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3rd country in europe who ban RNG Lootboxes as gambling?!?

Merlin DE

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2 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Games like Fifa which force you to buy such packs are rated for 3 year olds while there is no age verification etc. thoose kids are even allowed to buy thoose games without consent of their parents and if they are old enough they will have no right to give the product back to the store aswell.


Its not about the credit card only, its also about the way thoose boxes are sold. This kind of gambling is allowed for kids and since a kid is allowed to do whatever they want with their alowance they ofcourse can buy loot boxes which increases the chance of being addicted in the future.


And again i have to say this whole debate is not about BNS politics will never look at one game only and they will not give BNS the "ok" just because it is not fifa.

Lets take FIFA. While its rated for everyone it has "In-game purchases" this already should trigger common sense in parents.


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Gerade eben schrieb Grimoir:

Lets take FIFA. While its rated for everyone it has "In-game purchases" this already should trigger common sense in parents.

What if the parents are not into games ? they see its a football/Soccer game so it must be ok for the kid to play and since it is rated for everyone there cant be anything dangerous in it.


Now you probably say "but they can inform themselve" why should they ? this whole rating system is created for thoose poeple so they know what their kids can play.


I dont mind about the addicted anymore but atleast give us some age restrictions so kids cannot buy such games and if its free to play like BNS some age verification. China found a way for that problem kids are not allowed to buy thoose boxes for more than 20€ and adults for 55€ even tho i think it should be 0€ for kids its good that they atleast think about it.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

bnS is rated M for Mature and means the age to play the game is 17+. If anyone lower plays the game they need parental consent to do so as per ToS.

And? are there any legal age verification involved? No all they do is asking for your date of birth which is NOT a legal age verification cause even an 8 or 9 year old child can calculate the date needed to be typed in to look like legal age. 

In contrast to german and many other european countries know children will always be kids doing stupid thinks and parents cant monitor them 24/7/365. Therefore they made laws to protect either the child and their parents.
In a perfect world it might work, but we dont live in a perfgect world and neither our kids nor their parents are perfect and there will always be ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ to be happen.

Thats why stores not allowed to sell alcohol / tabaco / cigarets to children and teenager under 18. Thats why children are not allowed to gamble or participate in any lottery.

Game publisher avoid these laws by just rating their game but dont make sure there is an actual legal age verification.

vor 7 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

Lets take FIFA. While its rated for everyone it has "In-game purchases" this already should trigger common sense in parents.

Well the result is quite easy, some contries already thought about to rate FIFA and other games with microtransactions 18+

Even if you cant win real money, RNG-Lootboxes are gambling but they are not regulated as normal gambling, there are no controlling and you basically can do wat you want and rip off your costomers at its best and even ruin them. NC-Soft drove it to the top by offering 20.000 NCoins for 250 EUR what is basicaly


Oh and Btw: do you think its an mistake or coincidence that you cant get a ccomplete set of soulshield psyches befor a new raid and therefore a new soulshield set will be released?
No its not, it to trick people in buying the freaking rng lootboxes / trovekeyes to get their psyches faster whil it is impossible to get them in time farming them.

But anyway, discussing with you is like taking with the wall behind my monitor while i still think it would make more sense to talk with my wall ;), you will always defend every BS NC-Soft do. They should realy offer you a job, you would be a great and loyal employee who would always blandish and find excuses for everything ;)


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Taking a set of addictive personalities (MMORPG players... duh) and bypassing the law (in most places in the US and EU) to give them something to gamble on without even telling them the odds is triply criminal... at least.




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That is why there is always trash in rng boxes/trove etc: gamedevs work around gambling laws - player should always get something in return for his bet.


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