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Soul Fighter really bad?


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After almost a full year of absense, i met with a lot of my old friends and we decided to play B&S again with new classes for all.

But truly i am not quite sure what to play. I played Blade Master and Assasin at first (and i still have lv 45 BM), also a KFM and a Warlock, but didnt really like any of them actually. Bm felt a bit weak generally, and tanking will get stressfull later on when we get to korea level (where you have to dedicated tank) with all the fps drops , i die to much. Kfm drive me crazy, since i hate this animation cancel concept, (cant even really understand why nc lets this go on...).

Basically the reason i did not go all the way with my Assasin is the same reason i didnt play kfm anymore...felt like spamming 2 -3 skill insane...not the amazing jump around and combo a lot of cool skills...like you used to see in vids about B&S.


But with the new class Sf out , i wonder how it is. As i see its basically a KFM -_- and that saddens me, trough i guess the class should fit me, since i generally like to play melee, and somethimes feel the urge to switch to ranged. But then again i gear a LOT of bad things about the class. Is it really that bad? Or is it really that boring 3 skill spammer animation cancel class? Would i be better off with Assa? Is it any good in korea?


Anyone got first hand experiance on the topic? 

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From my personal experience, I had the same motif.  I didn't like KFM just because ani-cancel was a pain for me.  Then I went to SF for the same reason.  I actually liked SF more than KFM because of the versatility, but at end game, I didn't really like the ani-cancel as well (a bit too ping dependent).


I don't know too much about Assassin so I can't give any advice on that, but in the end most chars have their use.  Your best bet would be to pick a class that you enjoy playing and keep at it.  You won't know the full potential of the class until you gear it up with enough crit/crit dmg/accuracy and skill points.  Every class is going to have that 2-3 skills that you spam only for 90% of your DPS, so it's really up to you on deciding which class gives you a better entertainment in playing, lol.


Tanking isn't that bad once you get used to it.  I switched from BD to BM to provide a tank for my group, and I like being able to provide a more stable run for the crew and directing the boss to stick to one direction to help others optimize their DPS and positioning.  Right now the tanker doesn't have any "major responsibilities" until later content.

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Even sf is the same, you will be spaming the same skill like mad if you want to dps. But it is not so stressful, you can hold one button down to combo. Not to mention the party heals and stuff are cool especially if you play with friends. I say give it a try.


Which server group and timezone do you guys play? Wish i can join lol.


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Whell we play on Ebon Hall, i think . We used to start from day 1, and founded a small but stable Hungarian community guild on it, but after i dropped my Blade Master, and started alting, the team started faling apart. 


I am still unsure, feels to much like kfm right now, but hey i still didnt get past 10 with it, healing and rezzing later on sounds really cool. I thougth its a hybrid dps only class, that is bad even in that, and has 0 utility. I really like to provide utility...(these....monorole action combat games can make gameplay a bit boring to me lately. )

I keep hearing so many contradiction about the class...if only it would not be so pain to gear up characters. 


I am sure my friend will go kfm for now, and the other will go fm for sure...not sure what would complement that teambuild. 

Anyway , thank you for the kind and informative help. Listening to this eases me up a bit. Might give it a shot.

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SF is really the new and only healer of the game, every ice(caster) skill heals you and your party members, along with X skill in both forums doing a self/party major heal.


The DPS is very low, but you have vast options to defeat a player/NPC. In earth(melee) you have almost every skill as a knock down or stun or knock up,  while in ice(caster) you have every skill healing you and being ice freezing/slowing the target.


Cool downs are independent of each other, so when I am playing my SF I will start off in earth.  go to/stun, knock up/combo slam down, leg sweep knock down, then crit earth fist (they had a fire fist, but last patch removed it I guess people complained it hit too hard so not sure what that was replaced with), then you jump back switch to ice and start hammering from a distance while healing any damage you may have received in melee.


I you switch between and maximize full skill set of both earth/ice you can be a very successful support class character.  It also has a revive of players, so...again.  If you liked playing the monk or priest or shaman in other MMOs and do not mind the support class, it really is a very good way to go.

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People keep saying SF is a support class but the class itself has the worst party utility in the whole game:


AOE Rez? Sure, but we also have crafteable charms for that.


 Healing? You can heal up to 50% or 90% with HM skills while having 3 golden dragons, so that big heal could not be aviable at the right moment. Summoners can heal 60% every 30s, all other heals are self-heals.


And thats it, they don't offer anything else but is a fun class to play with an interesting rotation and decent damage, for 6 man people don't care that much for team compos so as long you keep up with AP req you are always going to find groups... 4 man is another story.

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