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Player mentality.


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So I was leveling my new toon, a BM. I put on my Cerulean outfit and a crimson girl, properly named "Queen Blonde" started following me around. She was about two levels higher than me and a KFM. Unfortunately for her...I have a high KFM, so I knew everything she had at her disposal. I beat her, but I didn't kill her. I walked away and she got her chi and I went back to questing. I grabbed the harpoon gun and started hunting the crabs and here she comes again, following me around. I wasn't sure if she was actually following me, so I did small circles...it was like she was out for blood. So, I dropped the gun and fought her again, once more not killing her and continued on with my quest.


She followed me up the ramp to the NPC and proceeded to hit me while I was talking to the NPC. I backed away and danced around the fire for a moment, you know, trying to show that I meant no hostility. She didn't get it, so like a rabid dog...I had to put her down, this time, with a killing blow. My quest lead me over to a new zone and I was talking to an NPC when lo and behold, here she comes again. The properly named lass just didn't learn the first three times, so we sparred again. She was introduced to the ground again and finally realized she couldn't win.


Now, my question is...why do players not just accept they can't win? Do they think luck was a factor three times? Or are they just braindead?

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not sure what else you expected tbh, they'll always always come back if you don't stomp on 'em after you drop 'em. hell, even after that, sometimes they still come back. from what i've seen, it's usually either that, or calling in higher levels from their faction/logging onto their own higher level character. if they want you, they're gonna go after you. again and again and again-

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So, let's see... you put on your faction costume, you get into PvP, you win, then come here to show how awesome you are cause you beat someone 2 levels higher? 


Some players like to PvP, they don't necessarily have to win. Why is that hard to understand?


"Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak." - Thomas Carlyle

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Not saying I am awesome. Can honestly care less what anyone thinks of me. I am just curious why someone who couldn't win, kept trying. Why waste your time, hence the "Player Mentality." I had no issue fighting them, but hey, They eventually learned. That isn't to say I haven't been killed by the enemy faction, just this particular person.


I mean. I watched a KFM chasing a blade master around directly after getting his outfit. He died and didn't go fight her again. Why was mine so different? lol.

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He/She may want to learn your class's skills

He/She may want to try and win a dual after loosing previously

He/She may want to prove your comment wrong of " why do players not just accept they can't win "


From your comment, do you feel that if you loose 3 times against the same player in Arena you should just leave if you face them again ?

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5 hours ago, KashraFall said:

Not saying I am awesome. Can honestly care less what anyone thinks of me. I am just curious why someone who couldn't win, kept trying. Why waste your time, hence the "Player Mentality." I had no issue fighting them, but hey, They eventually learned. That isn't to say I haven't been killed by the enemy faction, just this particular person.


I mean. I watched a KFM chasing a blade master around directly after getting his outfit. He died and didn't go fight her again. Why was mine so different? lol.



If you 'can honestly care less' that means to some capacity you do care. What you are looking for my illiterate friend is that you 'can't honestly care less'.

As to mentality I'm more worried about yours than that KFM's... why do you care if she wanted to fight you again. This once again just sounds like a useless post of you passively trying to say how awesome of a person you are without trying to sound like a narcissist. 

Who cares? Probably no one.

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What's it to you? She or he is just enjoying their time participating in faction wars. If you don't want to PvP, take off the outfit. I personally like that person's spirit for trying - some people give up too easily or even start raging.

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The player "Queen Blonde" is now my hero, most ppl in mmos now adays are so scared of open world pvp that they avoid it at all cost, this player see your in faction gear and attack or try to, fail 3+ times but still its what open world pvp is about.

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On 2/2/2016 at 0:26 AM, Tanabe said:

The player "Queen Blonde" is now my hero, most ppl in mmos now adays are so scared of open world pvp that they avoid it at all cost, this player see your in faction gear and attack or try to, fail 3+ times but still its what open world pvp is about.



I've done same thing over and over again. Learned opponents moves and then beat them, felt good man. :) Fighting in BnS is pretty fun.

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On 2.02.2016 at 3:44 PM, KashraFall said:

I am just curious why someone who couldn't win, kept trying. Why waste your time, hence the "Player Mentality."


Lol. Why keep trying? Its obvious: You never should give up. Even if its 2-4 v 1 DONT GIVE UP. If you lose DONT GIVE UP. Try to beat you opponent as long as you have 1HP, as long as he is near! Doesnt matter if you lose all your pots, you die from other players hits, just get your enemy! That Open World PvP beauti!!! She didnt waste time. For me she was rly good player, and i rly  respect her, becouse most of players can give up after 2nd death/lose (some after 1st).


And true waste of time is when high lvled player go kill low lvled pleyers. i dont known for what purpuse they do that... Still remember like in Tera high lvled players stay near safe zones and wait till someone go out just to PK him... For me no sense, waste of time, and no life.


BTW: when i said about TERA: personally i think it have one of worst PvP system. You use skill to kill allow yourself kill OTHER players, but if someone didnt use it he still can be killed, but cant deal dmg to you. no sense...

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competitive mindset

pvp is all about pushing yourself and getting better

saying things like you cant win say if you fight a random high mmr player in arena

or attack a player 10 levels higher then you will only make you lose more

always push yourself to be the best even if it takes a 100 tries 


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push to be the best hmm.... only if there will be no things like ping ,in mmo all about fun if u really good player , but if u think u better than someone playing this game that mean u suck in that game and dont understand what is ping difference :) for me if i win i win and if i lose i too win cause im not noob to tell that im better than someone :)

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Some people don't care about winning or losing, they only care about screwing you out of your time.  That is what is fun to them.  If they can prevent you from progressing for 20 minutes, that is a win for them or they may think it is a win for their faction that an opposing faction was denied something.  

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Factions are dumb.
Mandatory open world PVP makes me want to quit this game.


Even the storyline reason for fighting is dumb.

I can think of a handful of solutions off the top of my head for these fake problems causing the fake war excuse for open world PVP.


The hostility is juvenile, reminds me of an elementary school food fight but with weapons. I can't help but see players as the same way when they don't have a good attitude towards other players aka they are sitting behind a screen genuinely being a prick who forgets consideration or common courtesy all because of some pixelated uniform of the opposite pixel uniform color. It's like there are nothing but 12 yr olds in this game.


Everyone is against each other instead of making friends and working as a team...and soloing is boring.


In this case, I'd say she was kind of a prick because he made it pretty obvious that he didn't want to fight in the first place. Good for him for winning against her each time. Backfired.

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