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Crona Darkdance

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Everything posted by Crona Darkdance

  1. Yep is why i said in my 1st post 200 would have been a better cut off. On EU its a bit more populated than NA currently, but honestly i was able to instadie in hard mode Sanctum and stage 5 Demonsbane on a crap alt and still get reward even there. Some people exploited it by creating accounts with horde of no gear and it leads to this. I knew a few who had 40+ ranked on both EU+NA combined, because the threshold was so low. NCSoft noticed that and gave us these cuts. I play 7 Characters myself all of which are at stage 51+ as f2p and ranked decent, so its not like im unaffected, but thats what prolly lead to the cuts obviously. I love playing and gearing my alts, but Rankings for me are just a bonus and the main income i get from spamming 41s/51s with friends or pugs, which can be pretty darn profitable thanks to tradeable loot and crafted pet pods per Bloodstones tbh. Honestly if you get bored you can play some other game too. I play Elden Ring on the side currently as its alot of fun as i would prolly burn out on bns in no time.
  2. So appearently if we go by the latest notes we will get the Weekly and Season Rewards for Poharan right away. That means for top 100 we will overall get more rewards total than last season thanks to poh and the added weekly gold rewards. The only thing it now hurts is people below, which on most classes never even reached stage 31 of AD or SUB, which i consider the bare minimum you would reach if you intend to play that character.
  3. You shouldnt farm f11 sub and aero. You should aim to get both to minimum 31 and farm that or get to 41 for all 6 accesoirs. You will want to farm 41+ for the rare drops anyway. As it is a pretty good gold mine with some luck. You should learn the basic mechanics though for both places. Not hard to learn at all. All accesoirs beside belt will give you a pretty massive boost each and unless you are super unlucky its not too hard to get a bunch of em. Get them to +5 with fusion and to 6 with synth stones for the bonus stat then keep em that way for a while and reroll the stat to mystic once you fill your compound. Next week Poharan releases which drops Soulshields (biggest and cheapest dps boost) and free farmable hexa gems and square pet gems. All decently farmable. Next would be your compound. You fill it with old accesoirs and then put in blue etching stones and hope u get blue/purple tier mystic ones. You want to fill it with AD/SUB dup accesoirs 1st before you reroll mystic stat on them. A big chunk of your dps is in Unity stones and set effect, but that 1 is a bit gated as you cant get that many unity charms. Otherwise the last stages of soulboost will give you alot of dmg per psyches(save the accesoir ones for AD/SUb accesoirs). At the end of soulboost u would probably end up at 15-20 mil dmg without the AD/Sub acces. If you are on NA i can explain stuff a bit more indepth and could help a bit on harder spots.
  4. The hmc are the carrot boys gotta work for it. Sad reality is top 100 starts at 31 for most classes and 21 for classes like db and every normal player will reach those if he actually intends to play/gear those characters easily in 1-2 days. Only thing it kills is crapalts on multiple accounts getting hmc for running stage 5-10. Thats the sad part with our population we didnt even have enough on some classes to fill 500. Also Demonsbane is by far the best goldmaker in the game at 41 even now. So it wont really die. People might try to actually rank in these rankings now for the carrot with the added gold to weekly ranking. Though honestly a cut down to 200 would have been better.
  5. Maybe ours wont get delayed, maybe it will i doubt anyone at Ncwest knows either currently until Ncsoft tells them info. Cant really take Russia delaying it as a fact for ours for obvious reasons aka the Ukraine War. As Russia currently is establishing a great Firewall like chinas their shedule will prolly get all sorts of screwed the weeks or months even. So just give the guys a break he even mentioned what they are in charge of.
  6. Yeah i only started ranking the last week and it is just crazy now. Every single match now you got people speedhacking or jumphacking the whole match and no matter the video footage or screenshots none of them get rankbanned or permabanned at all. You still got **** queing on his 20 botaccounts at once, but now he and others speedhack obviously on top of it the whole match to get these few hmc to sell it for real money. Like i seriously have to ask every match now if anyone of them is speedhacking, because its so common to just hack obviously. Might as well just nuke the hmc and replace em with untradeable mats of equal value to end this nonsense. Gets ridiculous at this point seeing how the PVE rankings for Den and Spectral have been removed ages ago, but not the heavily wintraded and botfarmed pvp ones.
  7. I think you are german, because google is not translating it completely right. So i will answer it in that too. The odds were shown in the Patch Notes of the Demonsbane release. At 5-6 it had a 15% succes rate with each stage lowering it by 1% and at stage 10 only 5% with each lowering it by 0.4%. The synthesis stones that drop from FoE have a 5% higher chance than fusion stones, if you dont mind waiting/farming for it. Uploaded a pic with the odds. It is probably easier/faster to ask faction chat in the game. Die Chancen waren in dem News Artikel drin als Dämonenbann rauskam. Von 5-6 sind es 15% und jede weitere Stufe senkt es um 1%. Ab Stufe 10 sind es nur noch 5% und jede weitere Stufe senkt es um 0.4%. Die alternativen Synth Steine die nun vom Wald der Echos droppen haben eine 5% höhere chance gegebenüber den Fusionssteinen auf jeder Stufe, aber von denen brauch man viel mehr. Ich hab dir ein Bild mit den Chancen hochgeladen. Es ist aber viel einfacher, wenn du im Faktionenchat nachfragst oder in den EU Discords falls es die gibt? Ich weiß leider nicht viel vom EU Server. https://imgur.com/a/dtMRxcW
  8. Yep i hope its a mistake on their side, because without working anti cheat its gonna turn into the same dead shitshow it was before and personally if they really dont implement it soon im done. Its simply not worth playing the game with an army of no gear afk bots clogging f8+weekly and everyone hacking in pvp . I would rather find another mmo to sink my time in if thats the case again. Going through that stuff once was enough.
  9. Hes known to whiteknight the hell of everything ingame and on the forums often with a 2nd account too, thats why no one takes him seriously, because hes usually lieing. The games just badly optimized on an engine thats no good for mmo. We probably got another memoryleak last patch, because since then most people report its using up way more ram than it used to. Add to it the influx of a ton of people on bad servers and that a part of the graphics are rendered serverside and u got the current trainwreck.
  10. My Friend Aestigon used Awakened myth ring 3 til now and upgraded TT ring to 10 like 2 days ago. As a Frost Warden he says hes doing consistently worse in Stage 4 Turtle, because of the crit rate loss and most dungeons feel that way too. Thats Warden tho, low crit rate and 40% bonus to ele dmg and crappy modifier on ring. Anyway back to the topic u lose absolutely 0 getting awakened myth 3, because if u want the pvp ring u would upgrade the pve path anyway, because of the pvp paths retarded bloodstone cost to get there, arround 100+. Also Myth Rings no doubt quite an increase for all classes over BT anyway, beside BD/FM(smaller for them, due to high crit rate and 40% ele bonus). Depends on ur class tho and how good ur ring modifier is. So theres really no reason not to go for it, u will swap to the pvp path anyway from pve path awakened 3. So you can parse for urself to be sure.
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