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Horrendous lag in Sanctum of the Masters


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This place is even worse the Kaebi Village. I play on the lowest possible settings and the performance is garbage. Then once you get to about floor ~22-23+ in hardmode it just freezes constantly, even after you kill every single add. After 25+ it's just unplayable. On top of that, it has a similar ping bug from Koldrak where the ping just shoots up as high as 250ms+ or 299ms+ and you just simply die because there's nothing you can do. The ping spike has happened for 10/15 of my past attempts, so I've only had 5 real tries over these past 15 days. It's so incredibly frustrating.


Realistically, performance optimization to make gameplay smooth is simply not going to happen, but at least a possible solution could be to let us attempt  Sanctum as many times as we want but limit the claim to the rewards to just once per day. That way by some miracle we don't lag back to the Pleistocene epoch we can get a decent run in everyday. I know NC West can't make any changes to what Korea hands them but I just had to get this rant out of my system.

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Does it? What are your specs? I have a 1070 i7 from 2016. It runs at a steady 60fps and my ping is about 20 on wifi. I think the area is well optimized. Not trying to defend NC on anything, it's just on personal experience running it since release and not seeing anyone else complaining about it. It might be your hardware or your network setup.

Edited by Metatime
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Don't bother its his RAM, and u just cant prove him anything. But just in case if I'm wrong download RAMMAP, and clear your 16 GB before running territory or raids. and from your motherboard owerload, we can see u running Gen 2 system, so rest specs doesn't matter, he don't like that Gen 4 PCIE with DDR4 was released already 7 years, so world was to blame for His DDR2.

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6 hours ago, Metatime said:

Does it? What are your specs? I have a 1070 i7 from 2016. It runs at a steady 60fps and my ping is about 20 on wifi. I think the area is well optimized. Not trying to defend NC on anything, it's just on personal experience running it since release and not seeing anyone else complaining about it. It might be your hardware or your network setup.

AMD FX-8350 CPU; 

8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 722MHz RAM;

4096MB ATI Radeon RX 470 Graphics Card.


I can run dungeons and raids fine with playable fps, and my usual ping is ~40ms which is good compared to most people.  For the ping lag I noticed that in Koldrak when I look at task manager the game is using up ~2.1 mbs of my network until the boss dies then goes back down, which is 100% of my bandwidth so my ping rockets to the moon. Usually the game only takes 0.1 - 0.3 mbs no matter what else I'm doing. Can't exactly tab out during Sanctum but I suspect the same thing is happening there, and I have no clue why or how to fix it because sometimes in Koldrak it stays at 0.1 - 0.3 mbs and my ping is completely fine.


As for hardware for fps lag, that other dude roasting my rig but I meet all the recommended requirements except for RAM, which meets the minimum requirements. 

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On 2/25/2022 at 11:51 PM, Ltspidy said:

AMD FX-8350 CPU; 

8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 722MHz RAM;

4096MB ATI Radeon RX 470 Graphics Card.


I can run dungeons and raids fine with playable fps, and my usual ping is ~40ms which is good compared to most people.  For the ping lag I noticed that in Koldrak when I look at task manager the game is using up ~2.1 mbs of my network until the boss dies then goes back down, which is 100% of my bandwidth so my ping rockets to the moon. Usually the game only takes 0.1 - 0.3 mbs no matter what else I'm doing. Can't exactly tab out during Sanctum but I suspect the same thing is happening there, and I have no clue why or how to fix it because sometimes in Koldrak it stays at 0.1 - 0.3 mbs and my ping is completely fine.


As for hardware for fps lag, that other dude roasting my rig but I meet all the recommended requirements except for RAM, which meets the minimum requirements. 


The faster your RAM is, The faster your RAM can transfer data to the CPU which then transfers that data to the GPU. Slow RAM can disrupt the harmony of your parts and create a bottleneck that lowers your FPS in a significant way, but upgrading RAM won't magically increase your computer's performance by huge numbers, your CPU and GPU comes into play as well, as far as I can see, your CPU is much more weaker than your GPU - RX 470 which can cause limitations when your CPU can't keep up with your GPU which results in your CPU bottlenecking your GPU, but it's kind of common thing to see in Older "Pre-Built" Computers.



On 2/25/2022 at 11:51 PM, Ltspidy said:

As for hardware for fps lag, that other dude roasting my rig


You can't really blame that people are roasting your rig, it is old, it is indeed very old, I'd say your RAM is little too slow as well even for DDR3 system.

Sure, your rig can run the game, at some extent but you will struggle in areas, as your struggling now, I'm surprised that you find your FPS as playable in Raids, but then playable FPS can be subjective for different people, for instance back in UE3 times, most of people found 10 FPS pretty playable, CC9GDld.png


Long story short, you should upgrade regardless, I don't know what your situation is on why you are still playing on an old computer, but it's time to move on, onto something better, as years go by, your rig starts failing even more as it won't keep up. If your budget does not allow the upgrade, than you have to simply deal with the cons that it comes with when gaming, there is no point in you trying to investigate and search underlying cause so you can magically boost your computers performance, the problem is clear, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. 


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10 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:



The faster your RAM is, The faster your RAM can transfer data to the CPU which then transfers that data to the GPU. Slow RAM can disrupt the harmony of your parts and create a bottleneck that lowers your FPS in a significant way, but upgrading RAM won't magically increase your computer's performance by huge numbers, your CPU and GPU comes into play as well, as far as I can see, your CPU is much more weaker than your GPU - RX 470 which can cause limitations when your CPU can't keep up with your GPU which results in your CPU bottlenecking your GPU, but it's kind of common thing to see in Older "Pre-Built" Computers.




You can't really blame that people are roasting your rig, it is old, it is indeed very old, I'd say your RAM is little too slow as well even for DDR3 system.

Sure, your rig can run the game, at some extent but you will struggle in areas, as your struggling now, I'm surprised that you find your FPS as playable in Raids, but then playable FPS can be subjective for different people, for instance back in UE3 times, most of people found 10 FPS pretty playable, CC9GDld.png


Long story short, you should upgrade regardless, I don't know what your situation is on why you are still playing on an old computer, but it's time to move on, onto something better, as years go by, your rig starts failing even more as it won't keep up. If your budget does not allow the upgrade, than you have to simply deal with the cons that it comes with when gaming, there is no point in you trying to investigate and search underlying cause so you can magically boost your computers performance, the problem is clear, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. 




Yea.... that AMD FX-8350 is from 2012.... lol SotM is more optimized for newer processors it looks like because mine is like 6 yrs old and it runs that dungeon fine

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