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I hate this event - Variable Evolution


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Sorry if this has been complained about before, but i've got to say.... This Variable Evolution crap is not fun. I get that it's a nice bonus getting the soul effectively for 'free' and all that. But I just can't invest the time needed to run all of the dungeons to get all of the oils per day to repeatedly see 'failure' all the way up to 100%, this is the most disappointing non fun thing i've ever had to do in this game.


When i first started playing the events to do costumes were something like 'collect this item around jadestone village' a few times and thats it. Now we get this Variable evolution rubbish! This game is becoming less and less fun. I'll never catch up to the top players due to the 'costs' involved which never really bothered me as i enjoyed playing anyway. I'm losing even that now.... I want to get the Soul from this event and the costume, but there is no chance now of me getting both, maybe with extreme luck.... But i don't think it's a matter of luck, just bad RNG. 


Anyway, i'll be trying, but i'm not sinking any more money into this game, i don't have the will or the want anymore.

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Its normal to not be able to catch up if you dont swipe. 

I also had to go to 100% to get my soul and another extra 15 oils to upgrade it to brilliant soul. And you dont have to do all the dungeons, in the begining i didnt have raven so i couldnt join in any IF or EL party from f8 so i missed a few oils, so even if you miss some oils you should still be able to get the soul in time

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I think the problem with the event is not that it's not normal, but simply that it's unfair to most people, when there are a few people who get their goods without having to go through all the trouble, without even the chances of it becoming transparent. Cause for all we know, NCSoft might as well have incorporated how much money you have spent into the decision formula. Especially after hearing stories about players who succeeded multiple times within the 20-40% ranges, while I've got nothing but failures up to 100%, I myself have a hard time writing my own statement just now off as a joke.

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Yea poor Guy cant play the game enough for materials.It literraly takes less than 2 hours to do the dungeons + daily challenge on a character thats even a bit undergeared. Dont expect Ncsoft to hand u over free stuff lmao. With the event with 2 hours of playtime everyday everyone can get the soul 100%.Just be happy they even made the event instead of complaining in the forums.

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7 hours ago, Doomwatcher said:

Yea poor Guy cant play the game enough for materials.It literraly takes less than 2 hours to do the dungeons + daily challenge on a character thats even a bit undergeared. Dont expect Ncsoft to hand u over free stuff lmao. With the event with 2 hours of playtime everyday everyone can get the soul 100%.Just be happy they even made the event instead of complaining in the forums.

I just came back to the game when the event started. I was doing daily event without NS, IF and EL every day and after 2 weeks i started  doing weekly and NS as well but only for the past week or so i geared enough to do IF and EL... So now i will end up at 100% and no oils for final upgrade. Or 3-4 short to be exact. Does that sound like i havent done anything and want free ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤?

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11 hours ago, Doomwatcher said:

Yea poor Guy cant play the game enough for materials.It literraly takes less than 2 hours to do the dungeons + daily challenge on a character thats even a bit undergeared. Dont expect Ncsoft to hand u over free stuff lmao. With the event with 2 hours of playtime everyday everyone can get the soul 100%.Just be happy they even made the event instead of complaining in the forums.

Right, there's people trying to do events with ten characters, so they should be expected to spend some two hours per char, per day, for six weeks just to participate in a RNG event, that sounds completely realistic. Then even on just one char, given how demoralizing it is, trying to get into IF, and EL daily would be anything but fun when under-geared according to much of the community doing them, yet here's the kicker, this event was suppose to help the under-geared people, get geared up.


Posts like yours are not in not helpful at all, they're just mean spirited, and even against the forum code of conduct as a result.

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On 17/06/2018 at 12:54 PM, Doomwatcher said:

Yea poor Guy cant play the game enough for materials.It literraly takes less than 2 hours to do the dungeons + daily challenge on a character thats even a bit undergeared. Dont expect Ncsoft to hand u over free stuff lmao. With the event with 2 hours of playtime everyday everyone can get the soul 100%.Just be happy they even made the event instead of complaining in the forums.

1st, please don't tell me what to do, I don't mean to be rude(i do) but who(insert expletives) do you think you are? 


No, i don't have 2 hours to give to this game every day only to see 'failure' repeatedly. I was also trying to make a point that in other events i've been able to get Alts done as well as the requirements weren't so high. I'm mainly disappointed in myself for giving into this constant upgrade madness... And not getting the costume like the costume ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ i used to be :D


I've missed a few recent costumes either due to lack of playing time(RL is more important than this Credit card details craving timesink!) or other reasons such as the lack of gold coming into my account, or the lack of Daily dash bonuses as i cancelled my subscription a few months back.


I'm sure it's fine for you, thats your opinion, good for you!!! Why does everyone's opinions have to be right or wrong! I see the way this game has been going since i started playing, and i don't like it(still my opinion). I'm sure a few others feel the same way.

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23 minutes ago, SkyStorm said:

Doomwatcher is just being a troll. He hasn't posted anything is the forums for over 2 years using that account. He's just trying to goad a reaction and deserves to be ignored.


He succeeded....... Sad though, i used to really enjoy this game, just thinking about the Trove coming around again makes me cringe.

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Yea well i believe i dont have to write in these forums regularly to spew out the truth. I just dont like seeing crybaby posts which are ruining the community more by complaining all the time about stuff in the game . The forums in general are very cringeworthy .Yea well and if i sounded harsh and u cant take it sorry i guess ...

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I'm sorry that there's so much truth bottled up inside of you that it's forcing its way out.  However, I'd suggest that what's actually harmful to the community is NCSoft presenting a sales campaign as an event and people like you defending them.


Anyone who has ever worked in sales knows that happy, content customers don't buy. This "event" was designed to make a lot of players unhappy so they'd be motivated to buy sacred vials from the hongmoon store. You can hide your eyes and say it's not a part of your truth if it makes you feel better, but the community has been duped, plain and simple. The number of "crybaby posts" in this forum and elsewhere attest to the effectiveness of their psychological manipulation.


I'm not one of the ones who got burned by this event. I used it to get sacred vials and pet packs for my main. That doesn't change the fact that this event has been an orchestration of lies and misinformation with a specific goal in mind, which was not to help players gear up.

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