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A New Level Of ***


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Whoever thought it was a good idea to buff summoners is a *cricket*ing idiot. Not only is their heal stronger, making them EVEN HARDER to play against, I can no longer escape cat grapple. THE CAT LITERALLY STOPS F, TAB, 1, and 2. 


HOW THE HELL AM I EXPECTED TO PLAY AGAINST A CLASS WITH NO WAY OUT OF THEIR OFFENSIVE BURST? You seriously expect me to never land on the ground? I can't even get lucky and Q the cat because they have more than one knockdown and they take advantage of the fact that I don't have a cd. Not only that, if I do get knocked up, the summoners cat takes priority over my F because she can cast it as I'm hitting the ground and F doesn't take into affect until a frame AFTER I hit the ground. I even went to the extent of making one of those little *cricket* fairies just to learn their spells, and on top of that I've watched multiple guides on how to play against them and those don't even work anymore because of the changes, 


For those of you that say Summoner isn't op, why don't you hop off your Blade Dancer and try another class and see how that goes. 


I'm sorry, but "you need to learn how to play against them" is not a valid response to what is clearly an issue that 90% of the people not playing Summoner agree with. As of right now, there is literally no point in playing 1v1 in the arena unless you play Summoner or Blade Dancer. Good *cricket*ing game.

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If you are platinum+ rank Blademaster then you can talk about rank. Because it's always summoner, BD, destroyer, assassin talking about low rank player when they are carried by class. The guy says so himself he watched guides and even made a summoner himself to understand it.

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8 minutes ago, Avalyn said:

If you are platinum+ rank Blademaster then you can talk about rank. Because it's always summoner, BD, destroyer, assassin talking about low rank player when they are carried by class.

Shh they might get mad. Don't burst their denial or the trolls will come in mass swarms.

Honestly I believe you're correct. While there are some Top tier players of the other classes, statistically it's far less in comparison. Now this is in part due to the classes being more popular. But why is that? Well the answer is simple, as humans are animals and we do what all animals do. We take the path we interrupt as the path with the least resistance. So why are LBD, Summoners, Destroyer and assassin flooding the higher tiers? because they are the easiest to get a hang of. Having played BM I respect anyone who can hold their own. A good BM to me inherently surpasses the top LBD.

Now if you're happy with mentioned classes good for you, However players shouldn't have to reroll classes to stand a chance overall at that level of play. Unless of course those classes do have an advantage...which considering the sheer volume would seem a logical candidate to me. To debate this would be to say that the 2 star summoner, is on par of a difficulty, Learning curve nd disadvantage of a KFM. Which is not only LOL worthy, but insulting anyone's intelligence who actually has tried both classes. 


Edit: "Path of least resistance" This is why in any video game if given the nuclear button (Or op spell, build, weapon, armor or enchantment pending on game.) Everyone uses it, no one slots a far lesser tier weapon and attempts to beat the final boss. Only time we ever do that is when we've beaten the game so many items that we are bored and put incredibly cruel restrictions on ourselves. 

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Just now, voodooblade said:


You can tell how bull shit your class is, by the number of flies gather around it. A friend of mine once said, I have yet to see this disprove in 17 years of gaming.  And BnS has done nothing to waiver this IMO. But you know what, roll a BM, get plat and post your screenshot. After all, easy enough right? 

Learn to beat the class and stop QQing.

I've never played BM so I probably wouldn't get plat anytime soon. I'm working on a Blade Dancer and FM right now on getting to plat so...

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Voodoo you just reminded me of a funny story I heard before:


A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy. "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Soon he was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.

Lesson: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there. 

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6 minutes ago, Avalyn said:



Voodoo you just reminded me of a funny story I heard before:


A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy. "Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. "They're packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the first branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. Soon he was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot the turkey out of the tree.

Lesson: Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there. 




Mathematics disagree. 

You know, factual concrete numbers. Grant it their is the unfathomably low chance that everyone not playing the top classes in these pools of data just sucks, minus the few on it.  grant it that thread has EU and NA numbers separate. You should also look up the Korean numbers. Same trend. Which makes the chance of this occurring by pure chance even more slim. Just be sure to keep out the classes we don't have yet. Of course if you were smart you'd look at the Kroean nubmers from the first few seasons, which also mirror this data closely. 


Edit: I am all for discussion, however "Get gud" or "BS won't keep you afloat" are weak, frail counter points. Especially since when hasn't an op class in an MMO never been propped by imbalances? From live aciton Like tera to Tab like WoW. Anyone who has played an MMO PvP wise and experienced a broken classes introduction knows the notion that "Bs doesn't keep you up there" Is false. Now the only way this is ever true is when 'Balances" or tweaks occur. 


