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Blackram Narrows Blight Sword Drop Rate Horrible


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So here i am enjoying the game and all when i wanted to Awaken my Hongmoon Sword and so i needed a Blight Sword, yeah no problem there, checked where it dropped, going to do some runs to drop it, everything's  fine 10 runs no drop? no problem doing another 10... nothing, 30? well s***t.

I dropped only Staffs, axes and Razors(Worlock)? WTF? 

Is there a workaround to this stupid thing? 


It has been 3 days since i am trying to drop that thing....

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Yea I'm still trying to grasp the idea of why the Warlock weapons were not cut from the game for the time being. Like if you could use them on another class I'ld understand (I briefly remember maybe seeing some swords that could be used with both BM and BD?) but as it is right now, that's just another chance nobody is getting what they want lol Especially since those weapons from the dingeon are not tradable either, right? So it's not like you could even save it for when the warlock is released lmao. Now I'm going to have to go scour the forums for the devs official response to why the warlock gear is still in the game!


man I'm never gunna get any sleep reading these forum posts.. lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've ran Blackram Narrows for my Blight Sword 27 times over two nights, below my drops from the chests I received at the end.

And all drops available for Bid were other class as well. So in total 54 weapons dropped but none of them a Sword.

I'm particularly pissed off with the drop rate of the Razor for obvious reasons... NB: no staves dropped either


10x  Razor (Warlock @%$£)

6x  Dagger

3x  Bangle

3x  Gauntlet

3x  Axe

2x  Lynblade

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On 28/01/2016 at 0:36 PM, Aiezen said:

Yea I'm still trying to grasp the idea of why the Warlock weapons were not cut from the game for the time being. Like if you could use them on another class I'ld understand (I briefly remember maybe seeing some swords that could be used with both BM and BD?) but as it is right now, that's just another chance nobody is getting what they want lol Especially since those weapons from the dingeon are not tradable either, right? So it's not like you could even save it for when the warlock is released lmao. Now I'm going to have to go scour the forums for the devs official response to why the warlock gear is still in the game!


man I'm never gunna get any sleep reading these forum posts.. lol

The warlock ones are there just to help screw you more (though the drop rates are fixed on the chests, you have a much lower chance to get your class item than any other class) all to try and get you to spend money on the class keys on the shop, a typical cashgrab courtesy of ncsoft.

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