potential.


There is nothing more annoying than ppl thinking they are losing games bcause of the opness of the class. (Since top players confirm it)

They don't get, their enemys are not overpowered and can be beaten every single game if they would learn 2 play. Once you reach the top level and you face players who have the skill set to abuse their class, THEN you can start crying... but getting owned in gold+silver has nothing to do with any of the classes.


The only matchup where I could say is freelo is destroyer vs summoner. The destroyer doesn't need any skill to win that matchup while the summoner is required to play on a plat+ level. The destroyer can make many mistakes and still win, while the summoner will usually die with bad defensive play.


So you want a good class? Roll a destroyer, be smart.

MOST ppl are playing summoner or rolling summoner because of the crying bads. THIS IS "THE TIME" TO BE A DESTROYER.

Just think about it, beeing the COUNTER CLASS to the most played class is some serious freelo. ALOT of ppl play summoners, just go destro, you really don't have to know anything or play any good to beat these summoners. I can only repeat, that summoner needs some serious skills to give you a hard time, while you can just zerg him down. Yes, literally zerg him down.


If you need another example:


3v3 in WoW.

If setup "a+b+c" is the most played in the current meta, and setup h+g+f is the counter to that setup, it would be a good idea to not play a+b+c and instead counter their asses with h+g+f and pretty much win the games with ease.


Just level a destroyer and get wins gifted to you when ever you see summoners, while beeing literally horrible at the game and actually a wrose player than your summoner enemy. Everyone is either leveling a summoner or plays a summoner right now, and these are players who are stuck in gold+silver, playing summoner isn't going to change that, you will have a breeze.

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X is not 20% heal, read the damn skill or play a summoner. "Transfers 20% of the Familiar's Health to the Summoner"


It is 20% of petshealth.  in arena, that's 29k.  So 20% of that is 6000, max


To heal my pet 60% with Z I have to stand still for 4 seconds, that's an eternity in pvp, if you cant interrupt or take advantage of that you are the one needing help.


And yes, if I put 2 pts into petal and cast it, that's 10% back, so 3900, every 24 seconds, assuming the pet is at full health.


Its a lot of healing still, ~10k every 24 sec, but it does take time when I could be doing other things, is killing my pet unless I get you to attack him while in crouch, or I stand still for 4 sec waving my arm in the air.



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1 minute ago, Archaegeo said:

X is not 20% heal, read the damn skill or play a summoner. "Transfers 20% of the Familiar's Health to the Summoner"


It is 20% of petshealth.  in arena, that's 29k.  So 20% of that is 6000, max


To heal my pet 60% with Z I have to stand still for 4 seconds, that's an eternity in pvp, if you cant interrupt or take advantage of that you are the one needing help.


And yes, if I put 2 pts into petal and cast it, that's 10% back, so 3900, every 24 seconds, assuming the pet is at full health.


Its a lot of healing still, ~10k every 24 sec, but it does take time when I could be doing other things, is killing my pet unless I get you to attack him while in crouch, or I stand still for 4 sec waving my arm in the air.




A 20% healthswap on a 24 sec CD. Is that better? It's still a heal you freaking pedant.

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6 minutes ago, mihwK said:

Why would you even humor that kid, he has obvsly NO IDEA what he's talking about given this statement:



Why is my statement in error? X returns 20% of the pets health, usable every 24 sec, and doing 20% damage to pet.

Take the destroyer and his shield, he gets 20% of his health every 45 sec, plus focus restore, reduced damage, and extra heal if spec'd for it.  (besides the fact as you pointed out they eat summoners)

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3 minutes ago, Zooks said:


A 20% healthswap on a 24 sec CD. Is that better? It's still a heal you freaking pedant.

And other classes have heals as well, along with damage mitigations or blocks, etc.  Point being, they can spec for more healing too if they wish.

Also, once our cat is dead, 20% heal is gone.  BD knocks us out, kills our cat, umm, dead summoner.

