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Incoming Nerfs? (Dragontongue?)


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5 hours ago, Asura777 said:

I heard they were gonna nerf dragontongue next patch, the source being the CN version or something. 


So are they at least gonna nerf summ and lbm as well? or is BM just gonna be unplayable again =/

Why on earth would they nerf summs and bd?


Dragontongue is faaar too overpowered and the nerf is more than needed

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14 minutes ago, Southwind said:

[TIP] search on this forum, probably You don't have so much time in this year to read all the reasons posted, but try to read maybe just couple of hundreds : )


I meant.....summs already got semi nerfed. People simply just need to stop whining and learn how to play.

Its getting near to ridiculous.....example: a bm can dragontongue you to death with a few hits and no one complains, but summoner only has 1 actual damage skill and people complain about it.


Just whiny babies everywhere that want things handed down to them without putting any effort into anything including own growth and development and practice.

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16 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

I meant.....summs already got semi nerfed.

I see You know, it wasn't real nerf in fact. Sums just needs to learn new rotation other than sunflower spam. But come one, this slightly nerf on sunflower has nothing to do with pvp balance at all, since sum power is not about damage, but best utility in the game. They are still one of top class at all rankings, still are able to kill Naksun extreemly fast.


Remeber, whenever summoner complain about this nerf, one FM dies at F2x of ToI...:(

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29 minutes ago, Southwind said:

I see You know, it wasn't real nerf in fact. Sums just needs to learn new rotation other than sunflower spam. But come one, this slightly nerf on sunflower has nothing to do with pvp balance at all, since sum power is not about damage, but best utility in the game. They are still one of top class at all rankings, still are able to kill Naksun extreemly fast.


Remeber, whenever summoner complain about this nerf, one FM dies at F2x of ToI...:(

Actually....i am a summ myself and to be honest Sunflower at the current state still surpasses bees by far.

I can pull off 25-28k dps with sunflower, but with bees even with hm seed shroud and petal toss i barely hit 22-23k.

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12 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Why on earth would they nerf summs and bd?


Dragontongue is faaar too overpowered and the nerf is more than needed

Well first of all Bd can burst from 100-0 twice as fast as dragontongue, add that to their stun immunity, choke, and 5s/5attack iframe, and if you're still asking why they need a nerf then I don't know what to tell you. 


As for summ, here's how a 1v1 match with a good summ goes for me: summ charges up to me and does that vine shit before I can start sprinting, after that it's cc up the ass for like 5 seconds straight, all the while the cat's in my face so I can't target him either, by some off chance I can get out of the cat vine ass*cricket* and get 2 or 3 dragontongues in he heals all the damage in like 3 seconds, and then runs off with invis or some resist I can't even tell right now. 


Also if you're complaining about dragontongues damage, ignoring the fact that bd has twice the burst etc, the short cooldown 4s conflag can only really take about 70% of your health tops if you're stupid enough to just stand there and take it. The only way you can get 100-0 from dragontongue alone is by taking all the hits from the 6s conflag which is on 1min cooldown and the equivalent of getting caught in a des emberstomp ani cancel or kfm ani cancel or sf ani cancel without your tab. Oh, did I meantion that BMs can't stunlock you while using dragontongue because in the time they switch to normal stance, cc, and back, the conflag effect's already run out? Similarly, if you just ss away from my dragontongue, it runs out before I can get back in range and cc you.


So I mean, if you wanna remove des, bd, sf, kfm, and maybe wl's abilities to stunlock and 100-0 as soon as you're caught without your tab, then yeah I'm all for nerfing dragontongue, but if not, I'd like BM to at least have a skill or combo that can 100-0 if you catch someone without their tab like EVERY OTHER CLASS. And no blade call doesnt count because it's on 1min cooldown, is des cleave on 1min cooldown?

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@Asura777 You are comparing dragontongue with KFM 3rf and Des Cleave? I suggest you give 3rf and ani-cleave a try and tell me dragontongue is easy or not.


You know BM have lightning build and this is the real PVP technique to compare with KFM 3rf and Des Cleave. So nerfing dragontongue does not affect BM pvp at all.

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Also many high rank BMs use fire build in PvP by now, including the recent tournaments.


You lose CC but get more punishing power, and I suspect the psychology of it is helpful too.


If your opponent does not dare make a mistake, they will also miss opportunities.


Afaik, Dragontongue will have its damage multiplier shifted to be more crit dependent, meaning it stays the same in PvE and loses power in all PvP modes.

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