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Assesment of this years halloween event


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10 hours ago, Fynn58 said:

Since playing Blade and Soul since it came to NA and being in pretty much all of its' Events I can Honestly rate this Event as  "The WORST ONE EVER" . congratualtions on sinking to a new low

nothing is worse then the old PvP  based events years ago, but that's just me.

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2 hours ago, Belido said:

nothing is worse then the old PvP  based events years ago, but that's just me.


That event, to get the True Heart, was absolutely horrible.


It was fun when players would align to spin and take turns!
But then Crimson had to ruin everything ... and randomly kill anyone...


And the True Heart is completely useless.

NCSoft was too lazy to fix the pink effect, so, they just retired the item, with a lazy warning on it.


It's sad, really sad...



But this event absolutely sucks.

In my opinion, it's the 2nd worst event.

The worst event ever was the summer event where you would lose your items if you don't pick them in 5 seconds...

Fish, wait 5 seconds, lost item forever...

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9 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


That event, to get the True Heart, was absolutely horrible.


It was fun when players would align to spin and take turns!
But then Crimson had to ruin everything ... and randomly kill anyone...


And the True Heart is completely useless.

NCSoft was too lazy to fix the pink effect, so, they just retired the item, with a lazy warning on it.


It's sad, really sad...



But this event absolutely sucks.

In my opinion, it's the 2nd worst event.

The worst event ever was the summer event where you would lose your items if you don't pick them in 5 seconds...

Fish, wait 5 seconds, lost item forever...

Ncsoft west gave up on the game long time ago. Even our own community manager is glowing with her ''staying away from the game'' 
She haven't answered to @'s in over a month now or on direct massage. 

But players are like ''i will give the game one more chance / only one more event'' 

Literally hundreds of people have stop playing this event. Big clans are dying bcz people stop log ing. 
And some ''whales and addicted people'' Only play on raid days. 

The game had its run, its been 5 good years. But it seems like it finally hit the end. 
When you have to spend 10-15 min to find people with LFP in f8 on a Saturday on prime time. 
Then you kinda have it on ''paper'' that the game is as dead it can be. 

Sure the game still have players, And some of them are bots to make the game look populated. 
even seen it self, even tested to whisper one. and it said ''not a player, try again'' 

Don't get me wrong tho, i have played the game from 2016 on launch. I would never stay this long if it was a bad game. 
But the last straw is probably drawn for me and many other people i use to play with in the game. 

75+ Friends in my F4 list. Last month only 4 have been online. It says a lot. 
and over half of those 75 was very geared players.. So called ''whales'' 

Bns in kr is super good and they have a team of devs and supp that care about players. 
Bns here in west are super dead. You can't even get the community manager to answer in over a month. You know doing her job. 
We don't get answers on bug fix, we don't get answer here on forum from staff, we don't get answer on game related things. 

Sooner or later will more and more players realize this and they too will stop play. 
Its just a matter of time really. Most people have already realized it, and some are close to do it. 

Tbh i don't even think we will get season pass or soul pass in our region. Bcz it would be ''to good'' for us. 

Stuff like that is just sad, we don't even have sf 3rd spec yet. Even if the game files already are added and have been there for over a month now. 

What other game company could get away with that? 

W/t Its sad that bns got to this point. And its sad to see so many people leave at the same time. But it is what it is i guess. 

I too will also leave the game now after 5 years. On to the next one. 

- Over and out. 

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 Yes the West killed or is more in the process of killing BnS  .... I honestly wonder why the Koreans who originally developed the game is letting it die at the hands of NCSOFT and not kicking them in thier corporate butts to make Blade and Soul work.

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3 hours ago, Fynn58 said:

 Yes the West killed or is more in the process of killing BnS  .... I honestly wonder why the Koreans who originally developed the game is letting it die at the hands of NCSOFT and not kicking them in thier corporate butts to make Blade and Soul work.


Ncsoft is the developer, team bloodlust is not a different company it's just the name of nc softs development team for blade and soul.

Edited by Cor
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18 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


The worst event ever was the summer event where you would lose your items if you don't pick them in 5 seconds...

Fish, wait 5 seconds, lost item forever...

hahaha yes that was a legendary BnS mech too!

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On 10/19/2021 at 4:47 AM, 200IQ said:

When you have to spend 10-15 min to find people with LFP in f8 on a Saturday on prime time. 


I almost never spend more than 5 minutes waiting for a full party, unless it is close to Koldrak's time.




On 10/19/2021 at 4:47 AM, 200IQ said:

Tbh i don't even think we will get season pass or soul pass in our region. Bcz it would be ''to good'' for us.


I agree with this. I expect we will get nothing at all.




15 hours ago, Belido said:

hahaha yes that was a legendary BnS mech too!


Yes, it was amazing.
And some loot would require you to press F then Y.

And if you have any lag spike or freeze (which was common, with so many players around), you could lose the loot.

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I played on a new account, so I appreciate for the outfit boxes cuz I start at zero outfit.


Still, this event is kinda questionable, design-wise

-You can only do it on one character cuz one-time purchase of 60 lamps. People with alt has nothing to do with the cloth they get from DCs outside of turning them into charms

-The step with Special Cloth is unnecessary, forcing you visit Dragon Express to trade 5 cloth for one special cloth then go to Transmute menu. Why not just have had a transmutation with a lamp + 5 cloth = a Wishing Lamp. Also nuke the Pristine  Lamp step, cuz no one use it and it only makes it confusing.

-Scrubbing charm, if you have any leftover, can be traded for... a Lucky Dumpling? Like what? You only have 60 of these. Why can it be at least a 1m charm?

-Festive Coins are useless. Like, seriously, who think it is a good idea to make an event that is only available for top 4 farmers of Realmdrift Supply Chain. They cannot even be traded into something useful. I remember the one Valentine event of this game has currencies sold for 5 gold if you are not interested in the forced-pvp event.

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On 10/21/2021 at 9:26 PM, Momo Chizuki said:

-You can only do it on one character cuz one-time purchase of 60 lamps. People with alt has nothing to do with the cloth they get from DCs outside of turning them into charms


That's designed to force you to make more accounts, so the numbers look better.

Basically, more active accounts.



On 10/21/2021 at 9:26 PM, Momo Chizuki said:

-The step with Special Cloth is unnecessary, forcing you visit Dragon Express to trade 5 cloth for one special cloth then go to Transmute menu. Why not just have had a transmutation with a lamp + 5 cloth = a Wishing Lamp.


I agree, it is stupid.

But I would change it a little: make the lamp available straight from the same menu, where you buy the lamps by paying 1 Antique lamp + 5 cloths for 1 Wishing lamp.


But I think they didn't do that to slow down players intentionally.



On 10/21/2021 at 9:26 PM, Momo Chizuki said:

-Scrubbing charm, if you have any leftover, can be traded for... a Lucky Dumpling? Like what? You only have 60 of these. Why can it be at least a 1m charm?


The 1 million XP is sold for 5 Scrubbing Charms.



On 10/21/2021 at 9:26 PM, Momo Chizuki said:

-Festive Coins are useless. Like, seriously, who think it is a good idea to make an event that is only available for top 4 farmers of Realmdrift Supply Chain. They cannot even be traded into something useful. I remember the one Valentine event of this game has currencies sold for 5 gold if you are not interested in the forced-pvp event.


They are useless. They are supposedly for NCWest to pick the top 4 persons with the most coins, then those can pick 1 piece of gear.


Other than that, they are incredibly useless.

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