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Well anyone with block skill can block those saws.


Usually tho Blade master or KFM's block are the most effective, followed by warlock. Next would be Destroyer's shield, for dest i recommend Tier-2 stage1 or 2 as it has shorter cooldown of 24 seconds and bonus of shortening cooldown with wedge hit.


Before battle start, it's better to discuss on who will block. Once you guys determine who wants to block, when drill sergeant start charging and spinning to dispatch saws, All party members must stand behind the blocker so the saws won't run amok and mess around.  If one or more saws run amok.. well 2-3 ppl must scramble to hunt and block those saws so they will standstill on air and not messing around.

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7 hours ago, JoannaRamira said:

Well anyone with block skill can block those saws.

EVERYONE has a block skill. INCLUDING FM who can just respec to their CC right after.


The most important thing when blocking is to NOT BLOCK IN THE MIDDLE because it bars certain classes from CCing.

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As the above posts mention, anyone can block them.  But usually a blocker is designated, and the party members would lineup with the blocker at the saw phase so that the saws will come straight to the blocker.  Otherwise the saws will just go to random people, I think.

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