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This is unacceptable!


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I played PvP arena today and won all my matches.


I get DC before or after a duel and when I log in it shows that I lost the duel. I pretty much get a DC 7/10 times... why??

I live in frankfurt, got a 50k VDSL connection. How can you explain it other than the server kicking me for whatever reason. I dont get any dcs during PvE. Only in arena pvp.


Its unacceptable that it says 8 win, 6 lose, when I didnt even lose one single match so far.... 

PS: I dont think this thread is offensive, so I really dont understand why my previous thread with exact same words was deleted. Its pretty shady by the mods or whoever did this.

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I guess the "git gud" didn't apply on this, right community ?

    On the serious part, the main problem seems to belong to the server, not the game, so NCsoft will have a hard time to fix that. This is usually happen when you have too many servers available, so yeah, they'll have to fix this soon either by merging servers together, or whatever-god-know method to deal with this.

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33 minutes ago, Daymon said:

I guess the "git gud" didn't apply on this, right community ?

    On the serious part, the main problem seems to belong to the server, not the game, so NCsoft will have a hard time to fix that. This is usually happen when you have too many servers available, so yeah, they'll have to fix this soon either by merging servers together, or whatever-god-know method to deal with this.


This is not how servers work. 


The issue isn't the amount of servers, rather the quality of said servers. Most MMO's nowadays use what is known as Megaservers, it tends to handle information better, and thus increased stability. But NCSoft is using a vastly outdated server method. This is why there were que times, people constantly currently getting kicked from the game, disconnects and ping issues. Because the outdated servers can not only handle the strain, but they have issues properly routing or moving about information, or code. 


This is why so many ISPs have their ping bloated when in arena BTW. All these issues stem from the main root cause, outdated tech. Only two ways to fix this, upgrade or wait for the population to thin out. Which TBH is what I think NCSoft is trying to do, they are whaling now to rake in big bucks, then due to the age of the game they won't invest heavily in it (SEE Ncsoft russia for example with BnS) and they will cease to support it and let it die.


This launch was terrible, even if the game wasn't nearly half a decade old, the launch would still be bad. Add in the games age and it's unacceptable in today's world. Hackers, glitching, server issues, chat crashes, market crashes, people getting booted, disconnects, bloated ping, semi unbalanced classes, long que times, random server maintenance times due to server collapse, 4 hour server maintenance extensions ect...


These are what you expect from a closed beta, or beta. Semi tolerable for a title that just launched. Not an old game ported over. 

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there have been potential hacks noted already I believe .. who knows what is up ..


I can't even ping the servers a lot of the time as it times out every time as well which could be the firewalls they put in place on the servers .. 


Even PvE can be bad for me AND i am in NA .. this isn't just a matter of playing and learning this is an issue that will make playing the game constantly feel broken


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If you lost those matches due to DC, why do you care that you lost?  Did you want to post your W/L ratio to the forums to show how good you are?  Otherwise, what does it even matter, really?


Disconnects are the most frustrating thing ever, and losing because of it is a bummer.  But don't worry too much about what your record looks like.  No one else is worried about your record either.

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