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GS players should chill out (Enjoy these nerfs)


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after hearing the gs players talk about their upcoming Nerf they be like "why nerf gunner??" thats what they say .. this nerf coming in next patch  isnt all the nerf you be getting, heres some more in the future:



Added Lyn Gunslinger

Return Fire affects in a 360 degree area (up from 180 degree)

Moved Upshot to [C]

Requirements for Cannonade changed to "Target defending"

Cannonade breaks defense and inflicts defense disable

Added new requirements for Ricochet "On resist with Backstep"

Crossfire base damage decreased to 8.75 (from 10.0)

Unload (Flame) base damage decreased to 11.5 (from 12.5)

Removed additional damage on Unload (Flame) while Tombstone (Flame, Move 2) is active

Removed all Tracked and Clear Shot effects

Removed Crossfire, Undertaker moves 2 and 3

Removed Forward Fire, Changeup

Added new requirement for Bullet Storm, Target Marked (by Crossfire)

Moved Whipline to Level 8

Moved Ricochet to Level 12

Moved Alpha Call to Level 30

Added Alpha Call Move 2

Gives the user and party members within 50m Alert

Escape is available regardless of cooldown while Alert is active

Alert is removed on using Escape




Tiger Bracelet
Effect duration decreased to 15 sec (from 18 sec)
Quickshot deals 370% > 330% of Attack Power as additional damage while Tiger Effect is active
Unload (Flame) deals 700% > 1000% of Attack Power as additional damage while Tiger Effect is active
Bullet Storm (Flame) deals 2700% > 2200% of Attack Power as additional damage while Tiger Effect is active
Darkshot deals 280% > 250% of Attack Power as additional damage while Tiger Effect is active
Bullet Storm (Shadow) deals 300% > 270% of Attack Power as additional damage while Tiger Effect is active

Divine Dragon Bracelet
Effect duration decreased to 10 sec (from 12 sec)
Quickshot deals 260% > 240% of Attack Power as additional damage while Divine Dragon Effect is active
Unload (Flame) deals 490% > 720% of Attack Power as additional damage while Divine Dragon Effect is active
Bullet Storm (Flame) deals 1945% > 1700% of Attack Power as additional damage while Divine Dragon Effect is active
Darkshot deals 195% > 180% of Attack Power as additional damage while Divine Dragon Effect is active
Bullet Storm (Shadow) deals 210% > 195% of Attack Power as additional damage while Divine Dragon Effect is active



Sharpshooter Soul Shield

3 set
Increases the damage of Bullet Storm, Bullet Storm by 30% > 25%

Stormcaller Soul Shield

8 set
Increases the damage of Bullet Storm, Bullet Storm by 60% > 50%
Increases the damage of Quickshot, Darkshot by 45% > 40%


what i wish kr had done was to fix these aspects of the class before release the burst side about the class , before throwing it to ppl,cause now ppl act blind to the fact that gs are far ahead in dps than other classes, if every one wants dps and played a gs this game would be garbage, and even after this nerf they will still be top dps  just needs better management of skills, you cant get up and say gunner only good for burst nope, its like saying sf only good for healing ppl, gs should be a decent dps class for bad and good ping ppl to play and enjoy the game cause at the end of the day you could be doing ns and dont have to dodge a thing standing at 16 m, while a next man 3 mtres dodging and stuggling to land a hit on that boss your a range so know your place,and personally this is where the game fall short melee classes need to have better dps than range lazy classes that dont do anything at 16m, so be happy for what you have , at the end of the day you will have another esc and a block break skill and also you can do airials without a problem with upshot fix so just get good and enjoy pvp and pve .



future nerfs:



Inflicts 10 > 12 sec Concentrated Fire per hit
Bosses now cannot remove Concentrated Fire


Reload, Wire cooldown increased to 15 sec from 12 sec
Wires now last up to 5 min up from 3 min


Skystone Move 1, 2

Cooldown increased to 1 min


Tombstone Move 2



Unload is currently abnormally strong in the battleground. When combined with Tombstone Move 2, opponents doesn't have much of a chance to respond

Dynamic offensive and defensive combat is a very important aspect of B&S. Spamming Unload without much thought is not the playstyle we have intended and we believe that it brings a negative experience to other classes. Therefore, we will be bringing in additional changes in the future.

