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How does one clear moonlight poison?


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First you have to kill red mobs -they will stack the poison on you .Then you have to kill yellow mobs-those ''friendly '' ones -Grassquatch ones.Killing mushroom also can spawn some mob which removes stacks and also gives immunity for poison for few minutes.

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There's the intended way; Kill Grassquatches after all red enemies have been killed, you just have to hit them once to get cleansed if other people are killing them. Spiny Woodfiends will also cleanse and protect you from it.


Then there's the way for people unfortunately grouped with players who have no clue about mechanics, are only interested in doing their own dailies so they ignore directions from the leader or can never reach/hit the Grassquatch before it gets killed; Force Masters can use Frost Armor (Tab) to remove the debuff whenever they feel like it. You can use the Escape feature (press esc and select Escape on the rightmost column) but has a long cooldown. If you're an Earthseer, you can use Silverfrost Escape Charms which has no cooldown but puts you outside the instance so you have to go through the loading screen again... Or you can use the easiest/fastest method of letting a mob or other player kill you (unequip your weapon first).

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