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QOL suggestion about events.


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Most of us know and recommand to have multiple alt characters to profit from events.


And i think that in many way it isn't enjoyable


Since they introduced limit to item from event shop (and i doubt anybody buy anything beside the bound to account items...) there are two thing they could add to make events enjoyable : 

  • make the reward in the dynamics and make them repeatable
  • make token bound to account.


This would make event more enjoyable since we would see more geared players doing it. 


I once suggested about BTA token and linxy said they dont want to force us to do event on many alt, but regardless we already doing it to buy BTA items. the only non-bta item are flowers, exp charm and scales  and i don't know anybody insane enough to buy them at that price...! Anyway i think it would be nice to farm them that way (exp, flowers, scales) as long it isn't faster to farm then other dungeons (just a secondary way for lower geared people or at night time when F8 is scarce).


If this is implemented, it would be nice to add unity stone boxes into the event shop.



ps: also please add a mechanics that disable dynamic reward for afk-leechers it becoming more and more painfull. At least give us a report-abuse button .... 


Edited by NekoNoKishi
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vor 13 Stunden schrieb NekoNoKishi:

Since they introduced limit to item from event shop (and i doubt anybody buy anything beside the bound to account items...) there are two thing they could add to make events enjoyable : 

  • make the reward in the dynamics and make them repeatable
  • make token bound to account.

Even i would realy welcome it, its realy annoying to swich through x chars and always need to send "hundreds" of mails to send the gems from on char to another, i highly doubt they will add something like this.

The reason is quite simple, you could farm an unlimited amount of eventtokens and realy buy everything from an event, and thats what they dont want you to do.


vor 14 Stunden schrieb NekoNoKishi:

ps: also please add a mechanics that disable dynamic reward for afk-leechers it becoming more and more painfull. At least give us a report-abuse button .... 

This would be quite easy to implement since we already have a report function for Bots / Spammers and this request is as old as the game is, especialy on battleground and 3 vs 3 (at least at times where people still played that mode). This request came up every few month since i start playing the game 3.5 years ago. 

But since asian people have a completly different mentality and you would never see anyone afk in a dungeon / BG they simply dont see the need for implementing a function like this.




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43 minutes ago, Merlin DE said:

Even i would realy welcome it, its realy annoying to swich through x chars and always need to send "hundreds" of mails to send the gems from on char to another, i highly doubt they will add something like this.

The reason is quite simple, you could farm an unlimited amount of eventtokens and realy buy everything from an event, and thats what they dont want you to do.


This would be quite easy to implement since we already have a report function for Bots / Spammers and this request is as old as the game is, especialy on battleground and 3 vs 3 (at least at times where people still played that mode). This request came up every few month since i start playing the game 3.5 years ago. 

But since asian people have a completly different mentality and you would never see anyone afk in a dungeon / BG they simply dont see the need for implementing a function like this.




actually...it could eb done to work perfectly fine with one character without being unlimited. Idea is simple. Event currency would have limit on how many times/day it could be claimed from specific dungeon. Make it 5 dungeons with dynamic quests which give event currency, but event currency could be claimed only 11times per day accountwide.Each dungeon would give 1 coin.each weekly challenge (Fas,snowjade and both halls) would give 3 coins extra 12/week That makes up to 55 coins/day, and since things like sacred vial or pet pack has weekly claim limit, it shouldnt be an issue. Sure peopel would get tons of octa gems..still..pretty sure you can easilly claim 11 octa gems during current event if you have 11 characters...and those who actually play each aday and do all daily and weekly challenges could claim like 20...
lets see...
weeklies gives 6+6+3+3=18
Daily challenge gives 6
login rewards most likely will give 3 as usua for premium.
So if you're premium you get 9 event curerncy eah day with extar 18 from weeklies
maximum 9x7+18=63+18=81. 
Octa box is worth 80...
So in 4 weeks you get 324coins....aka 4 octa gems..and that's with single character. Having 11 characters would give 44 octa gems and 44 coins remaining 
 3564 gems in total...

