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Brightstone Ruins - Summoner solo (Yet another one, yay \o/)


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So, I see a lot of solo videos, but most of them skip straight into the boss fights. I figured I'd record one of my solo runs to show how to deal with the trash mobs as well to minimize your run times. My gear isn't actually that great because I've been focusing on farming items for the next patch, but it's good enough to have decently fast runs.
This is part..3? I think, of my solo Summoner series I've been making. Feel free to ask me any questions about soloing as a Summoner (spec, gear, rotation) and I'll try to answer as well as I can.



Peace out~

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I wasn't joking. You're playing a class that doesn't have to do it's own tanking and has the cat up in front most of the time. In a fight where going from point A to Point B matters, but also keeping the boss's attention while dmging the core. Aka, You aren't soloing if you're able to do that. Soloing would be taking them both on at the same time, but your pet does the taking on, you just provide the backup sunflower power.

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1 minute ago, KashraFall said:

I wasn't joking. You're playing a class that doesn't have to do it's own tanking and has the cat up in front most of the time. In a fight where going from point A to Point B matters, but also keeping the boss's attention while dmging the core. Aka, You aren't soloing if you're able to do that. Soloing would be taking them both on at the same time, but your pet does the taking on, you just provide the backup sunflower power.

Well 1 person = solo if u take away the cat ur taking half of the classes potential away without the cat what does summ have? that is still not easy to do although i would admit easiER but still not easy.


Anyway since its became a new thing ive duoed with me and my friend here it is full run WARNING: we die a lot



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1 minute ago, KashraFall said:

I wasn't joking. You're playing a class that doesn't have to do it's own tanking and has the cat up in front most of the time. In a fight where going from point A to Point B matters, but also keeping the boss's attention while dmging the core. Aka, You aren't soloing if you're able to do that. Soloing would be taking them both on at the same time, but your pet does the taking on, you just provide the backup sunflower power.

They work as one, though. If they were to take away half of your skills on any class what would you get? 

If you have nothing useful to say, don't say anything at all. You're just making yourself look really stupid :)

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1 minute ago, Drklf said:

They work as one, though. If they were to take away half of your skills on any class what would you get? 

If you have nothing useful to say, don't say anything at all. You're just making yourself look really stupid :)



Works one in the same, yeah, you're right. Also, taking away half of the other classes abilities would still put them in a much tighter pickle than you will ever be. While I am proud of you for "Soloing." a boss. I don't consider this soloing because the cat keeps them away while you display your flower power. Had you played the dodge, block, perfect timed parry etc. Then it would be impressive, but it is just another summoner playing that cat class that everyone in PvP has come to hate and is crying out for a nerf, which, will likely take a toll on your PvE experience too. 

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Duo-ed as LBM with Destro, all dem mobs helping in criting in AoE eyyyy

Tbh isn't hard to solo with summoner..if you got better dps gear. I remember my friend was soloing it with full poh but not perfect stats nor all purple pieces and awakened flame/infernal/w/e, the damage was hurting but she was able to. Now she got the brightstone/dokumo/poh mix, she will be getting 2nd piece of moonwater and that's it, but she solo's it way easier and faster now.

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1 minute ago, salocin said:

Cool vid, but yeah man, gotta admit that looks pretty easy. I recently struggled through this dungeon solo as KFM so seeing you sit back while your pet handles business really triggers me :P.

It's actually not as easy as it seems. I've done the run dozens of times and I still have to focus, especially on the last boss. 
And if you think that's easy, assassins can do the run in like 8 minutes and they can just perm stealth all the boss fights :P

I reckon with a little bit of planning it can be done with any class really.

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9 minutes ago, Drklf said:

It's actually not as easy as it seems. I've done the run dozens of times and I still have to focus, especially on the last boss. 
And if you think that's easy, assassins can do the run in like 8 minutes and they can just perm stealth all the boss fights :P

I reckon with a little bit of planning it can be done with any class really.

Yeah I can't believe they can actually sit in stealth like that.. But anyways I've only played KFM so I can only give my impression of the difficulty. Idk what goes into playing summoner, but it just seems really safe. I wiped tons of times just from missing a strafe or a block.

