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Main difficulties for new players.


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 I have been playing quite a bit and I have some thoughts about this game


- Gear which you get after completing the story isn't accurate to difficulty of daily challenge


- Events with trashy rewards, item which reduce upgrade cost of solu? great, wait but what? you need 20 of them to upgrade 1 stage?  ? XD? KEKW

-  What happened with events where just for doing event dungeon every day you can get basic soul, pet, hearth, weapon? THAT IS WHAT NEW PLAYERS NEEDS THE MOST

- Pointless upgrading paths for older accessories (could you make it like you did with Oath Necklace? it’s so simple)


- Insane costs of breakthrough, forcing players to upgrade older accessories to get crux

- like Nightfall Sanctuary ring or earring - 2 PTS + 400 Moonstones + 400 Elysian Orbs why, why why why? Using crus, ofc but first you have to upgrade old accessory form BT, spending ~120 jeweler orbs and other mats. What is the point of upgrading ring form raid which was 3 years ago?


- Too many upgrading stages for each item (weapon, soul, heart, talisman, pet)

- 18 stages to get form Raven 1 to Grand Celestial Stage 1? its OVERWHELMING.   It would looks better if there will be 4 stages of weapon like Raven > Raven St.1/2/3

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2 hours ago, dena said:

- Events with trashy rewards, item which reduce upgrade cost of solu? great, wait but what? you need 20 of them to upgrade 1 stage?  ? XD? KEKW

-  What happened with events where just for doing event dungeon every day you can get basic soul, pet, hearth, weapon? THAT IS WHAT NEW PLAYERS NEEDS THE MOST

The events are still there, they dont run 24/7. Not so long ago was a different event for soul and heart upgrade and currently is the one with nebula stones. Soon there will be a different one again. Game does not evolve around events, you need to grind aswel.


2 hours ago, dena said:

Pointless upgrading paths for older accessories (could you make it like you did with Oath Necklace? it’s so simple)

They will be. Soon the first gen of draken accessories will be removed and the others like BT even will become base starting accessories.


2 hours ago, dena said:

- Insane costs of breakthrough, forcing players to upgrade older accessories to get crux

- like Nightfall Sanctuary ring or earring - 2 PTS + 400 Moonstones + 400 Elysian Orbs why, why why why? Using crus, ofc but first you have to upgrade old accessory form BT, spending ~120 jeweler orbs and other mats. What is the point of upgrading ring form raid which was 3 years ago?

Its linear progression: BT -> TT -> ET. I am sure very soon they will be changed to drop already as stage 1 accessories, but untill then either farm mats for breakthrough or upgrade for crux.

2 hours ago, dena said:

- Too many upgrading stages for each item (weapon, soul, heart, talisman, pet)

- 18 stages to get form Raven 1 to Grand Celestial Stage 1? its OVERWHELMING.   It would looks better if there will be 4 stages of weapon like Raven > Raven St.1/2/3

There arent too many stages imo, and you shouldnt expect to be instantly in the high gear range as a new player. The only issue with the gear and upgrading is that you never have a moment to just sit on the gear you have as by then new tiers always release.

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The worst is they reduce the gold from dungeon. Decent gear required to join nice content like VT and MSP 4-6 is A9 weapon + second tear ALL accessories + good gems. My daily income is around 50 gold. PTS alone is 400gold. No other source to get PTS, gem powders, legendary jewel and element except spend our gold. Then how exactly to progress and enjoy the game? 

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9 hours ago, dena said:

 I have been playing quite a bit and I have some thoughts about this game


- Gear which you get after completing the story isn't accurate to difficulty of daily challenge


- Events with trashy rewards, item which reduce upgrade cost of solu? great, wait but what? you need 20 of them to upgrade 1 stage?  ? XD? KEKW

-  What happened with events where just for doing event dungeon every day you can get basic soul, pet, hearth, weapon? THAT IS WHAT NEW PLAYERS NEEDS THE MOST

- Pointless upgrading paths for older accessories (could you make it like you did with Oath Necklace? it’s so simple)


- Insane costs of breakthrough, forcing players to upgrade older accessories to get crux

- like Nightfall Sanctuary ring or earring - 2 PTS + 400 Moonstones + 400 Elysian Orbs why, why why why? Using crus, ofc but first you have to upgrade old accessory form BT, spending ~120 jeweler orbs and other mats. What is the point of upgrading ring form raid which was 3 years ago?


- Too many upgrading stages for each item (weapon, soul, heart, talisman, pet)

- 18 stages to get form Raven 1 to Grand Celestial Stage 1? its OVERWHELMING.   It would looks better if there will be 4 stages of weapon like Raven > Raven St.1/2/3

Welcome to BnS.

And with the reduction of materials (for same number of daily challenges) and the gold, it's even more difficult for new players to catch up now to the veteran players, unless you spend real $.


Some people might try to encourage and give justification on your struggle, but my suggestion is don't listen to some people who don't understand your pain. Just ignore those people. They don't understand your hardships, and probably the company doesn't too.

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb dirtdancer:

The worst is they reduce the gold from dungeon. Decent gear required to join nice content like VT and MSP 4-6 is A9 weapon + second tear ALL accessories + good gems. My daily income is around 50 gold. PTS alone is 400gold. No other source to get PTS, gem powders, legendary jewel and element except spend our gold. Then how exactly to progress and enjoy the game? 

I do daily and some PVP unfourtunetly it dosent work if you are a new player and need gold cause even if you do daily there will be a lack of keys to open PVP boxes. Veterans can do it thou since they usually have more than enough keys.

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I just returned a couple of weeks ago and keep hearing about the gold nerf. I don't have much experience with gold making since I never had a max toon back in 2016, highest was a level 40 or 41 KFM. But I do know that upgrade costs have always been more then a normal player could make and is one of the turn offs for me. They need to adjust prices so that vendored items give more then just coppers, dailies give enough to cover repairs and upgrades and other items don't out price what you make.


I also prefer the old way of upgrading items and not whatever the legendaries require now. I liked taking crap weapons and feeding them into my current weapon. I liked being able to upgrade at low levels also. I miss that with a passion. Getting tired of Korean games streamlining their games so as to remove low level fun and turning it into an endgame only game. I am one of those players that love alts, love leveling, love experiencing crafting and upgrading at low levels. I don't farm gold which seems to be what you need to do in order to advance anywhere in endgame.


I leveled my Gunslinger to max, got HM 13 and stopped after the story and orange quest got to raid/endgame. Then I leveled my Archer to 59 and am waiting for end of event so I can hit max and get 7 days premium with an extra daily dash because I don't like trove. Now I'm leveling my Warlock but not liking how he plays and I remember him being fun at launch so not sure what changed now. Probably gutted his skills and divided them between specs or something.


All I know is that as a returning player it seems like a mountain to climb if you play alts and want good gear on them. I think I would have to dedicate ALL my game time to one toon just to have decent gear and forget about gearing alts. That's not how I play so not sure how long I'll keep playing B&S before I just get annoyed and leave again.


Launch B&S > Current B&S

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