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SP Male Boss Debuff


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Now that the cat is out of the bag, yeah, the effect Necro-Barrier is bugged. I'm not sure about the specifics, but generally, any stack amount between 1-4 increases damage output from players more compared to removing all stacks. It's very strange.

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2 hours ago, Azaethal said:

Now that the cat is out of the bag, yeah, the effect Necro-Barrier is bugged. I'm not sure about the specifics, but generally, any stack amount between 1-4 increases damage output from players more compared to removing all stacks. It's very strange.

at least 50% of population knew about this on the first day, I'm sure, Korean Devs know about it and doesn't have a fix for it either, I've seen a post on Korean forums, every time a new dungeon is about to come out in EU/NA you already know weaknesses of it, although I expected them to fix it before SP Challenge Mode, but I guess not, At this point, 99% of people using it.  as far as I know, SP has 4 types of bugs, 1) Stack Bug, 2) You can view someone else characters camera view or fly around map in camera preview without your character moving, 3) DPS meter bug on last hit in 2 mini bosses, 4. Faction Outfit Solo bug, (Which was fixed on 4/1/2020 I believe). so basically it's full of bugs. 

Edited by SayhaSeer
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15 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:

at least 50% of population knew about this on the first day, I'm sure, Korean Devs know about it and doesn't have a fix for it either, I've seen a post on Korean forums, every time a new dungeon is about to come out in EU/NA you already know weaknesses of it, although I expected them to fix it before SP Challenge Mode, but I guess not, At this point, 99% of people using it.  as far as I know, SP has 4 types of bugs, 1) Stack Bug, 2) You can view someone else characters camera view or fly around map in camera preview without your character moving, 3) DPS meter bug on last hit in 2 mini bosses, 4. Faction Outfit Solo bug, (Which was fixed on 4/1/2020 I believe). so basically it's full of bugs. 

I'm not active on the KR forums, and while the playerbase is aware of it, I'm guessing that our staff here in the west aren't. Figured it was good to let them know.

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3 hours ago, Azaethal said:

I'm not active on the KR forums, and while the playerbase is aware of it, I'm guessing that our staff here in the west aren't. Figured it was good to let them know.

I'm pretty sure they are, it would be a miracle if they weren't, don't write them off like that, I am sure they are more aware then most players, but it is out of their control to do anything.

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The only reason they ask you to remove 1 stack instead of 3, is so we don't have the run the risk of getting petrified by the debuff cleansing circle. Damage wise, whether it's 1 stack down or all stacks down, the dps is the same, with only difference being that with all stacks down you need to do semi full mechs (block mirror shots at the very least).

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22 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:

I'm pretty sure they are, it would be a miracle if they weren't, don't write them off like that, I am sure they are more aware then most players, but it is out of their control to do anything.

It's hard to believe that considering cases of, for example, someone's character being stuck and a CM pointing them to Support rather than to use the ingame Escape feature.

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