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NCS/NCW's way of getting away with constant nerfs to everything


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1. Claim there are "reductions in costs" coming to get people hyped and possibly getting people to come back to game

2. Intentionally increases costs instead then remain completely silent as an attempt to stir up some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ in the economy and wait for it to settle down to a new high point. Release RNG scamboxes at same time to "help" with the cost increase

3. After a couple of weeks they'll say "oops our bad, let us tweak the numbers a LITTLE"

4. Reverts increase in cost by a tiny bit, so that in the end you still end up with a cost increase

5. Showered with praise by players for "fixing the problem"

6. Everyone forgets that a couple of weeks ago this was supposed to be a cost REDUCTION

7. Repeat as often as you want - profit


Remember, whether it's PTS or TS it doesn't make a damn difference when they increase crafting cost by like 33%, and both depend on tradeable moonstones, something you can ONLY get in 6v6 aka whale epeen sizing contest. Tradeable ss/elysians aren't exactly that easy to farm either.


Nice marketing tactic. You've had most people fooled in the last archer patch (remember, your end result as of Oct 18 2019 is any dungeon below DST is still not easier and drops are still massively nerfed, yet people seem to no longer care) and for sure you'll have people fooled this patch.

Edited by PetPuggi
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Every dungeon in em has skippable mechs that don't even have a dps requirement (you can solo rt and st that had wipe mechs), except maybe DST first boss.

They fixed curse insta kill in TSM.

With tt gear you can solo all dungeons except DST and CC in easy mode (it will take some time but it's doable). Since the dungeons are easier the rewards were nerfed.

This is what simple mode was supposed to be.


But yeah the cost "reductions" are increases and their silence doesn't help anyone.

I guess we'll have to wait for next week's maintenance to see if they even bothered to "look into it" or "investigate" as they like to say.


EDIT: some spelling errors.

Edited by MeatMachine
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Why is people so paranoic thinking that this was made on purpose? They have made many mistakes all the time, hopefully this will get fixed soon.

There is no reason to make an error and make eveyone mad, then fix it...
I was hyped too, was going to upgrade some weapons for alts, and now I wont even bother until they do something about the craft/stones, Like keropi said, they had goon intentions but they screw it up.
Post like this just make me facepalm...

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6 hours ago, Xzard said:

Why is people so paranoic thinking that this was made on purpose? They have made many mistakes all the time, hopefully this will get fixed soon.

There is no reason to make an error and make eveyone mad, then fix it...
I was hyped too, was going to upgrade some weapons for alts, and now I wont even bother until they do something about the craft/stones, Like keropi said, they had goon intentions but they screw it up.
Post like this just make me facepalm...

Because people with normal IQ and work in a real company isn't trying to purposely screw around with its customers won't make mistakes like this? How hard is it to communicate simple numbers to another team? I work in software development so I know very well how all these communications work, and they're not frickin rocket science where you have a 99% chance to completely misinterpret "10" as "100". Do you honestly think constant "miscommunication" of this level is not done on purpose when it's happened in every single major patch this game's ever had? Where do you think the original google sheet came from, someone from NCW just whipped a RNG out of their ass and put in random numbers? Obviously not, either NCW already knew the true numbers to begin with and straight out lied, or NCS simply made up completely fake numbers and gave them to NCW. It doesn't matter which one it is, the end result is one of them lied and ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed up. Do you think they have the face to call it weapon cost "reductions" if it's apparent from the get go that costs increased? No it's better to first straight out lie to get people back into the game, then fix the problem later to make it seem like they did something good.


Lol "good intentions". Tell me a single thing that's "good intention" from doubling weapon upgrade costs? Yeah it's "good intentions" for their shareholders and the company's wallet alright.


Either you're very new to the game and don't know any of the game's previous patching history or just very naive.

Edited by PetPuggi
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vor 2 Stunden schrieb PetPuggi:

Because people with normal IQ and work in a real company isn't trying to purposely screw around with its customers won't make mistakes like this

Because Salesmen / Manager who know their job would start thinking when they did a mistakte, that caused lost of customers (Players, Premiummembers) and would think how to get them back.

Not NC-Soft. NC-Soft thinks oh damn, we earned a shitstorm amd lost customers but who cares, lets do it again and again and again...


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vor 13 Stunden schrieb Xzard:

Why is people so paranoic thinking that this was made on purpose?

Maybe cause they say they test it before releaseing it ? If you test it you will see the patch is trash most of the time but they dont care.


There are only 2 Option i can think of NC could do with patches they want to roll out.

Option 1: They dont test it

Option 2: They test if the game runs and dont look further into it.


All we want is a NCsoft who is hiring people with knowledge about the game and a testserver or atleast some people who test the patches before hand. Preferably a test server it dosent have to be one for the whole population like 12 players are already enough (bare minimun).


Its probably like 40€ to open a test server since you can take anykind of Core 2 duo mashine to do this but to expensive for them.

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On 19/10/2019 at 1:37 AM, ImoutoMaster said:

Maybe cause they say they test it before releaseing it ? If you test it you will see the patch is trash most of the time but they dont care.


There are only 2 Option i can think of NC could do with patches they want to roll out.

Option 1: They dont test it

Option 2: They test if the game runs and dont look further into it.


All we want is a NCsoft who is hiring people with knowledge about the game and a testserver or atleast some people who test the patches before hand. Preferably a test server it dosent have to be one for the whole population like 12 players are already enough (bare minimun).


Its probably like 40€ to open a test server since you can take anykind of Core 2 duo mashine to do this but to expensive for them.

What went live that they did not test properly? the cost reduction and craft system is working as they expected, which was a bad decision but is working as intented, no bug or errors.
Or did you think that you can test a change like this? you cant, only going on live server you can see the result, which is bad, I'm not defending the craft update because it ruined the TS price.
Or you were talking about the Ez mode thing? which is also intented, no test error there, only bad desicions again.

So I'm not sure how testing is related to this errors.

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