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Kfm or Fm

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 I am changing my main destroyer to something useful at least. But, having really hard time deciding on what. Seeing mostly fms on the top of dps meter seemed charming, but people talking about how rewarding kfm is, made me confused. Not planning on any other class, just don't ask me why :)


 My ping is mediocre (90-120 in-game indicator). I actually once leveled a kfm to 40, was able to pull 3rf perfectly but i realized it's only necessary in pvp, in pve it's useless. I was unable to do 3rf in arena though, delay is way higher there even if in-game indicator shows the same, which forced me to focus only in pve.


 I leveled a fm to 36 now, but my experience with her was ... boring as hell and leveling progress is even slower than destroyer. Not any new skill unlocked gives me a valid reason to use it. Just rmb-lmb all the way, having all those aoe skills did me no favor during fights with multiple enemies while progressing, i always ended up killing all of them one by one taking so many hits even if i kite, also i never had so much problems against mobs with block skills, with any class i played so far. I have already leveled-deleted a kfm, now it bored me so much that i want to delete the fm too. So i gave up on trying to find the class of my style . I just want to know which of these two would be better for someone like me.


 How are they after level 50, when we start doing dungeons. It's obvious kfm offers more enjoyable play-style, but i don't want to be a lackluster in terms of dps, if i perfectly pull of my combos, will i be rewarded enough to get close to fm's dps ? Or does fm get any fun after 50 ? I also noticed some fms even having hard time starting seal-cores on their own in awakened necropolis. Is their situation really so dire when they are targeted ?

 I know i whined a lot about fm, this might have made you think i had already made my choice on kfm. I didn't. I am scared if kfm's dps is somewhere close to destroyer's.

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I would say - try warlock.

I also tried to lvlup FM - but it was so boring compared to all other classes, that i just deleted it at some point. The high dps you've saw - those are FMs on soulburn, spamming one single button. Without soulburn their dps is not impressive.
Warlocks have decent dps and unlike FM they are simply much more fun to play. As a WL you can change playstyle drastically by simply changing between ice and shadow builds. They also have block which helps in pve if you got agro.
Use shadow build while lvling up for more dynamic gameplay. And in the endgame you will have options to use shadow or ice depending on what badges you have and in what mood you are.

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90-120 on the in-game indicator is typically very very low ping actually.

(I see 80-120 with 20 ping)


You should check your actual ping and reconsider perhaps :P


IE play what you enjoy, with that ping you should be fine playing any class.



Also FM specs besides Blazing Beam are more fun, but Dragonchar is getting nerfed into the ground next content patch, and Frost won't have merged badges to work with yet - so FM is gonna be stuck with boring ass Blazing Beam spec for a while.

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KFM damage will be boosted a lot with oncoming changes, but so will that of all other classes.


Currently it's still true that proper rotation/gear/skill set up combined with good ping (which you have) will change top dps by more than a factor of two, thus I have also seen KFMs lead the raid dps meter. But this is a much rarer occurrence than for other classes, and I suspect this won't change much with oncoming patch.


Or just the facts: Watched Jaesung's stream once recently (he rerolled a PvE KFM) and he was doing consistent 65k dps with fire build in Korea. But then his high end summoner clan mate was doing 110k, so there we are. :P

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1 hour ago, Shuchin said:

KFM damage will be boosted a lot with oncoming changes, but so will that of all other classes.


Currently it's still true that proper rotation/gear/skill set up combined with good ping (which you have) will change top dps by more than a factor of two, thus I have also seen KFMs lead the raid dps meter. But this is a much rarer occurrence than for other classes, and I suspect this won't change much with oncoming patch.


Or just the facts: Watched Jaesung's stream once recently (he rerolled a PvE KFM) and he was doing consistent 65k dps with fire build in Korea. But then his high end summoner clan mate was doing 110k, so there we are. :P

 So that may mean, it's not really rewarding dps-wise. Might only sound rewarding, if you compare yourself with your own average dps, which still sucks compared to other classes.


 @Mirryn I actually had time to check my ping values in resource monitor, but couldn't get any accurate values there either. It kept changing non-stop between 50-60 to 280-300, 140-150 to 300-350 in arena. I 've played every character until some 30 ish levels except warlock. What i enjoyed most was destroyer, but it's too low damage and their role is unnecessary since blade dancers have better versions of all skills which made up destroyer, in addition to having way higher dps.


 @Nyaha Warlocks are in demand and probably a better choice than fm, but i don't like their races. Tbh i'm a bit obsessed with playing as gon. If i was ok with playing as jin, i would go directly for bm, though.

 Guess i will stick with fm.

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Destroyers will supposedly become the kings of burst damage in the next patch.

(currently that'd be FMs / BDs ? or something)


Just sayin ;)



Also usually the highest ping value is the chat server - you could try checking into the ports that get pinged by the alternate launchers, but generally the lower values are closer to your actual ping.

(wide fluctuations on a single port that isn't the chat server might suggest something else wrong though)


And ping can vary widely in arena for reasons no one really understands, but many dedicated PvPers can tell you all about this frustration. :P

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