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How come this is the only game i've played, where agro skills won't work if someone has more DPS than you? which makes me wonder, why would there be agro skills in the first place if eveything is based on pulling agro from high DPS... 


If you put threat on any skill, it will work till a certain point but if for some reason your DPS decreases, you're done, it will be really hard to get agro back unless the person doing the highest DPS stops attacking and that's pretty dumb.


Enlight me.



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20 minutes ago, Wataru said:

In my opinion they should remove threat and make it more for any class to tank or hold aggro. Tanks degrade gameplay and makes playing for other classes boring.

So you would be fine with a warlock holding aggro (a class mind you that has very little iframes and has to stand still to cast some skills). Threat exists for a reason and kfm/bm make the most use out of it since they can time certain skills correctly (i.e iframes or blocks)

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6 minutes ago, ZESAGA said:

How come this is the only game i've played, where agro skills won't work if someone has more DPS than you? which makes me wonder, why would there be agro skills in the first place if eveything is based on pulling agro from high DPS... 


If you put threat on any skill, it will work till a certain point but if for some reason your DPS decreases, you're done, it will be really hard to get agro back unless the person doing the highest DPS stops attacking and that's pretty dumb.


Enlight me.



It's not so much about dps but keeping your threat skills active, for example counter or using threat skills constantly. Tanking also requires knowing boss moves in an out. If you get hit, knocked back or stunned, you lose your aggro holding skill effects which you have to keep up 24/7. After all, your job is to make your parties life easier so that they can brain afk. The problem is that, unlike ranged classes or non-threat users, you can't just stand in one spot ( well I try to keep evasion in a stable rotation so that the dps' people can stay and do their thing) and some bosses tend to move around a lot. If you're in a guild run then it should be sensible if classes like fm or wl look out for that ( most of the time they ignore you though and keep doing their thing which is annoying to be quite frank). If you're having problems to keep up aggro, then I advise working on your crit damage and crit as well as practicing boss moves and buff timers or aggro rotations that suit your playstyle.


@Wataru No. There is a reason why not every class has threat skills and a lack of evasion possibilities- they're meant to dps, faceroll and die if they suddenly have aggro. B&S is designed around group work and semi roles to defeat bosses- if there are no tanks, then it will be a running fest ( mostly people running away from bosses because they never bothered with the moves) and "who gets to the boss faster before the timer runs out" or just a dps race against the boss killing you. If a tank makes playing your class boring, then you're playing it wrong. It also means that they're doing their job as intended.


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I dont see the reason why you would complain about the Threat in this game.

Lets say you do 30k dps on your tank you can still easily hold aggro against someone doing 100k dps and thats a huge difference of gear/dps.

You even have abilities that generate 3x the Threat which makes the gap even bigger and the longer the fight is the more you use those abilities the bigger the gap can become.


In the end it just comes down to if you can utilize your threat abilities properly and know the attack patterns of the bosses to not go 0 dps.

Of course if someone is maxed out and you are trying to tank on a 850 AP bm/Kfm without any legendary accessories you wont be tanking against him.

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aggro skills normally has 150% - 300% increase in your actual DPS, which means 30K dps can give you 90K equivalent aggro.


Aggro class, BM, KFM now also have quite high DPS compared to other classes assuming the same gear.


But it does happen in some cases you drop your aggro,

1,huge gear difference,, e.g. you have a 1100ap FM in the team

2,you didn't manage to maintain your aggro buff (150%)

3,you hit by certain boss skill that clears the aggro


Anyway, keep calm and carry on with your tank, tanking is difficult but interesting

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2 hours ago, ZESAGA said:

How come this is the only game i've played, where agro skills won't work if someone has more DPS than you? which makes me wonder, why would there be agro skills in the first place if eveything is based on pulling agro from high DPS... 


If you put threat on any skill, it will work till a certain point but if for some reason your DPS decreases, you're done, it will be really hard to get agro back unless the person doing the highest DPS stops attacking and that's pretty dumb.


Enlight me.



The only game? LOL I think most MMO's out there that base agro off of DPS has this issue. Happened all the time in Lineage 2, the silver rangers (light elf archers) or nukers used to pull agro off the tanks all the time. And the thing to keep in mind is that there are no 'official' tanks in this game, yeah you have threat but you don't have a true agro skill like most MMO's with traditional tanks. So it's easy for people with high DPS to pull agro off you. 

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