with my idea you could get 55x28+ 12x4+3x28=1540+48+84=1672...so tbh its low. very low..up to 20 octa boxes per event. So tbh it could be double. 2x from dynamic and and 6x from weekly. so it would be 110x28+24x4+3x28=3080+96+84=3260...or 40 octa boxes...
still lower than now having 11 alts and doin daily+weekly challenges and having premium..lower by 4...so nope..you wouldn't get infinite tokens if there are limits applied. :)

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Why make tokens account bound if the items you can get for them are? o.o Just get what you need on alts and mail the items over.

as for the repeatable dynamic rewards....idk, it looks to me like "lets just get everything we need from events instead of actually playing and farming the game" type of thing o.o

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

it looks to me like "lets just get everything we need from events instead of actually playing and farming the game" type of thing o.o

Tell me, where is the difference in doing 1x event on 11 chars or doing 11x the event on 1 char?
Doing it 11 times on one char would at least save you from keep tracking on which char you already did the event and from sending a hundred mails to send your gems around

vor einer Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

Why make tokens account bound if the items you can get for them are? o.o Just get what you need on alts and mail the items over.

it would be nice caus you might be able to buy something usefull from left over tokens instead of for example 3 potions on x chars ;)


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3 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Even i would realy welcome it, its realy annoying to swich through x chars and always need to send "hundreds" of mails to send the gems from on char to another, i highly doubt they will add something like this.

why do you go through the trouble of sending jewels to other characters, it cost time and money and you don't need them for simple event or daily challenges, i simply have heptas  on all my alts (or better if i have spare)

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First, i dont know anybody that enjoy playing their trash reroll or playing with trash reroll in events or spend half of their time switching char / zoning in F8... please name me one...and it is unfair to player that only have one main character ! 


About the "unlimited" gems farm, you guys realise that you can have as many account as you want to farm powder (and its not so bad LAZY money maker, between 50-100g/hour worth of powder) @YunoGasaiYandere im pretty sure a chinese gold seller would enjoy his 100-200€ monthly salary from such method (ever wondered where the powder supply come from or why F9 price is "broken" ? )


About "let's get all in event"  @Grimoir  i already covered it by " as long it isn't faster to farm then other dungeons (just a secondary way for lower geared people or at night time when F8 is scarce)"  maybe i should write "efficient" instead of "faster" ? But i would add that they could put some token as reward for dynamic in ALL dungeon during event while event dungeon would be the way to go for low gear chars to get entry level mats?? maybe with an increase/rescale in the price of event shop. That would be so awesome actually ! 


@Merlin DE exactly 11x1 or 1x11 is the same ... and anyway they are now ABLE to put limit on everything account wide so there is no reason to force us to do event on rerolls now (and we can buy account slot with hmcoin so they don't really profit from it)


One of the reason that F8 lobby is so empty is because people are on alt doing event. Being able to do it on main only would mean we could actually see what in F8 between 2 event and might jump on something and bring more activity to the game.





Edited by NekoNoKishi
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5 hours ago, NekoNoKishi said:

About "let's get all in event"  @Grimoir  i already covered it by " as long it isn't faster to farm then other dungeons (just a secondary way for lower geared people or at night time when F8 is scarce)"  maybe i should write "efficient" instead of "faster" ? But i would add that they could put some token as reward for dynamic in ALL dungeon during event while event dungeon would be the way to go for low gear chars to get entry level mats?? maybe with an increase/rescale in the price of event shop. That would be so awesome actually ! 

I am all for people getting a little boost through events, nothing against that, but it becomes an issue when a single event lets you for example skip all the way to almost finish. thats why i am not all the way for increasing amount of tokens and making the dynamics repeatable.


6 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

it would be nice caus you might be able to buy something usefull from left over tokens instead of for example 3 potions on x chars ;)

But you know what the prices are, and you know which quests give how many, its a matter of planning to make sure you have no leftovers :P

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@Grimoirit is exactly what i said, put token in every dungeon and then increase/rescale prices. 

and i think merlin is totaly right about leftovers and it would mean we can play without a spreadsheet or calculate anything and then send stuff to main.

