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Everything posted by Ren36

  1. Perma stealth as in out of combat, no. Perma stealth with enemies around, yes. If you just want to go for stealth without regard for dps and skill accordingly, you can have an uptime of 90% since your main skills that get you into stealth have 6/8s cooldown (your 1 & 2). That´s something you should only aim for pvp though and there are still skills you should spec instead of stealth to take your enemies out or disrupt their gameplay, like ice mine if you can. For pve your skill set changes and it also depends on your style and the martial tome you choose aka Serpent or Shadow. Personally I prefer shadow, but to maximize your dps you require stealth for it to work and many bosses have aoe which gets you out of it. If you just begin with assassin it may be better for pve if you start off with serpent(old lightning build).
  2. This will be my last post, I just wanna say that it´s funny how you both have no answer for anything. BnS RU was introduced much later, but they already implement feedback from the community. And the reason why these forums ended up with so much negative threads lately is due NCWest never listening to feedback of the people, who formerly posted constructive posts. Back then my first thread involved errors, bug fixes andthe installation process where i compiled various ways to fix them during the alpha to get more people to play it and enjoy the game together, but if you see the mismanagement over the years and what is left of everything. Proving several suggestions over and over again what could have been done, but was never used, just to see ncsofts or ncwests last attempts to be these very suggestions from gamers that play their game and argueing that NCWest could do nothing cuz it´s just a publisher and be led by the nose by the russian publishers - i can onlý take this as a joke.
  3. Assassin is one of the hardest class to master due to it´s many skills that are triggered after certain actions and combinations. Keeping track of everything becomes more complcated if you engage in pvp or reach endgame aka BG to farm moonstones. Upside for sin is that you can already compete in bg even without gear, if you master your class and focus on the objective. Mastering your class means to proc stealth as much as possible without getting hit by enemy players. In pve assassin or short "sin", is welcomed by many due to it´s party iframe (double 2) and party buff blue buff (V) aka "bb". The diversity of combinations to spec skills and the amount of effects makes sin a class within itself. In the end you´ll have to decide what you enjoy the most, but be sure to try out all skills, but don´t expect sudden improvements. Many know the skill set of sin by now, but you decide if they can defend against it. But once mastered literally none can kill you and you´ll be one of the top dps. Don´t go lightning build though, go for shadow with the current patch and keep track of updates from korea. Sin will get it´s 3rd spec soon, which will involve debuffs and stacks.
  4. That´s not right. ncsoft separates skills into pve and pvp for a reason. The multiple modifier from acc to skill and badge became too strong in pvp. And it´s not possible to "just" evade the damage of SF. Frost Storm hits on the ground and during air. Paired with a badge that multiplies the damage by 4000% makes this hmmm idk not strong in BG according to you. For PVE that´s fine and had the means to make the class stronger, but since players do not have boss hp, it pierces defense and sucks you in, you easily die to SF especially since most skills break guard and burn your iframes without backdraw (RMB+Q/E, Frost storm, Frost chain, aoe knock back into 2 approach stun, frost stance daze ani cancel into air,...) and X cd reduction to repeat everything. The problem in general is not the pvp experience, the problem lies with difference in gear that is needed to obliterate the other player/party with less or more gear. And SF needs both pvp experience and gear less than other classes.
  5. You can just buy a lvl 60 voucher and transfer the gear. As for the character change, that will be probably added in the future, though it will cause many pvp players to change to said OP class. As for warlock, it had his time for 2,5years, more than any other class
  6. Sugarcoating the state of the game after all these years and several server merges is not the right time. And you Grimoir, looking at the amount of your posts, have an answer for everything, right? If you take away programming, what is the function of NCWest? Increase the playerbase through non-eixstent advertisement? Forwarding feedback for non-existent bug fixes? Providing stable servers, that do not require emergency take downs or ping boosters to play their game? Allowing 3rd party programs to make their games playable and add QoL created by their playerbase? If you are interested, look through my history and you´ll see that I praise NC, when they do something right, but we´re tired. And most of the tired ones left. There is no progress, only regress.