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Many people who have made alts (and have a BM character) will tell you, they struggled to get past gold on BM as their main pre-patch but they could breeze through to plat on their alt sin or whatever despite not knowing the class as well as their BM. Same players playing different classes, completely rules out any argument of "lacking skill or understanding of game"

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6 minutes ago, Avalyn said:

Many people who have made alts (and have a BM character) will tell you, they struggled to get past gold on BM as their main pre-patch but they could breeze through to plat on their alt sin or whatever despite not knowing the class as well as their BM.


After having rolled a BM, Fm, Destroyer,Sin and LBD I can say for certain the LBD, Destroyer and Sin we're far easier, aka simpler then BM or even FM. My sin had (Grant it this is an alt) 26 w 2 L at 1v1 before they reset it. And she was only at level 34.  grant it I am not the best player ever, like most of you aren't on both sides. However give any random person control of those classes for an hour at a time, and I promise you that BM will never be picked as the easiest class. 

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I had the same problem with summoners, kept losing to them almost all the time (90% chance to lose)....

Until i made a summoner and learned their strengths and weaknesses. Now i have a positive win rate against summoner on 4 of the 6 classes that i play.

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Fighting a Summoner as a blade master is fun until the cat pins you to ground for 8 seconds with no escape while its master burns 30k hp off of you, just to get stunned again. I goto 1v1 daily i see more summoners and sins than any other class. I have no love for a class built for babies to play. Some of the CCs should be disabled in Arena to actually make it a fight and less of a 2 minute clip of watching someone running cheese combos they picked from watching youtube videos, I don't lose every fight against them, but that class is responsible for the greater majority of them. Sins are OP I can accept this their primary role in game is MURDER, something that comes very easily.

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At this point it is clear that PVP is nowhere near balanced even after the hongmoon level patch. I myself spent hours and hours of research just to find a way to counter these summoners to the extent of making one myself and I think it's finally paying off. But every time I encounter a summoner who knows what he is doing instead of mashing buttons, I still lose 80% of the time. Don't be mad if people tell you to get better. Because if others can do it, you can to.




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1 hour ago, OneYouHate said:

Fighting a Summoner as a blade master is fun until the cat pins you to ground for 8 seconds with no escape while its master burns 30k hp off of you, just to get stunned again. I goto 1v1 daily i see more summoners and sins than any other class. I have no love for a class built for babies to play. Some of the CCs should be disabled in Arena to actually make it a fight and less of a 2 minute clip of watching someone running cheese combos they picked from watching youtube videos, I don't lose every fight against them, but that class is responsible for the greater majority of them. Sins are OP I can accept this their primary role in game is MURDER, something that comes very easily.

Sorry, but I dont consider assasins OP. They can be anoying,but nowhere near OP. Same goes for cats. Well atleast I will think they are not OP untill I will try all skillsets that come to my mind. Btw im playing so called cancer spin. Assasins for me where in begining OP fcks that I felt like "its not fair that they go invis and I cant hit them" but they I read up a bit and now its one of my favorites to play against. Only few assasins give me hard time who dont go MAINSTREAM build. I guess that would be answer to all that stuff. Change build. Yes, I know its stupid that you need different skill set to play against someone,but thats how this game is. To counter someone you need to use skills that counter specific playstyle. 

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  • Amraith changed the title to A New Level Of ***

Ok this entire thread makes me laugh uncontrollably. Let me give you all an insight on Summoner, coming from an experienced lvl45 Summoner currently. First off, the class isn't OP you're all hilarious for thinking as such. Secondly, the PvP in this game IS NOT BALANCED AROUND 45! It's balanced around LvL50. Thirdly, honestly learn how to play your class inside and out and learn the opposing class you're fighting inside and out. I've been beaten by all classes just as much as I have beaten all of them. The Summoner's heal never received a buff, in fact a lot of Summoners say it's a nerf, except neither is true. What happened was Doom N Bloom received a ninja balance, because what it originally was healing was at least double the amount it was supposed to heal.


For example, Doom N Bloom with my current stats does a max of 2434 damage over 5 seconds, the heal is 100% of damage dealt. So if the damage is 2434 over 5 secs, if you do a little math you'll find the heal is only supposed to do a max of 486.8 PER tick for 5 secs. Before the patch the heal was 1.6k+ which makes no sense at all given that the damage value was still the same as it is now. Honestly all I've ever been hearing is "this class is OP, or that class is OP" etc. Honestly none of the classes are OP atm, it's just people are too freaking lazy to learn their own class as well as learn to counter another. Countering Summoners is quite easy. But the problem is people don't know how to deal with a pet class, so instead they cry and whine until mommy and daddy fix their pathetic issue of not wanting to learn their own class and counter another. Plain and simple. Don't like it? Then quit, I sure as hell won't miss you, and I doubt the rest of the player base will as well.

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