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Destroyer needs tips against Sin and BM (1700-1760)


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Well ya as the title say, I don't know what happen to me maybe I'm suck at game or they just op 
Notice I do use Blue buff instead of Fury for both classes.


So maybe some help against them would be lovely .

For first let's talk about BM and what problem I do face against them:
1- The spam/Breaking their block which mean they press block then move and repeat so I can't aim my knee to break their defense at all, I can't bypass that and ofcourse don't forget most of their Iframe skills include switchs.
2- Their high damage which make me wonder when to use my both escapes, Like Their Back blades make them use high dps, Their aircombo do alot of damage, Their new fire skills always do alot of damage, Then their light dps so I confused when to use escape in this phases.

And now Assassin :
1- How to kill a *cricket*ing shit piece of shit Poke and hide Asssassin I'm complete helpess against them
2-Perfect timing hide, Stun, Drag, web, Hide, Flower, Escape Asssissan I feel like there no gap to catch them even if I manage to control myself and not put them into hide.

Help please, 

Edit : Curse every damn stupid assassin with poke and hide, Shame on you and shame on this game 

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Your ingame name on eu is probably also valiant, so well... i´ve fought you on both my sin and my bm. On my sin you didn´t even stand the glimpse of a chance and then complained in chat most of the time about how stupid sins are and against my bm, witch i am absolutely terrible at (still) you also lost about 80% of your games and i´m using lightning build still.


You just didn´t really do anything. It took you about 6 or 7 games against my bm to even ATTEMT another opener than redspin (probably to resist y pull). 90% of the engages you did where jumps and charges, witch any class can just q/e spam to dodge it. You always do the exact same things pretty much. It´s like fightning a mob.


Obviously people play around knee and they will play around it more and more as knee f*cks them over. It completely takes apart bad players as all you have to do is hold down your button until they block, but that won´t work if people are actively trying to bait your knee. Against a lot of people in mid/high tier it´s actually better if you just don´t use it for a very long time, or you don´t spec it as they then have to constantly stop blocking, or cancel their woodblock early and so you get an advantage threw simply that. You can even glyph one of the other two knees, they are very good for comboing.


The knockback redspin is also better for the most part than the resist one i think, or at least against sins. Or maybe that´s just what i´m thinking as i as a sin don´t really care if you redspin for 5 seconds using all your chi, but as a bm it sometimes f*cks me over as it´s sometimes really tricky to get away as you have to use flashstep for it, witch i sometimes don´t and then i can´t get out of range. Also while walking away from you like that you can just charge me as i cannot q/e and look at you at the same time. But as a sin i can easiely deal with it and getting hit by the knockback one is just much more of an immidiate thread. It pokes you once and you can use whatever charge stun after, while the other one pokes you once and it does not matter.


Your daze blitz is also decent. It´s a trade off, but it gives you and easy opening thats hard to avoid if you don´t know the enemy is using it yet and continues to be if you don´t just use it at the very same moment for 20 round.


Also a really strong thing about destro is actually switching around your glyphs. Use blockbreak when you feel like your enemies don´t play around knee anymore. Use redbuff sometimes and your opponents will keep playing around blue buff even though you don´t have it. I´m not telling you play with redbuff all your games, but sometimes a round if you notice your opponent plays around blue buff pretty heavily. You can use both axe throw or your pull. Against sins they are both really good. Against bm i think axe throw is just better, maybe you even want to use body kick against bms tbh. Also you can use blue spin against sins that don´t seem to hit into your deflect anyway. It (might) work out better. 5m range and 80% speed is pretty good, but sometimes deflect spin is just good, because they always have to play around the deflect, witch slows your opponent down practically. It would be better if it had the same animation, but it has not.


One of the easiest ways to actually hit your knee is when people hit into your iframe as then they will expect you to use your knockup, witch btw you did 90% of the time and i blocked it. Now what if you don´t use it but knee me instead? That´s pretty much how people knee me most of the time. But then again if you just keep doing that i´ll start playing around it.