  7. "couldn´t use" is exaggerated, you just don´t have that many options aka dpi, etc. not saying they will do it, but maybe also something to consider for you. In KR you can buy mats with pearls, even if OP didn´t bring it up, we don´t know if we get that. So it´s a valid worry, as most here claim fishing with script not being a problem or prodiving any valuable items. These people can just farm them now, while going afk and creating multiple accounts to send all mats to their main. One of NCSofts problems and especially NCwest which is even slower, cuz they can code nothing and have to wait for big brother in korea for patches, is that they are very slow on the uptake and unable to draw conclusions before something happens. I mean if this already happens in korea, who in their right mind would implement or let this go? If a ncsoft moderator would be so kind to write "Me" as response, i would consider you my eternal wingman.
  8. Sad ly it´s not only ncsoft who doesnt give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. It´s also the playerbase. Just look at the people, most in this forum and game are numb or close their eyes from anything that critiszes ncsoft. They prefer to jump at the throat of a person, who brings up scripts for fishing, which is more fun for them. As long as they can ridicule someone. They don´t want to understand that any kind of script always leads to abuse. Not that their script is taken from them and "I dare you to say my class is overpowered, even if it is, not taht they nerf it", something like this. Most here just want to be the op class, without giving up anything, better to get some more and talk anything else bad, just self-centered people unable to support or think for themselves. That´s all we have here and one of the reasons bns will fail.
  9. before you reinstall, when you see the NC Launcher, both of you press "Scan file" in the bottom right corner to repair your game when you log in @crazybirdmikedownload the nclauncher from the official page of ncsoft and install it: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/download/
  10. Macros for non-competitive use is ok, but both should be a reason to ban people, because you cannot differentiate between either. Simple mode was implemented for a reason, regardless if it´s not perfect. If people still continue then there was no point to it. Just a waste of bytes. Like the dead content below lvl 60.
  11. If they are as fast as with arena, then in 2years, after the first professional fisher makes his debut
  12. You thought Gaben was the only one, but NCSoft can´t either. Instead let´s give every class over the course of the next 1,5year their 3rd spec and let everyone suffer, who aims to earn their share in BG or mash together half finished 3rd specs that actually acts as a debuff for the whole party´s DPS. The speed at which bugs are resolved by the playerbase through mods or addons exceeds paid programmers in NC headquaters. Let alone the the amount of bugs that haven´t been fixed since release, the programmers of NCSoft aren´t even capable to find a coherence between premium windwalking effects and bg crash back then and repeatedly claimed that they couldn´t find any problem with the client throught tests. And now these very programmers should code UE4? Lazy people unable to find or fix bugs? People that don´t talk our language or play this game, NCWest that never finds solutions for our feedback and lastly NCSoft management that is disconnected from reality, what is going on their servers. I don´t know how a company like this could reach the international level, creating games that are no games anymore.
  13. Coming home from work to end up in queue long enough to create a habit of placing a book next to your PC. Idk how successful you are in pvp, but anything upward from 1600 made you start to hope for any matches at all. Searching for 3v3 members in arena to find that 3rd person before the 2nd one leaves, writing with friends if they wanna queue and repeatedly joking "if we will get any enemies at all" until it becomes a habit. The state of arena couldn´t be worse and is a consequence of complete imbalance and trash optimization that took out more than half of the playerbase from the very beginning due to fps and ping issues. Including repetitive wrong decisions from NCSofts management department and executive NCWest the playerbase steadily understood that complaining doesn´t help, unless it involves money/that costume that isn´t in F10, which would end up in the store the next wednesday. People in this forum do not support pvp or care about that one class with it´s issues, unless it affects them. DPS-meter, dps ranking, battleground due to moonstones, fps drops due to spectral blade is what affects everyone. And the only reason NCSoft is trying suggestions that have been brought up years ago from players is due to the decline in money. Not people. Money. And the thing is they already made enough money to sustain the servers, pay their employees, devolopment department + profit, but the greed to double that amount while taking money from the development department to instead alter the colours of an already existing costume or make events for new costumes to safe the money for a designer. Finally the inflation of gear that is so diverse that not even whales could keep up and instead you can differentiate between whales and super whales now. PVP as a scene and content is to advertise the game, with it´s current state i would think thrice if i wanna advertise, looking at the current state it is in. So don´t expect changes, none from ncsoft listens to your or my pvp request.
