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Moonwater transform stone


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13 minutes ago, SkyNightBiel said:

faction? i'm force master, useless at any type of PvP.


The amount of stupidity is high, srr for telling you that.

You can do almost 10G per day with quests.

Force Master is very good at PvP, just learn to play with it also, Force Masters are not tanks, if you play it like that, change class.


If you need to study, is your "problem". Some people need to work, some can play for hours and some are dead.

Game can't be "fair" to everyone.

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1 minute ago, DanielColunas said:


The amount of stupidity is high, srr for telling you that.

You can do almost 10G per day with quests.

Force Master is very good at PvP, just learn to play with it also, Force Masters are not tanks, if you play it like that, change class.

Won't disagree, they can be good at pvp, but i play with 400 of ping, i don't have any time to react to anything, my skills have a high delay, so i won't be "stupid"

I'm useless at pvp.

I do all the dailies, sell the keys and i don't get any unsealing charms because i'm unlucky (did more than 100 dailies and only have 2 unsealing charms..)


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Just now, SkyNightBiel said:

Won't disagree, they can be good at pvp, but i play with 400 of ping, i don't have any time to react to anything, my skills have a high delay, so i won't be "stupid"

I'm useless at pvp.

I do all the dailies, sell the keys and i don't get any unsealing charms because i'm unlucky (did more than 100 dailies and only have 2 unsealing charms..)



I'm talking about lvl 45 daily quests, not level 20-30.

I hope if you have 400 ping you're not from europe trying to play on NA or vice versa because that's stupid too.

Ranged characters are the best to play for people who have high ping values.


End game you receive a lot less unsealing charms so the best way is to craft or buy them.

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Dude... with all blackram quests you can have like 4.5G and if you do all the 45 blue dungeons is like +2 gold, do the other green ones + lvl 36 purple dungeon and it's more +2G.

Do all the 40 daily quests from the last map to the weaker and PvP ones and you'll have 10G a day per character.

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If I do e. supply, blackram supply chain, the 4 big dungeons and the mistywoods dailies I'm usually on 10-12g a day per character and I don't do the dailies that involve me to kill blackwyrn or crimson legion players. I'd say making money is stupidly easy at the moment, even if you're out of dailies you can do dungeons for free money, brightstone ruins for free money if recipes drop etc. 

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I do agree that the amount is somewhat out of whack given the current rarity. This may (probably will) change with the level increase, so don't fret too much. But it does seem odd that your weapon (big impact) only needs one, but your accessories need 5. Doesn't really match balance wise, and it only comes across as an artifical "grind" filler to give people something to shoot for while they wait for the level cap increase.


Which I may do. I have little desire to bust my hide to max my accessories right now when they may become 10x easier to do in just a few weeks. Going to spend my time leveling a few alts instead so I can do more crafting!

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Seriously current price of stones is complete joke. Idiots been undercutting them and now they're at below 6gs at eu. Theres no point of crafting them just because material cost is around +50gs and profit made for 24h craft is 5-8gs which is pocket changes.


Also note youll need hundreds of stones and they wont be nerfed. And if you make 2gs per day then you're not doing right things or not playing at all. Players who complete 40/40 dailies they can get about 10-15gs.


Stop crying cost and play the damn game. On note im doing 50-300gs per day so yeah how about instead of asking nerfs go and figure things out

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8 hours ago, DanielColunas said:


The amount of stupidity is high, srr for telling you that.

You can do almost 10G per day with quests.

Force Master is very good at PvP, just learn to play with it also, Force Masters are not tanks, if you play it like that, change class.


If you need to study, is your "problem". Some people need to work, some can play for hours and some are dead.

Game can't be "fair" to everyone.

"some are dead" vote this guy to president

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11 hours ago, SkyNightBiel said:

7g, fair price, ok ok. Bought one, upgraded my weapon....

now let's get to the accesso.. OMG 5 TRANSFORMS STONE

ncsoft nerf i have to study

I can only get 2g per day, is there anyway to get those transform stones on an easier way?

That's because you are upgrading them directly to the siren accessories. Upgrading weapon to awakened siren costs 4 stones.

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