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How much does piercing matters?


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Hi all,


I'm wondering if it would be usefull to fuse some piercing instead of crit. Currently I have ~ 6250 crit (~ 61,5 %) and 15% piercing. If I compare the damage in dungeon with some mobs somewhere else the damage differs alot. Can only be the defense, right? Or are there other stats involved which differ between mobs? Giving up some crit would hurt because above 5000 crit you dont get very much % for your crit.


Has someone tested it or some numbers about that?

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unnecessary for pve build. just stick crit.


for pvp/6v6 build piercing can be more useful then crit depending on comp.

in platinum when most parties have ~2k+ crit def and very high reg defense it is invaluable.

If most of the enemies you fight dont have crit def then you wanna stick with crit.

If most of them do have crit def any crit you have is entirely useless so a stat like piercing would give you more bang for the buck(since most enemies have 3k+ def with pet. base piercing on tanky build should be over 1.7k+. fusing one or 2 with peircing and rest crit def should still easy put you above 2.5k crit def and would give you a noticeable dps increase.

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Attack power is just for the calculation of base damage.
Piercing negates the percentage based damage reduction of defense and autoblock but not block skills. The minimum defense/autoblock is 0% so having 15% or 10% def piercing is the same if the enemy only has 10% def. Afaik the "soft cap" of piercing in PvE is 20% as no boss has more than 20% defense and they usually don't autoblock.


For PvP you can assume your enemy to have about 30% defense and many classes can buff their defense. Destroyers can raise their def stat (not actual damage reduchtion) by 500% while spinning while Force Masters using ice can double their def stat until they use a fire skill. 


Blocking skills damage reduction is broken by Concentration. Currently there is no way for a player to get that stat.



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15-20% piercing is probably optimal for PvE, except in the Tower of Infinity.


If you think you do not get enough % for your investment in crit any more, rather invest into more crit damage stat at the expense of crit. Like switching to an asura bracelet will cost you a lot of crit stat, but you won't notice it much because you are already at strong diminishing returns, and the crit damage increase will be felt more.

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