Unload penetrates defense, deflect while Lethal Effect is active(Removed)
Generates 8 Explosive Rounds over 8 sec
[New] Generates 5 Explosive Rounds

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No nerf? Complaints asking for nerfs.
Nerfs? Complaints about nerfs.

You can never satisfy everyone. However, I don't think that there are that many gunslingers/people complaining about the nerfs or at least there's a smaller amount of people complaining about the nerfs than there are people asking for gunslingers to be nerfed.

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15 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

even after this nerf they will still be top dps

This is false, after the nerf earth sum, lightning sin, and wind kfm (not for sure on this one) will be ahead of gunner but they will still have burst. Though, I haven't seen a lot of gunners complaining about the nerf, that "why nerf gunners" thread is the only one I've seen. It's kind of normal though since everyone will have something to say about their class getting a nerf.

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nodah said its the top dps after getting the nerf were getting now....hes a macro warrior so he knows , korea is constantly fixing classes, for instance sf is getting a big rework , they made it top dps in test server then nerfing it again at this very moment all classes are getting a somewhat fix , summoners for 1 needs a buff  summ dps atm is so weak and fire kfm is getting  buff too along with wind bd, shadow wl light bm etc all classes are getting fixed but a class can never be truly fixed but decent to say or on par with everyone else ...

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1 minute ago, qqqq1 said:

nodah dijo que es el mejor dps después de conseguir el nerf. Es un macro guerrero, así que él sabe, Corea está constantemente arreglando clases, por ejemplo, sf está recibiendo una gran repetición, lo convirtieron en los mejores dps en el servidor de prueba y luego nerfing de nuevo en este momento todas las clases se arreglan un poco, los convocadores de 1 necesitan una buff summ dps atm es tan débil y fire kfm también está obteniendo buff junto con wind bd, shadow wl light bm etc. todas las clases están siendo arregladas pero la clase nunca puede ser realmente reparada, pero digna de decir oa la par con todos los demás ...

Nodah is full end game, the majority with those who play in party wins in dps because it has more endgame items than the others but this changes when the equipment is leveled, in the last stream I saw in korea the bm, and the kfm were in the top dps, in pve.

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40 minutes ago, qqqq1 said:

nodah said its the top dps after getting the nerf were getting now....hes a macro warrior so he knows , korea is constantly fixing classes, for instance sf is getting a big rework , they made it top dps in test server then nerfing it again at this very moment all classes are getting a somewhat fix , summoners for 1 needs a buff  summ dps atm is so weak and fire kfm is getting  buff too along with wind bd, shadow wl light bm etc all classes are getting fixed but a class can never be truly fixed but decent to say or on par with everyone else ...

I've watched many korean streamers and they've shown and said that gunner isn't #1 dps. Nodah probably meant that they are top dps as in they still have good dps but they aren't #1 anymore.

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5 hours ago, SalemK said:

This is false, after the nerf earth sum, lightning sin, and wind kfm (not for sure on this one) will be ahead of gunner but they will still have burst. Though, I haven't seen a lot of gunners complaining about the nerf, that "why nerf gunners" thread is the only one I've seen. It's kind of normal though since everyone will have something to say about their class getting a nerf.

Well....the funny thing is the ONLY issue here is PVP, in PVE honestly every class can have a burst i dont mind as long as we clear the dungeons. But either way most of this would be fixed if they had alternative equalized versions of 6v6 (since open world PVP was already killed by ncsoft ages ago). This would have a lot more people actually doing it since they wouldnt have to invest in getting PVP gear while still needing resources for PVE. The only ones that would complain here are the whales, but they can keep their regular 6v6 and play with eachother if they like to.

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