  14. Nothing to add. Prime example for devs argument that 3s unlimited resist is too strong, while giving destro double shield with 12s resist and 6s party iframe+cc resist and the newly added class warden, which ignores most CC attemps, has a wide area emberstomp, many aoe that kill or pull and tanks multiple enemies, while providing party buff.
  15. PvP isn´t played for fun since HM coins were introduced. Players that openly advertise 3v3 carry for money aka *ay or wintrade on their livestream aka L**i for years until they got banned aka An***x. A FM that owns 7-10 FM or a Destro aka B occupying the full top 10 ladder and creating seperate accounts not to risk his main getting banned. Joining and opening discords to queue in the morning to wintrade. These restrictions are made to reduce wintrading and to compensate for the amount of gamers that quit arena. The limited time makes arena livelier while open, reduces the possibility of dodging queue and got rid of the high time for wintrading, while making it harder for more than 3 alts to effectively rank. Giving "normal" people a chance to rank higher with their one char, which has been ignored for a long time.
  16. https://pastebin.com/agrt5v1L https://www.bladeandsoul.com/uk/news/blade-soul-wardens-fury-patch-notes/ It´s just too strong. It was removed from Warlock for a reason and it requires just the same as Warlock an inter to safe your team member. Even without inter from the enemy you end up with 10-15% hp left when you hit the ground from initially 100%, just to be greeted with 1-2 long range def breaking CC. It´s just too much. Until NCSoft noticed Soul shackle´s impact 2 years passed, don´t let this be the same. Unless we´re provided with an escape during air borne or the damage gets reduced queuing in arena makes no sense. Blade Master 100-0 3rd Spec https://youtu.be/_2cYPqmOHBA?t=1221
  17. if they revert, the new players would be the ones suffering the most from it. And you can always just switch to non-raid weapon. As for the side-quests the lore definately went missing, but for the 10-20players, the amount of data is just not worth. At this point next to everyone skips them too and i welcome any effort to reduce the spagetthi code we have by any amount.
  18. UE4 doesn´t mean by default that the game will end up better. The engine offers more features, but this also means that unless it´s optimized, it can end up worse than UE3. In depth explanation: https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/general-discussion/31564-real-advantages-and-new-graphical-features-of-ue4-over-ue3 Summery: "Engine's rendering is only as excellent as the engineers currently writing code for it "...UE4 has no real advantges over using UE3... (since) features (were) added on top of UE3 making it function closer to UE4 in methodology and practice." In short, while UE4 grew from the kernel of methods that might have been introduced in UE3, Unreal Engine 4 is now a vast improvement over its predecessor offering more breadth and ease of use and a rendering system which is quicker, leaner and stronger. A final note on those AAA Game companies that are using UE3 to make current gen (Xbox One, PS4) games. Chances are those same companies were very far along in the development process using UE3 when UE4 became viable to use, to warrant the cost of licensing UE4 or the time necessary to pass any original code into a new game engine. These same companies however were and are still doing similar research to methods which they are themselves adding on top of UE3 making it function closer to UE4 in methodology and practice.
  19. Depends on the point of view - compared to other games this game still has a moderate population, though we can probably expect another server merge in the coming future, at least for EU. If we talk about open world PVE, then yes this aspect is dead. World bosses are a thing of the past, they even took out Black Wyrm. Open world pvp? - Yes this too, the game can´t handle these kinds of large scale battles with the current engine and 1 shot game-system => even if both players have the same gear, it fails on the ping or balance of both classes 6v6? - More than dead, it doesn´t exist for the vast majority of gamers. Be it Arena-players, who are only interested in PVP, but are capped behind gear that is only available through PVE or players, who can´t catch up, even through intensive PVE sessions up to 6-9 hours a day, unless they invest cash into this game. PVP? - Though it is gear equalized, it fails on the class balance, since the beginning of this game and the release of some classes it remained rigid, with summoner being the bottom class from the beginning to the end. PVE? - Though 1,1k AP is not needed for alot of dungeons, the urge to clear dungeons and kill bosses without regard to mechanics still remains. Being trapped in a run and wasting time, due to the vast gap between many players and fast paces patches, turned this game into a race Raid? - Capped behind gold, gear, ping, class balance, dps & class compositions(12 Members: 2 WL, 2 BB, 2 Gunner(reset/high dps class), 1 Tank, 2 6s PT iframes, 2 Healing classes(SF/SUM), 1 w/e
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