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Everything posted by LordSwift

  1. Seems many have had their profile pictures reverted or erased recently and are unable to upload a new picture.
  2. Sadly, many will probably have dozens of these expire. It's not the care of having or not having a cooldown it's more like the wrong information being conveyed to the playerbase.
  3. Guess I can't count on any CM's to respond. @Amraith @PhoenixMitra @Hyunkel @Hime Emailing bnscommunity2@ncsoft.com they never responded and support just refers to getting in touch with a CM here on the forums. Miss Jon and Linx and how they'd be more involved in the community. Granted I asked over a month ago though its not really a big deal but would've been nice to get something along the lines of "Hey we received your message and can or can't do it".
  4. An explanation we will likely never get before the expiration in a few days.
  5. Seems they are still trying to pass the buck on this. The Thanksgiving event is going to have the gloves included before we get a response here.
  6. @Hime Maybe you can look into this for me.
  7. Are they going to add an Astromancer section to the forums under classes anytime soon?
  8. Regarding this old post: Is there any way to get a GM to do a forums name change to match my account display name?
  9. It should I swore there was a point in time some patch long ago where it did work. I know with bns buddy you can enable it but of course no one really wants to have to use a 3rd party program to parse and if they want to see what it'd be like using simple to parse for said class why not enable it right.
  10. I mean there are other mmos out there even more complex than bns that have class change vouchers and they just take all of your stuff and trade in for the new class equivalents. So it's really not that hard and there'd be a market for it but there seems to be more of a market for make 13 chars and spend 13x more time and money on the game for nc greed. :)
  11. Did ya try right alt + enter?
  12. Everyone should just F2P it from here on out. Stop spending on bns, play until it's no more but don't pay anymore. Cancel your premium, don't recharge, they don't give 2 cents about us so why give them our hard earned cash?
  13. Does this affect performance in any way? I tried it and it does indeed work, I didn't need to change resolutions after and it worked with left or right alt enter. It puts it in like a true full screen mode and if you ever want to undo it alt enter left nor right won't undo it you have to go to client.exe in program files x86 (or wherever you installed bns to) ncsoft bns folder bin64 if you're using 64 bit client bin for 32 bit and uncheck the high dpi scaling checkbox but then you'd be back to square one. I did the fix and it works before I could only move to the right or down, up or left would be like if you continuously tapped alt rapidly to flash the mouse cursor and lower your fps. So performance would go up without the annoying mouse cursor coming through but otherwise is it harder on your system I wonder? I haven't ran anything to test it out.
  14. 43GB according to the hash verification when you launch the game. Download would be compressed so much smaller. Actual folder size is probably >43GB for stuff like configs, screenshots, etc but prob not too much over it. So just reserve like ~50GB and you're all good.
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