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5 hours ago, N3ro said:

Your ingame name on eu is probably also valiant, so well... i´ve fought you on both my sin and my bm. On my sin you didn´t even stand the glimpse of a chance and then complained in chat most of the time about how stupid sins are and against my bm, witch i am absolutely terrible at (still) you also lost about 80% of your games and i´m using lightning build still.


You just didn´t really do anything. It took you about 6 or 7 games against my bm to even ATTEMT another opener than redspin (probably to resist y pull). 90% of the engages you did where jumps and charges, witch any class can just q/e spam to dodge it. You always do the exact same things pretty much. It´s like fightning a mob.


Obviously people play around knee and they will play around it more and more as knee f*cks them over. It completely takes apart bad players as all you have to do is hold down your button until they block, but that won´t work if people are actively trying to bait your knee. Against a lot of people in mid/high tier it´s actually better if you just don´t use it for a very long time, or you don´t spec it as they then have to constantly stop blocking, or cancel their woodblock early and so you get an advantage threw simply that. You can even glyph one of the other two knees, they are very good for comboing.


The knockback redspin is also better for the most part than the resist one i think, or at least against sins. Or maybe that´s just what i´m thinking as i as a sin don´t really care if you redspin for 5 seconds using all your chi, but as a bm it sometimes f*cks me over as it´s sometimes really tricky to get away as you have to use flashstep for it, witch i sometimes don´t and then i can´t get out of range. Also while walking away from you like that you can just charge me as i cannot q/e and look at you at the same time. But as a sin i can easiely deal with it and getting hit by the knockback one is just much more of an immidiate thread. It pokes you once and you can use whatever charge stun after, while the other one pokes you once and it does not matter.


Your daze blitz is also decent. It´s a trade off, but it gives you and easy opening thats hard to avoid if you don´t know the enemy is using it yet and continues to be if you don´t just use it at the very same moment for 20 round.


Also a really strong thing about destro is actually switching around your glyphs. Use blockbreak when you feel like your enemies don´t play around knee anymore. Use redbuff sometimes and your opponents will keep playing around blue buff even though you don´t have it. I´m not telling you play with redbuff all your games, but sometimes a round if you notice your opponent plays around blue buff pretty heavily. You can use both axe throw or your pull. Against sins they are both really good. Against bm i think axe throw is just better, maybe you even want to use body kick against bms tbh. Also you can use blue spin against sins that don´t seem to hit into your deflect anyway. It (might) work out better. 5m range and 80% speed is pretty good, but sometimes deflect spin is just good, because they always have to play around the deflect, witch slows your opponent down practically. It would be better if it had the same animation, but it has not.


One of the easiest ways to actually hit your knee is when people hit into your iframe as then they will expect you to use your knockup, witch btw you did 90% of the time and i blocked it. Now what if you don´t use it but knee me instead? That´s pretty much how people knee me most of the time. But then again if you just keep doing that i´ll start playing around it.



Thank you, I will consider that and If you ask me I don't think using Pull against BM work anyway myself always use Body kick cause BM got double Block during his knockdown phase while I need to break so I out some damage.

And for sin part, I will try using blue ranged spin instead of deflect one so still I don't get how to catch a freaking Poke and hide sin you didn't even answer that part and I know it hard to answer


Cause they just depend on poison aoe, hide and then poke light even if I tried to pull once I get poked they jusst have resist during hide

That what I need answer for really, What the hell I should do against the damn kiddo poke and hide assissan

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cant do much its broken really...

 2 escapes.. with 36- 45 sec cd if i remember correctly...

An unblockabel or parryabel drag that paralyse u.. and endless stealth ... and while being stealth they evade or resist... even aoe drag vs them... kinda ridicoulse...

so even if u catch them... u get blinded ( resist the blind they still escape and are gone)... catch them again they escape aagain... its hard really if they play like *cricket*s


And to be honest any class with 2 escape skills... specialy sin and Destroyer are hard to kill or should be ... coz they can stall so much time.

And cc them is not ez game like vs BD or BM for example...

make them tab... 100-0 loser combo done ... ez game

while vs double escape classes this cheap nonsense not work so esaly

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3 hours ago, StellaNoxFleuret said:

cant do much its broken really...

 2 escapes.. with 36- 45 sec cd if i remember correctly...