Tbh, i would even say further, a huge QOL change, maybe a premium one? would be to add a panel in bank shared with whole account, or a panel in inventory that store every bound to account items. Also since we can send ET weapons and every accesories there is no reason to have latest scale, flower, metal as character bound. Thats not stat point and it would be a very good reason to have premium :) basicaly make everybody want to spent 10€/month for the game. but i guess thats another topic and i am derailing lol ... 

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb NekoNoKishi:

Tbh, i would even say further, a huge QOL change, maybe a premium one? would be to add a panel in bank shared with whole account, or a panel in inventory that store every bound to account items.

That request is as old as the game itself. People always demanded am acountwide vault. Drop some gems and mats in there and have access to it from every char on your account, but NC-Soft simply dont listen as always...
Or they just love a useless gold ant timesink making you send 3 mails to send a complete set of gems to another char

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/13/2019 at 1:14 PM, NekoNoKishi said:

First, i dont know anybody that enjoy playing their trash reroll or playing with trash reroll in events or spend half of their time switching char / zoning in F8... please name me one...and it is unfair to player that only have one main character ! 


About the "unlimited" gems farm, you guys realise that you can have as many account as you want to farm powder (and its not so bad LAZY money maker, between 50-100g/hour worth of powder) @YunoGasaiYandere im pretty sure a chinese gold seller would enjoy his 100-200€ monthly salary from such method (ever wondered where the powder supply come from or why F9 price is "broken" ? )


About "let's get all in event"  @Grimoir  i already covered it by " as long it isn't faster to farm then other dungeons (just a secondary way for lower geared people or at night time when F8 is scarce)"  maybe i should write "efficient" instead of "faster" ? But i would add that they could put some token as reward for dynamic in ALL dungeon during event while event dungeon would be the way to go for low gear chars to get entry level mats?? maybe with an increase/rescale in the price of event shop. That would be so awesome actually ! 


@Merlin DE exactly 11x1 or 1x11 is the same ... and anyway they are now ABLE to put limit on everything account wide so there is no reason to force us to do event on rerolls now (and we can buy account slot with hmcoin so they don't really profit from it)


One of the reason that F8 lobby is so empty is because people are on alt doing event. Being able to do it on main only would mean we could actually see what in F8 between 2 event and might jump on something and bring more activity to the game.





Read my post again and again untill you get it...allowing quest to be completed 11 times..this time 12 daily account wide....is not infinite. There are no difference between doing same quest (s) 12 times on single character or one time on 12 characters...tbh you even get less on one character than on 12 this way..simply because you can do raids only once/week on one character...so by doing same quests 12times/day on one character you actually even lose some rewards. And tbh there's basically no difference if you get 50 sacred oils/event by farming them on one character or on 12...except you won't be forced to have horde of characters to achieve something in game. Gold sellers? Even if they get tons of mats and sell them cheap....let them. What bad will happen? the price of mats will dropa nd peopel will actually have fair chance to catch up to whales if they spend lots of time? Wow..such terrible thing..and tbh I wish for NC Soft to bankrupt. They deserve it. Their greed is beyond limits. They forget one simple thing. That those whales...they are rich,impatient people who want everythign handed on silver plate. It doesn't matter that free players have chance to catch up to whales. Whales buy things anyway. Because they are lazy,impatient, rich people...
City of Heroes
Tabula Rasa
Master x Master 
Those games are laready killed by NC soft and their greed. Pretty sure blade and soul is next in the list. that's why they throw pay to win events at us, that's why they are milking this game as much as possible. Seems nonsense? I doubt it. Why? because mobile games are easier to manage,lower cost and can genertae maybe even more.;..and they releasing 4...4 blade and soul mobile games. Why would they even care about expensive PC version..when much greater source of money is incoming. Pretty sure that lost of money gained from blade and soul goes into developing those 4 games..trablating tehm into english and making english version of them...once those 4 games comes out....I wouldn't be surprised if BNS NA/EU will be shutdown...

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