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  1. This topic turned into several topics, so let's try and take em one at a time, and I'll input my personal responses with them. "Why keep nerfing KFM" Honestly, I don't know. 3rd spec got a decent buff, but nerfing triple kick is just a dumdum move. Is it game breaking? No. In the first place how many classes are theres that can't even be cced while using an attack animation? A lot really. It might matter in 1v1, not so much 3v3, and most certainly not 6v6. But unfortunately with certain "buffs" thrown out, a lot of ccs have become...difficult to execute. You could argue that's why you need more. You could also argue you need to focus on damage. After all, Warden is all about being unccable without taking x amount of damage. I feel like this is a topic you can really delve into and it'd be hard to argue each side due to playstyles being different. "FM is trash tier now" eh 3rd spec needed the shaft. So do others. Being able to dumdum and not do a damn thing and still win cause you chose a class is terrible, and honestly FM 3rd was worse than BM 3rd for some time. Hell you can arguably still get away with pvping 3rd spec, it just won't be a cakewalk, which is what everybody looks for. "Just learn your class 4head" In this game it's not about learning your class, it's about learning all classes. For example, a KFM that counter spams. It was viable, and still is to an extent. Yes, it is great for many moves. But one defense pierce and it's over. Which funny enough, a lot of wl 3rd can be blocked, yet people don't do so. You have to learn your class and your opponents, not just know what's meta and what's not. "Take away the gear and you're nothing" Um, no? That is not how this works at all. Gear gives an overbearing advantage against no gear, yes, but uh....do you know how many people have maxed PvP gear? ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ even bronze is filled with a fair number. But wait, bronze? Nonono, can't be. After all, gear is what makes a person in 6s right? Here's a fun fact for ya, even before shadow wl spec buff I used it with low gear. Why? It had a 20m wide aoe that made opponent take 30% more damage, have 30% less ap, and decreased move speed by 20%. Unblockable instacast by the way. As long I iframed, popped it, then started getting out of the way, it gave my team a major damage boost and more survivability. And people said it was a worthless trash spec back then with 0 viability and no functionality. As opposed to the spec that could just qq then die without getting a kill. That's an example of knowledge > gear. Of course there's still a difference between no gear and max gear that knowledge cannot surpass but...why are you going in then? Which brings me to the final topic. "Skipping mechs and dungeons in PvE by cheating gives you an advantage in PvP" Uh...what the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤? Prior to UE4, the only dungeons that gave PvP gear you wanted had no xmls or anything that would give you an advantage. They were Spectral Shrine and House of Idols. And post UE4, it's still the same! The only one you can skip is TC and why run that when you can run FoE Normal Mode, get 2 chances at Best in Slot PvP accessories, and be on your merry way? The other dungeons now btw are Circle of Sundering for the second best in slot weapon, M'ao for the Best in slot gloves and bracelet, and both for the second best in slot soul shield. This also ties into the gear in that this puts you one tier behind gear wise, except for accessories which are Best In Slot. Now, you can argue oh pet, and oh soul, or whatever. Keep in mind, dungeons don't help ya upgrade those at a decent rate at all, even with xmls. What's more, keep in mind Pet was made specifically for PvP after it was changed from Gusty, Loyal, and Hangry, then it got a PvE boost later on. So...I mean, take away what you're meant to work on for 6s and you won't be as good at 6s...yeah I guess? But it doesn't mean you'll be bottom of the barrel. As for any "examples" or "dissing" or what not, I won't take part in any of the defamation or what not other than this - so you know them means they're good? Cause to me it means I run into them. Which normally means they're not good enough, or they're not geared enough. How can you sit here and say these higher ranked people are not better than lower ranked people when you've neither fought them nor seen them fight? I've seen these peeps fight in stuff like clan battles, and at the very least they are organized, they have priorities, they know what to save, what to use. They don't ever go overkill with skills so they have fill uptime on something. That's not something gear does, unless gear gives you experience. That's not to say there aren't some boosted bucks, but there will always be boosted bucks in the ladder. My advice? Run Mao and Hong for a week, and some Normal Modes, you'll have near max pvp gear in a month. If you're truly better than everyone that's ranked, you can win with that gear easily.