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2 minutes ago, Archaegeo said:

Why is my statement in error? X returns 20% of the pets health, usable every 24 sec, and doing 20% damage to pet.

Take the destroyer and his shield, he gets 20% of his health every 45 sec, plus focus restore, reduced damage, and extra heal if spec'd for it.  (besides the fact as you pointed out they eat summoners)


You can also punish them for using it by using defense break. It's more commonly used mid ani-cancel for the stun so they don't get anywhere near that amount of healing. There is no counterplay for Summoners "heal." They press X and get health. 

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You can try out Destroyer, natural summoner beater. But you need to remember about animation cancel.


About best and easiest to play... Definetly summoner, LBM is also not complicated and he is easy to play.


So, if u want to be competetive without a huge skill i shall recommend you without hesitation Summoner (Even without a big fan of talents - for sample at level 30, u can easily get with that class near platinium rank). Then LBM or Destroyer.


Hardest class in my humble opinion is definetly BM, cause at higher ranks it demand a huge skill to deal with other experienced players.

Edit: After last patch FM's are also really nice to play.


Snowball, Frezee, Combo with Stuns = Win!


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15 minutes ago, Viconia said:

So, if u want to be competetive without a huge skill i shall recommend you without hesitation Summoner (Even without a big fan of talents - for sample at level 30, u can easily get with that class near platinium rank). Then LBM or Destroyer.



Why are there so many silver/gold summoners stuck in that elo, if it was so easy everyone should be plat.

Just because a guy who has brain is able to get plat without beeing lvl45 doesn't mean everyone can.


Jaesung would get plat with a non level 45 class aswel, oh yeah, it's bcause he played it in Korea and has Pro Experience against ppl who don't. I can't wait for all the rerolling trash realizing they just aren't good enough.



That's kind of a big statement:

Every summoner is plat, only high ping is not. You must be a pretty good player.

Since using your defensives stupidly and getting 1shot in a stun isn't a thing, or wasting your cat's CC isn't another thing, hammering X whenever you can and then have the cat be 1shot isn't something, using crouch at the wrong times or never using crouch on the cat and have it nuked down not possible, using Dandelion in your enemys face and have him wait instead of proccing it isn't possible either, using 3 and have the enemy not be stupid and shot into it to heal you with every hit is impossible they have to attack into it and heal you, it's gifted bro, gifted, diamond for free, no skill required.

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For 50, the meta doesn't change.


High Gold, Platinum & above

You're good with any class that you're comfortable with. Every class has counter classes, some classes have more.

e.g. A good FM can own everything. Proof shown by the #1 NA FM.

Issue - BM is only class that is weak @ lvl45. It's hard. Very hard.


Mid-Gold & Below

Tier 1:  LBM, SM

Tier 2:  Destroyer

Tier 3:  KFM, Assassin, FM

Tier 4:  BM


Summoners are a little over the top at this stage, but this will change over time as other classes gain legendary skills.

It's easy to play, and you will get better over time. Only difference, you realize this when you're in the mid-golds, not before.

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20 minutes ago, Kajuana said:

For 50, the meta doesn't change.


High Gold, Platinum & above

You're good with any class that you're comfortable with. Every class has counter classes, some classes have more.

e.g. A good FM can own everything. Proof shown by the #1 NA FM.

Issue - BM is only class that is weak @ lvl45. It's hard. Very hard.


Mid-Gold & Below

Tier 1:  LBM, Warlock

Tier 2:  Assassin

Tier 3:  KFM, FM, SMM
Tier 5: Destroyer

Tier 4:  BM


Summoners are a little over the top at this stage, but this will change over time as other classes gain legendary skills.

It's easy to play, and you will get better over time. Only difference, you realize this when you're in the mid-golds, not before.

Fixed your list for you as to what the tiers are at 50, since it was a little off. This is what the Koreans agree the tier is on their server atm (even after lock nerfs)

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