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Fusion stones without doing pvp

Shiro Todoroki

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I don't like pvp. But the game forces me to do it nevertheless cause I need those fusion stones. WIthout 50 fusion stones I am not able to upgrade my new soul cause once I upgraded it with fusion stones. If I am not doing pvp I don't have any chance to get enough fusion stones. So I would like to have a possibility to get enough fusion stones with pve content. Maybe in events or something. Just imagine you not only get oils or pet pods in events but also fusion stones for event currency

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4 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Id like to get Sacred orbs, Elysian Orbs, Oils, Pet pet from PVP will i get it ? of coruse not cause they want me to PVE ! just dont be lazy and play 1 match pvp a week !

in every thread where people ask about removing the requirement to do pvp you come and repeat this nonsense. 


pve is so easy, every pvp player can do it on the side.

if all you want to do is pvp without farming  then do 1v1 and 3v3 only.


pvp is hard, because for one to win, someone else has to lose. 

to get any ranking rewards (>1400) you have to have a >50% winrate...


to get fusion stones, you have to be top90, meaning everyone else who "isnt lazy and plays 1 match pvp a week" doesnt get any. 


i myself know what im talking about because i hate pvp and still manage to get some stones ever week.

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4 hours ago, Immunity said:

in every thread where people ask about removing the requirement to do pvp you come and repeat this nonsense. 

Well seems like it is needed cause theese people are always either new to the forum and dont know this has been posted for dozen of times or they are ignorant. Its a Forum after all it exist so we can share our oppinions about the game so that the Publisher can make the game better. Oh wait skip that publisher part dosent happen here anyway. 



pve is so easy, every pvp player can do it on the side.

PVP is also easy every PVE player can do it on the side. The point is why do i have to be forced to PVE but PVE Players should not be forced to PVP ? Just be fair dude. I am mainly a PVE player nowdays but i know there are still several people who hate PVE it bores them but to this day they are forced to do it cause guess where you get the recently newly released PVP ring ? Dont forget you also need PVE gear to get the PVP gear but nearly all mats you need are PVE only but not a single PVP player expect me complains about this cause they are not selfish ! they think "ok guess i quit then" instead of "oh no lets write a forum post so NCwest can ignore the issue and we keep suffering". 


if all you want to do is pvp without farming  then do 1v1 and 3v3 only.

So you forbid them to do 6v6 ? 6v6 is a PVP mode and its the most alive currently. There are very few players still accepting the state of 1v1 and 3v3 which we have due to NCwest not following their TOS. 


pvp is hard, because for one to win, someone else has to lose. 

So 50% chance. You just need to reach 1400 (depending on class 1450 cause top 90) and if you are that low its RNG anyway who wins. If you lose and are still above 1400 its still enough to get Fusion stones.  Where is the problem we have alot of RNG in PVE too. 


to get any ranking rewards (>1400) you have to have a >50% winrate...

You can also have 1400+ with a winrate of 1% also like i said that low its RNG anyway a single player can win the game there. 


to get fusion stones, you have to be top90, meaning everyone else who "isnt lazy and plays 1 match pvp a week" doesnt get any. 

Oh look at how many players we have left in the game. No matter what class you play its still super low silver you need to reach like 1450 at worst or something thats still low que and still RNG. Also a lose counts too aslong as you stay in top 90. 


i myself know what im talking about because i hate pvp and still manage to get some stones ever week.

I can say the same but i play booth even tho PVE takes more of my time since i dont enjoy PVP anymore due to NCwest not following their TOS. If you only want to play PVP you have way more disadvantages than PVE player but the PVE players are the only ones complaining always saying "we want" and "we need" instead of "we need but give too"


As you wrote you saw my posts here already so you know i want them to remove PVE completly from PVP and PVP from PVE so everything is farmable in an equal way but we need to be honest with a company like NC this is never gonna happen no matter how loud the Community crys.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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trial has fusion stones if you can beat stage 10 I heard, used to be challenge mode npc who would give you a fusion stone per clear but was removed recently, still stacks of 5 fusion stones can be obtained somewhat frequently from a kill in challenge mode.

hopefully more pve focused rankings get the fusion stone treatment or just more ways to gather fusion stones if one is willing to put in effort in either pve or pvp, since this game lives off both modes, not just one.

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