  2. Didn't even notice since I finished mine, but it is indeed gone despite the banner still being there 🤔
  3. I don't require dungeons for most PvP gear, so if I were to pay, it would definitely be faster. Cause all tiers of weapon except the last take bloodstones. Buy some gold, buy some mats, craft, ez Dfang 9. Now, you do have to go through a gold seller so...what can NC do. But then the only way to get the upgrade material past Dfang is either through pvp like you said, or just wait for the month long cash grab boxes. You can definitely pay to win for those. Most agitator accessories, if you've paid for premium, or paid a lot of ncoin, you have from fortune's favour. They'll probably still bring that back. The only thing you can't get are the gloves and bracelet, which do require either pvp or 3 days of Hong and Mao - cant pay for those. Soul, Heart, Pet, Talisman are far from what I would consider accessible for f2p. Obtainable is one thing, that they definitely are. But getting them takes a fair bit of time unless you run HMs with people who have...paid...to get a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ton of gold. Unless you buy boxes, trove, or fortunes favour! Nice n ez. Overall - is it pay to win....ehhhh probably? But does it give them a clear advantage that can't be made up by a f2p player? No. In other words....you don't have to pay to progress, but you can pay to win. Think ya got the two mixed up. Pay to progress means as a f2p Im stuck, unable to do a damn thing, I should just quit the game cause there's no moving forward. Pay to win means exactly that, you pay to get an advantage and win. Not exclusive, not progression, just to quickly get to the point where you can win. Which also is not a bad business model, I don't see why people hate the pay to win aspect. It's in everything. Gotta give something to people who pay. But as long as it's still doable via f2p, even if it's more limited, it only remains that.
  4. Reread the second quote, they did indeed say that. Although that is untrue. Over the course of 2016 and early 2017 content did not line up true and blue. There were several things that were different, and even dungeons, albeit they were still the same dungeons, were released in the incorrect order in NA. Story as well, originall KRs story was vastly different from ours, even factions was I believe. What's more you are quoting what they themselves said in a 2016 stream to counter a point people started using in 2019 - that was what "people did not use that back then" meant. Thought it was pretty self-explanatory, but that's addressing the excuse of "West doesn't make the decisions anymore". They do not, technically never have, they used to just pitch ideas and ask for the ok (there's a forum post buried somewhere in fact where one of the GMs talks about the yun race and how they couldn't make any side quest or explanation in story on how yuns procreate due to KR saying it may end up being a story thing, so they weren't allowed. Back in 2018 methinks). And besides, I don't know why a stream where they always say "things are subject to change" and essentially use a script given to them by developers is your definitive proof. Who are the people giving them the notes? Who are the people giving them access? Name one person they mentioned that was an NA dev, and you'll have proof for....2016. And only 2016.
  5. Correct, this is the current observation of BnS as a whole. Originally, although NCSoft still had the final say, NCWest would push for ideas or their own form of development based on statistics that NCSoft would approve. While different from the Chinese servers which were for the most part wholly independent, NCSoft left certain affairs to West (like upgrading, since westerners statistically disdain rng upgrades, NCWest proposed the idea of higher cost guaranteed evolution, and Soft gave the okay). Now it's a puppet company unable to make any propositions and is just another building for NCSoft. Then you had the Tai servers and other which have since shut down, and the ocean servers were, instead of being made as a separate server as was initially intended, also got pushed onto West, but never run to my knowledge.
  6. Wait hold on I have to recollect for a moment. I talked about west and soft, somehow Tencent got mixed in on the quote, I thought you were talking about the publisher in West because you said West had no involvement with development, but either the publisher or West themselves assuming they aren't the publisher had to have involvement in development since our game to start was very very very different from KR, and the early western development still shows today. Right, Tencent is the big company that bought a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ton of companies and other investments. So they're irrelevant. Let's remove them from the equation, twas a little mix up. Only invalidates the name in my statement, nothing else. If West was indeed the publisher...then back to the first point.