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3 minutes ago, salocin said:

Yeah I can't believe they can actually sit in stealth like that.. But anyways I've only played KFM so I can only give my impression of the difficulty. Idk what goes into playing summoner, but it just seems really safe. I wiped tons of times just from missing a strafe or a block.

Yeah, I pretty much figured out my own way of doing the dungeon. First time I tried it was with full poh soul shield and a weird full dps build. That didn't work out too well. After getting the misty woods soul shield and fixing the build I was able to clear it for the first time and it took me around 20 minutes.

I actually died twice on three runs just this morning because of the last boss mechanics. Sometimes they just decide to randomly jump (not the phase change) on me even though they're sitting in my cat's taunt. If I have my iframe on CD it might mess things up really bad. But yeah, it's all about repetition and perfecting the things you're doing.

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Good job. Ignore the people who says this is too easy with summoners. They have no playing experience on how to control aggro and carefully stand in the right places and time your skills.

I´ve done this dungeon a number of times, and a mistake or 2 can cost you a reset. (33k hp here)

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4 hours ago, KashraFall said:

I wasn't joking. You're playing a class that doesn't have to do it's own tanking and has the cat up in front most of the time. In a fight where going from point A to Point B matters, but also keeping the boss's attention while dmging the core. Aka, You aren't soloing if you're able to do that. Soloing would be taking them both on at the same time, but your pet does the taking on, you just provide the backup sunflower power.

Is it solo. Solo is 1 person. I dont thnk there is more than 1 person controlling that 1 summoner

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So much jealousy in this thread. Why can´t you just say "congrats" or browse to next thread?

So much negativity.


Doing brightstone ruins at lvl 45 with summoner is hard. Assasins have it easier with permastealth and even destroyers just spin2win this dungeon.

Summoners need to control 2 characters, aggro control, proper skill rotation, correct positioning etc. It´s pretty good work, no matter how sore you are about being beat by a summoner.


The bitterness.. pff!~


It´s like an old grumpy man, You know the type when you say "why such a beautiful day, the sun is shining"

and the reply you get is "hmmpf!, let´s see how long it lasts!"


Nobody likes that type of people and they do nothing but spread negativity.

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6 minutes ago, Victorion said:

So much jealousy in this thread. Why can´t you just say "congrats" or browse to next thread?

So much negativity.


Doing brightstone ruins at lvl 45 with summoner is hard. Assasins have it easier with permastealth and even destroyers just spin2win this dungeon.

Summoners need to control 2 characters, aggro control, proper skill rotation, correct positioning etc. It´s pretty good work, no matter how sore you are about being beat by a summoner.


The bitterness.. pff!~


It´s like an old grumpy man, You know the type when you say "why such a beautiful day, the sun is shining"

and the reply you get is "hmmpf!, let´s see how long it lasts!"


Nobody likes that type of people and they do nothing but spread negativity.

Yep. No point in paying attention to haters and people who have zero clue about what they're talking about. 
There's tons of children in this community so you can't expect too much from them ;)

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2 hours ago, Victorion said:

So much jealousy in this thread. Why can´t you just say "congrats" or browse to next thread?

So much negativity.


Doing brightstone ruins at lvl 45 with summoner is hard. Assasins have it easier with permastealth and even destroyers just spin2win this dungeon.

Summoners need to control 2 characters, aggro control, proper skill rotation, correct positioning etc. It´s pretty good work, no matter how sore you are about being beat by a summoner.


The bitterness.. pff!~


It´s like an old grumpy man, You know the type when you say "why such a beautiful day, the sun is shining"

and the reply you get is "hmmpf!, let´s see how long it lasts!"


Nobody likes that type of people and they do nothing but spread negativity.

Because no one likes cheap cats.


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5 minutes ago, Kanella said:

Nice solo, also how did you manage to get 2 of the turrets agro on to the cat? I can only get 1 mostly and makes the run longer.

It's mostly position and some RNG. Sometimes I get all three on the cat. Try to position yourself between the cat and the turret and pray for the RNG gods that they aggro on the cat.

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4 minutes ago, Archaegeo said:

Ive seen solo vids for Brightstone for KFM, Dest, Sin, ad Summoner.


Most can do it, it does help a ton to have the Arena soulshield set for the 12k extra hp.


and assasins with permastealth.


Just forcemasters have a hard time with solo-dungeons.

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