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Rest in peace FM


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after waiting for so long time and dying over and over in BG, and my heart crushed when read the skill balance patch note

We did our best every single day But I think this is the end...


No Shining star for you and me~

oh no~ FM can do wallbang and i can't do anything~ TRY TO DO WALL BANG ON BATTLEGROUND I WANT TO SEE IT  :grrr:

tbh when i see 3 BD, destro, or kfm in enemy team i just want to AFK in base, but alas now they make it i can't afk in bg =.= can you like... nerf the deflect stun from 2sec stun to 0.5sec
it's can help us alot


Edited by Fiana
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Sis we all love getting a 3/4 hp drop from a fm asteroid I remember this fm  stood a mile away from base and cc the whole team leaving us vulnerable for that duration of the knock back and at a disadvantage no brain required for a skill we all can't see... and tbh fm survive longer compared to most.range classes ....having veil and the wide area of it along with alot of stall ...fm has an op large surface area skill  multiple blaze  that we'll all love ... getting pulled and taking big damage ... even in 1vs 1 I got 100-0 by a fm with my tab escape still up 

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1 hour ago, DukeMax said:

hi guys i don't know much about fm skill yet , still level 40 right now . can some one explains what they Nerf  ? O.O

For the most part it's less that they nerfed fm and more that they buffed other classes.
Basically before FM had everything. HP, stall, healing, 10 second iframes, and many many many instakill cheeses.
Now you can either spec big damage or big stall.
Big damage, or fire spec, no longer get's that 10 sec iframe, but they get either a 5 sec iframe that allows them to be mobile, or an insanely busted move that requires no target but pops a lotta damage (i did 300k on general moyun on a raven 3 with no gems or procs using that move)
Ice fm meanwhile gets the majority of the healing iframes, but don't get as big damage as fire would. They have to be in a hittable range in order to hit others which is....only fair really. Fm still has nothing to complain about

Bd's and Destro's got a bit of a buff, merging their spin to deflect and reduce dmg i believe, as well as a few other things that aren't exactly all too casual friendly.

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3 hours ago, Laura099 said:

Basically before FM had everything. HP, stall, healing, 10 second iframes, and many many many instakill cheeses.

nice joke.  I guess you never played a high rating for fm. He was not instakill class.


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32 minutes ago, DukeMax said:

i see got it now i play ice never liked fire , but dose this effect pve you think ? thanks for replay.

As an FM main, I'd really advise you to go full fire even from the beginning. Ice is straight up useless in PVE having close to 0 dmg compared to fire. In PVP you either learn to play against every single class differently as Fire or switch to Ice and be useless in Battlegrounds cause you got gear for fire FM and not Ice :D

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