  7. Wait yeah, you're right. NCWest would be the middleman for Tencent to get permission and clarification from. The arrangement still has validation, NCWest would still make demands, development and most of the ideas put to the plate would be Tencents though. Still, West is meant to make arrangements for the wider audience via their own publisher, said publisher would go through West, ask about changes, what they could do, how much they could do, then West would go to Soft saying this is what they want out there, can we have them do it? Sorry about that, forgot Tencent was the publisher in the first place. Sometimes KR companies like to make a western branch that's exclusively a publisher, if not just go through an pre-existing publisher themselves.
  8. Normally the westernized company will have some leverage over the Korean, as it's....well the majority of the worlds population. They won't be the boss, but they can often make demands of their own. Their relationship was originally developer - developer for the masses (in order to expand profits, the westerns would change certain aspects to make it more appealing), but in classic NC style, that got dumped to Devloper - ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ relationship.
  9. This - time and date, look at that, 2016. Just an fyi, people did not use that back then. In 2016 not only did NCWest have a proper team, but the KR Devs were entirely different. In 2017 the original lead developer for KR was replaced by the (current) one, and from there things started plummeting downhill. Two community leads left NCWest, only to be replaced by some kids that left not even a year later - now it's currently being run by someone who I don't even think has posted a thing on here in over a year. I know it's not Hime. Meanwhile our other teams are simply...translation. If you're going to make the argument "well they said they want different stuff from KR" then why is everything we've had in the past 3 years from...KR? It's to the point where we even know what events we're going to get months in advanced. If you want proof, look at the iron conqueror event. People expected that since August. For further proof, look at Brood Chamber. It was put in all Korean with UE4. Recently it was changed, but the mini-boss is still Korean. Outlaw Islands quest npc was also Korean, not sure if she still is. It's clear as day we're just getting translations. And for your final piece of evidence----we just got a new CEO for the West in June or July. How can you say the west is making executive decisions when it didn't even have an executive until recently? That's where that argument comes from. But that's not people defending West, that's people saying killing West doesn't mean NCSoft will do anything. It stems from Soft after all. Also in regards to Red Pirate Princess, you're right. I was thinking of when I played on KR with the translator in 2015, I mix those two up more often than I should. Didn't play either too long tbf.
  10. If F2P means Free to Pay 👻 Although some people make the argument, but idk. Two-three games can be bought with 1 year of it.
  11. Difference there is the company that developed Soulworker actually was in disagreement with Gameforge. NC is not. Matter of fact West for the most part just listens to KR.
  12. They are partially correct - that was actually the method to obtain pirate princess for some time (not sure if it still is or if it's a drop). But yes, you are 100% correct, after 4 man was gone so was Red Pirate Princess. What confuses me is why they keep putting custom gang into these realmrift events which was an f10 items, alongside something that can currently be obtained without obstructing event reward, instead of putting in the alternate f2p version that was removed.
  13. Each tier has slightly better rewards, but the big thing is not the festival coins, it's the wishing token I believe. Regular gives 5, t2 gives 10, t3 gives 15. If you open all at the highest tier, you'll get 900 wishing tokens total, which can get you 90 purple unity stones which is massive for anyone that's still working on getting unity.
  14. I mean that's not a class variety issue is it? That's a race locking issue I'd say. Although the 3 blade masters is a bit much.
  15. Oh nono, the 5 is how many polishing cloths you need to make a top tier lamps. If you can open...3 lamps a day, which will be a 10 hour period, you can open the lamps within 20 days, which means even if you just now opened stage 1 armory you could still finish the lamps, since this is a 35 days event. Since you did get a late start, I recommend logging in first thing in the morning, opening one up real quick, then when you do dailies open another, and just before bed open a third. You still have a great shot.
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