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BD and BM


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So I've been playing BD since beta and I recently got interested in making a BM, however, I would have to delete a character so not sure if worth it, what are the actual differences between BD and BM? I know they have a block and we don't (unless you could the cheesy draw stance one), but, what are the main differences and is it worth it? 

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nah BD is lvl 45, hit plat recently, I'm just looking for something else to channel my efforts to since I plowed through too much content too fast and don't have much else to do right now. I heard BD and BM were similar but I wasn't sure just how similar. 

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In addition to what was mentioned in previous post.. yes and I was gonna main BM at the launch but switched to BD without never testing it before


It's not like you would block too much anyway as bm because Iframe dodges are the thing. Block holds the boss on same place well tho

BD has greater mobility and acces to grib. Both has flashy moves alltho imo BM has even bit more flashier. Lv50 BM finally gets lightning pentagram

Both have access to great burst but bd's is on shorter cd and can be pulled immeaditly compared to heavens blades 5sec initial timer.

Right now BM lack too much skill points plus legendary skill while BD has access to somewhat most essential stuff. I'll be playing bm more in 50 patch

PvP BD is hands down better

To me BD playstyle is most intresting amongs all the classes rotating between 2x lightning/draw stance cd, grib and filler few sec RB spam compared to BM fill chi>draw stance>repeat

BD is lynlyn

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Hi I'm a BM main and I can tell you if you're really interested in mastering a class, go with BM. Honestly it's very difficult in most situations regarding pvp though in PVE it's an amazing and fun class. 


For example my lv 22 (I think) friend and me pvped (I was 32 at the time) and while I won the vast majority of the spar's he could keep me stunlocked or down wayyy more than I could keep him, BM right now lacks a lot of stunlocking capabilities imho. I mean if you read the chat in arena lobbies of people trashing BM's I guess you can get a clue. I'm still sticking with my BM though because I do enjoy the class overall + I hate chibi looking characters and I feel like in the future it will get better. Also not saying they are completely bad, they are not at all it's just you'll have an easier time imho. playing any class, meaning if you were really skilled and practiced a lot with your BM you could still be great at pvp.

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I feel that the play styles are quite different between BM and BD (other than both being melee). BD's defensive skill costs resources and puts them in a position where they need to remain aggressive, starve, or stop spinning. BM has the shortest dodge cooldowns in the game (afaik) and block costs nothing. With BM you can vary your pace depending on the opponent and you can stall without giving up defenses. BM to me just feels more flexible, despite not being as strong at this point. 


@Mental you are only lacking stun locking because of your level. At 45 you can invest in all of your main CC skills, or give up two of the CC skills to put 4 points in Breeze. Obviously this will be different in 2 weeks when we get the 5 HM levels! Of course not having HM 2 and Z hurt bad, but at least we'll have enough skill points for a proper build. In any case I digress, my point was that once you burn someone's tab there are combos that can 70-0 if you land everything with the CC available to us at 45. 



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you are only lacking stun locking because of your level.

Was gonna reply the same. Be it lv50 or 45 bm u have same amount of cc. Main problem is just tht all the skill points go to essential stuff (all CC) right now and u have absolutely nothing to spare.


BM dmg outside air combo is also semi clunky as you have to be in draw stance. This is from pvp perspective


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well I did post this in the arena section for a reason I'm more interested in the PVP rather than the PVE. I'm considering making one though only thing I don't want it that it will end up being too similar. I might just wait till lvl 50 or w/e, I currently have a lvl 45-40 BD and Assassin respectively, but, I've lost interest in assassin, so I need something to keep me busy till Warlock. 


I've read everything everyone has said seems like everyone has something or other that they think, I personally don't care for the hate a class gets and I just want something I that can feel fresh  for a while. I've tried developing a full Lighting (AKA draw stance), I'm a Pikachu build on my BD but it hasn't worked out so I decided I'd call it for now and go to a different class. I guess in the end I really need to just try it out for myself. 

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Right as mentioned I am not cap so I do lack some skills but from what I've heard from friends / guild mates current 45 cap they aren't nearly as good as other classes again not to say they can't be great. Again I'll do more testing once I'm 45 to really make a verdict but just based around fighting other BD's and other classes in general that were my level or less I found a lack of cc's. It doesn't matter I guess since getting to level cap isn't too hard.


And yeah as a BM you can really slow the match down if you block and stuff, with the exception of assassins who can warp behind your block.

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