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Dear all, as the topic mention. I would like to know what is the best PVE skill for a HM 10 Sin. Please feel free to share with me on your build and if possible do let me know why do you prefer this build. Lets have a open discussion. All are welcome!

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I prefer using light build instead of dark build, because:


1. A lot of bosses can remove poison stacks, so dark build will fall off in terms of dps.

2. Solo content is better (if not easier) to do with light build, because of stealth. For example: You can skip a lot of mechanics in mushins tower 13-15.

3. You get a lot of movement speed in stealth, so it's easier to do dps when there is an idiot fm that keeps kiting the boss.

4. You have more survivabilty in stealth, because of the high evasion.

5. If you have high ping it's more beneficial to go light build, because dark build is very ping dependant. Also, you need a lot of crit and hm skills to use dark build.


I occasionally use dark build when there are multiple assassins in the party so it's easier to get 5 poison stacks, especially when the boss is stationary.

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6 hours ago, Natello said:


3. You get a lot of movement speed in stealth, so it's easier to do dps when there is an idiot fm that keeps kiting the boss.


So much rage.

But I wouldnt exclude dark from stealth. 
I'd say dark in party and lightning when solo

BTW is something bad about sneak attack?

Is it 7 recovery after movement not on hit/cast
That said, with a crit ruby and 45-55% crit couldnt you use a dark build for dungeons given how FM's and people who juggle just reduce your time in stealth?

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On 11-12-2016 at 6:38 AM, htdexhdfg said:

So much rage.

But I wouldnt exclude dark from stealth. 
I'd say dark in party and lightning when solo

BTW is something bad about sneak attack?

Is it 7 recovery after movement not on hit/cast
That said, with a crit ruby and 45-55% crit couldnt you use a dark build for dungeons given how FM's and people who juggle just reduce your time in stealth?

There is no rage in my comment. If some guy could choose between one dollar or a million dollars and he chooses one dollar, then me calling him an idiot does not make me a person who rages.


Like I said, some bosses remove poison stacks or are immume to poison in some phases which makes lightning build more viable in that situation. You could switch back to dark build when doing other bosses, but I useally don't bother because the damage output is not that much better. There are a lot of ways of getting into stealth so I don't really find any issues to maintain it. Each their own I guess.

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On 12/12/2016 at 3:50 PM, Natello said:

There is no rage in my comment.


Like I said, some bosses remove poison stacks or are immume to poison in some phases which makes lightning build more viable in that situation. You could switch back to dark build when doing other bosses, but I useally don't bother because the damage output is not that much better. There are a lot of ways of getting into stealth so I don't really find any issues to maintain it. Each their own I guess.

Who said you were raging, read it again.
Lightning which requires stealth to maintain damage which you need poison stacks for to aid in resetting stealth and not wasting time getting back to damage. VS Dark strike which can be also be used outside of stealth in addition to inside of it. Yes not having the additional poison stacks for dark strike's passive is a hit. But so is not being able to use Lightning pierce... because " there is an idiot fm that keeps kiting the boss.

Getting into stealth is never the problem, maintaining it when a bad FM wants to tank/kite is. It such an impossible scenario. I argue that dark strike jholds to better consistency with constant dps albeit lower per hit there's less downtime.

Lightning is for when you're running with people who get it or a tank.

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Lightning Build.


In my opinion, and as someone who has been using Dark Build longer than Lightning, Lightning Build is the BEST build to go for an Assassin. I have tested Dark and Light numerous times and they are on par in terms of DPS. But Lightning is more stable and constant as it doesn't rely on critical hits as much as with Dark Strikes. You also get movement speed bonuses in stealth to catch up to the boss if you aren't tanking, plus evasion if you mess up. Getting 5 poison stacks is very easy on both builds in this patch and its useless to argue that you "waste time outside of stealth to stack poison" when on both builds you spend the same amount of time re applying the poison. Lets also not forget bosses with a dispel ability. Some bosses, specifically Jinsoyun, have moments of invulnerability to debuffs and poison is a debuff. Dark Build becomes useless in that area while Lightning is versatile in every situation.


Lightning Build is more versatile and better for party play with a perk of catching up to bosses when annoying FMs are tanking. :D

ALSO, the restraint skill does more damage inside stealth than non-stealth one when a Destroyer or BD grapples. So another reason to use Lightning!


Elaboration on skill build:

Choke Bomb because the time spent in the animation of Poison Breath is too long and you want to be in stealth RMB-F-4ing fast.

Right tree of Spinal Tap because low cooldown and apply poison stack but in cases of mechanics requiring stuns, left tree.

No points in X throwing dagger because you want smoke bomb to always be available and plus you only want to use it for the poison stack.

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Light build is better dps and safer than dark build




With the addition of so many elemental accessories to worry about and specific badges etc specific to certain elements, as well as easier poison stacking in future patch, dark build will be better for the sole reason of not needing a duplicate dark set to pvp effectively. If u don't do tower infinity (LOL you better look at those blue season soul badges /jizz) or wwv/beluga then just stick with light.


Light build


Little less straightforward in the reasonings for my skills but i have yet to be out dps'd by a sin of +/- 50 ap


Dark build


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