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PVE become unrewarding!!


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Pve or better to say dailys have become compete waste of time (shit), basically you can earn nothing from dailies (exept gold from finnised quest) although do they add more reward boxes, the most common stuff you get from daily is experience charm, i have tons of it. And i dont know why should i use it wen i will eventually get max HM, soner or later. I tink geting materials is something that need much more than expiriance... I reameber thay said something about implemeting more ways to get moonsones, is that implemented?? 
 I didn't play much pvp earlier, but wen i saw that you get certain moonstone loot from chest that you can buy from Whirlwind merchant (and that is certan 1-2 moonstone) in a RNG monster game that is "CERTAN MOONSONE", I wass like OMG!! is that real. Last 2 mounts playing only dungeons, from dailys i get 2x10 moonstone bangles that is 60 days, from pvp i get 40 moonstones in a less than a week, (the reason i can get more because i working) WTF!!!
 Now i need to force myself and frustrate to play pvp just because i need materials. is that it?? Honestly, wen i come from job i want to relax playing dungeons whit my friends, enjoying pve but not to play pvp just for one reason, and that materials... I dont mind grinding, but i mind grinding for something i need, and you get that from playing PvP, while in pve you get shit and even worse you get exp. charm!!
  Baseicly playing pvp is more rewarding, just from my point of view. And i definitly whish more balance in rewards for bouth pvp and pve...

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PVP is not more rewarding. Arena is terrible bad because you get way too few soul stones. Valley is also not that good. The best for moon stones atm is farming naksun. SSP can also be good but ist very luck depending. Naksun is the safe method.


Doing dungeons (dailies) is mainly for gold and stingers. The other things which drop are either rare things like skills or trash. What do you expect to get from your dungeon runs? And why do you complain about exp charms? Do you know how many exp you will need to get to hm 15 and later 20? You dont know why you should use them? Are you trolling?


To sum it up: PVE is better for making money, by far.

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 - I dont see you spend gold for any pvp merchant, you farm beans and battleground points, you get what you want, and you dont need luck to get it, ist certan reward, thre is no way to buy Soulstone Pouch or Sparkling Whirlwind Treasure chest and not get any materials, i said is betther way to farm... 

 - You wanna be HM20, why you gonna leave game tomorow? Soner or later you hit max, at least you can play for that reason to get max. I dont tink is bad that we have exp. charms, but all i see is that, from rewards, besides why you want to be high HM lvl without proper upgrade??

- And yes gold is the only thing you get from dailys, i just love to see one gold wen i finnish challenge XD

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13 hours ago, KzE said:

The truth is everything is just a waste of time except the actual event and the fast dailies like : cold storage, mandate, arena quests, 5-8 mushin, yeti, lair...

Not even that. All these mentioned from you are a waste of time because I can do tower 13-15 in less time than any of these dungeons will take giving me a moonstone which is the same money as these dungeons and I have the chance to drop even more. So should I log in and farm only naksun the whole day because its the only thing what is not a waste of time? Argumenting with waste of time and such things only means you dont play the game for fun but its work for you.




Do pvp if you like it more but ist worse than pve money-wise, accept that.

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20 minutes ago, Zedonia said:

Not even that. All these mentioned from you are a waste of time because I can do tower 13-15 in less time than any of these dungeons will take giving me a moonstone which is the same money as these dungeons and I have the chance to drop even more. So should I log in and farm only naksun the whole day because its the only thing what is not a waste of time? Argumenting with waste of time and such things only means you dont play the game for fun but its work for you.




Do pvp if you like it more but ist worse than pve money-wise, accept that.

 You're right, that is how i feel about a game currently, is like a job, dont tell me you dont rush to finish most of the stuffs for your free time, just to ern extra gold or materials... And i look for the faster way to get it, is not like i doing what i want and have fun and in a proces i get stuff i need. Like you said, why should i farm only Naksun or doing Pvp, why, well it give me what i need... that sucks

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5 hours ago, Zedonia said:

Argumenting with waste of time and such things only means you dont play the game for fun but its work for you.

Because its a hard work. Get 3000 this, get 500 that, now get all the skills, this crappy 0,1% drop is non-existent... and if you want to reroll character...

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