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Bidding System(For Those Complaining, Read)


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1-Fully Geared Looking for Costumes, or Mats

2-Missing # 5 or 8 Shields doesn't mind not getting anything else except that. (Which happens often)

3-Missing # 5 or 8 Shields

4- Missing # 5 or 8 Shields

5- Missing # 5 or 8 Shields

6- Missing # 5 or 8 Shields

7- Missing everything Just Started Dungeoning. Gets most things for free because other people don't need it. 

8-  Missing everything Just Started Dungeoning. Gets most things for free because other people don't need it. 

Parties are very often like this, in any words for 8-10Minutes of running 1 Dungeon you end up with free money and or the items you need. But to make the chances a 1 out of 6 chance to get everything how many times would you theoretically have to run to get everything you need? Too Much Which is why they made the bidding system. People won't get things they don't need( Most Things Are Binded ) So them not getting anything from the dungeon isn't the problem it's getting something you can't even use. You will just get rid of it. It's a different System that other MMO's Dont Have it's special. If you don't like it Quit the game. This is a concept that makes the game different from other games. The same as upgrading weapons and not having to farm for hours upon hours or pay up a massive amount of money to get gears. You are lucky. You can't complain until you've played other MMO's and see how good and how different the concepts of this game brings you. How many games have a Cross-Server Dungeon Where you can choose to play with people you've met from other servers. As far as I know non. Tera has a similar concept but It's not as good as Blade And Soul's Is. They have a number that you can ask from your buddy who's from a different Server say #2000 you imput #2000 and BAM Your'e with your friend. So instead of looking at what you think is bad think how many times you'd have to run a dungeon until you get the weapon you need or, get 8 Shields. What like 8x15-25 Dungeons? BC Not every dungeon drops a different Shield. It's very consistant. So if your're complaining that you have to run a dungeon like 15-30 times before you get everything you need then you should really go play other MMO's before you realize how beautiful this Bidding system is. As far as I'm Concerned this system has many benefits to it, It's a win win situation, you get money or you get the item you need for basically free. Get off you lazy butt's and start farming~!


                          Cmdr Karnzu 

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The bidding system is a win win situation. Most people won't Bid for something they already have simply because it's untradable, it wouldn't make sense to take it unless they are trolls. You dont benefit from it. Now if most of the items in game we're tradable there would be a problem. But that isn't the case, I don't understand how people will complain about such a thing. It's quite odd.  >_<

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Dear TC,


Say hello to mr "Enter" key, he is your friend and he will help you separate your paragraphs and make your wall of text readable.





Back on topic, yeah, I actually like this loot system, seemed kind of bent at first but it makes sure you have a constant stream of income and better overall odds of getting what you want, as someone who is hated by RNGsus I welcome it.

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4 minutes ago, GrahamCrackers said:

I really like the bidding system so far, good way to make some coin.

Boy this is so true.  I just ran dungeons over and over and let people bid (I didn't bid on anything) and garnered up to 7-12 silver in hours.  So yes, this is a good way to make money.

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i like the bidding system too , for us normal player we can log in quicky and farm some gold while helping other


but from time to time we'll have to BUMP the price up a few because getting coppers is a waste of time



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they hate the bidding system cuz of troll bidding that's y u do dungeon with friends u know..... and the other reason likely they hate is because they don't look at the bidding price and just keep press "yes" on the bid? and then cry about how the price just shot up when it not worth that much coins + also since u get the reward box at the end of the dungeon it also can give u what u are missing just a chance of being  Blue or Purple soulshiueld depending on ur luck and the dungeon u are running

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No... i am sorry but here is the simple truth of the system...


1: Has everything, just farming money and chests, bids on items just to earn extra gold, has high amount of cash

2: Has a couple things but low cash because he doesnt farm and plays casually

3: is a troll and bids pushing price up because he can.... he finds it funny to make people rage.



The big issue with this system is that it PROMOTES gold selling/buying, it tells the player if you WANT an item you NEED to make lots of cash! but its easier to just buy the gold and have a huge store of it. that way you can win every item you want with out any worry unless you meet another person has done the same thing. Basically the system will make GOLD SELLERS more prevalent... i don't mind that system exists BUT an old school traditional dice system needs to be an option. As it stands i dont do any content unless its with friends because i cant stand this system, and how it caters to the rich.


Its not a good system... sure you get some gold nice but you just wasted hours of game play trying for an item you cant get because the whales just have more cash then you, its a rich gets richer(item wise) system, that promotes making cash over actually playing the game. 

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We need Round Robin on all items and Class Restricted Bidding. Some players boost up the bidding price to get coins from players they know want a specific item, this is whats wrong with the system(and big bidders taking everything).


Also, changing the loot options should require a vote.

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