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Tranquility Tokens into fragments for next event?

squirrely thoughts

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2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

I say no they should keep them as are. you werent forced to combine them. Its like when you upgrade 2 weeks before a cost reduction.

The whole "using only fragments to exchange for items" only happen very recently (with solar energy + black fragments for silver scale fragments).


Combining fragments save space. Taking how many fragments and whole tokens this game have, that kinda like a lot of space. You gonna get more in future, gradually.


This throws off guard of a lot of players, and create an unfair situation where people who grind dungeons beforehand but do not combine fragments cuz they are lazy just sit there and enjoying the event without even need to farm anything, and a bunch of other players who also grind the same thing, but then have to re-grind again cuz they just want to save space and never expect such exchange will ever happen.


It is like going to a super market where you buy a US$1 item, but the the employee refuses to let you spend your US$10 bill and get the items cuz they only want to deal with US$1 only.


Also, it is not necessary. Just add an option where you transmute a whole token into 5 boxes. Problem solved.



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37 minutes ago, Kozuki said:

Also, it is not necessary. Just add an option where you transmute a whole token into 5 boxes. Problem solved.

that would be an okay ish solution, altho it hurts me that i have to use those tokens,when i need it for more important stuff.(i hate farming dungeons)

they could ve add a different token to the bosses and we wouldnt have to deal with all this again. like, if the devs are too lazy to make new types of coins or stuff, just make one and name it "event token", and we gonna farm those in every single event. who cares what name it has when the general purpose is the same.

using these dng tokens tbh hurts the players that are trying to progress slowly and not burning themselves out by farming all day, imo. 

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