An unblockabel or parryabel drag that paralyse u.. and endless stealth ... and while being stealth they evade or resist... even aoe drag vs them... kinda ridicoulse...

so even if u catch them... u get blinded ( resist the blind they still escape and are gone)... catch them again they escape aagain... its hard really if they play like *cricket*s


And to be honest any class with 2 escape skills... specialy sin and Destroyer are hard to kill or should be ... coz they can stall so much time.

And cc them is not ez game like vs BD or BM for example...

make them tab... 100-0 loser combo done ... ez game

while vs double escape classes this cheap nonsense not work so esaly

But don't forget that 2 escape Destroyer , Don't have fury which his main high dps while 2 escape assissan still able to make nice dps combo while 2 escape destroyer need to stand on it toe to do that

2 Escape destroyer got Iframe of 12 and 24 second CD while other that got parry while Assissan got tons of Iframe skills with short CD, Many combos to break spins and almost if right timed permanent hide.


And 2 Escape destroyer have only like stun , Daze and KD (Hard to do against Assissan ) beside grab if lucky at cc the sin while Assissan got 7 *cricket*ing shit second Freeze bomb , Stun, Daze, annoying KD can be applied easily since destroyer in slow, Web that gave them pure dps and almost spamable

And if you notice timing Assassin CC almost I feel like it spam able while destroyer I don't feel like it spam at all just long CDs 

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23 hours ago, Valiant said:

I don't talk about number of CC, I talk about CD of CC and the range / ability to hit it on each other

You highly undervalue number of cc´s then. More often than not your ccs will do the job just fine if you manage to manage your cooldowns well enough. And number of ccs is actually very often more important than cooldown of your ccs. Though sins have both number and cooldowns. Saying you can´t 100-0 sins because of their escapes is retarded, because so do other classes and same applies when fightning destros with blue buff.


On 30.8.2016 at 7:27 AM, Valiant said:

But don't forget that 2 escape Destroyer , Don't have fury which his main high dps while 2 escape assissan still able to make nice dps combo while 2 escape destroyer need to stand on it toe to do that

This... is like such a stupid thing to say rly. Blue buff is completely broken, it´s the best second escape in the entire game. QQ i can´t kill people in 5 seconds anymore. Srsly? Where exactly do you see sins doing so much nicer dps than destros? Good destros 100-0 people with blue buff too, if they get the chance to do so. It just takes longer than 5 seconds. Well news flash sins 100-0 combo without fightning spirit also takes longer than 5 seconds and is not happening against destros. Sometimes you have to grab the full duration to get your cooldowns back up maybe, but oh well that´s life. Often times you would do that either way to make it uncounterable.


It´s not a terrible matchup for you. It´s probably around 50:50 even. About time out sins. Well.. most of the s*ck anyway and if you don´t give them stealth they cannot time you out and also you can probably just keep getting out of fight then too, witch gives you another pretty easy opener somewhen midgame if you´re using the daze 1.


But maybe actual good sins timeout YOU specifically and have a great laugh doing so after reading your complain-posts all the time. Just saying. :)


How about you ask real destros for once. Other destros can do just fine in this matchup, why can´t you? Find them ingame and ask them. Like the forum is gonna help you that much.

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3 hours ago, N3ro said:

You highly undervalue number of cc´s then. More often than not your ccs will do the job just fine if you manage to manage your cooldowns well enough. And number of ccs is actually very often more important than cooldown of your ccs. Though sins have both number and cooldowns. Saying you can´t 100-0 sins because of their escapes is retarded, because so do other classes and same applies when fightning destros with blue buff.

You know , I don't want to start drama or something but let's clear things here ofcourse you will agree or disagree I don't mind
Blue buff destroyer is not a pain in the ass anyway cause at some point you will get a gap of 30 second at least that they will be locked out of their escapes because of difference between 36 second CD escape and 1 min blue buff Escape,
While Assassin as you said " Have both cooldown and cc "  have 4 stuns of range 9 to 18 to 24 to 1 min CD you can add to them stun of counter which mean 5 but nvm while on other hand Destroyer have 3 stun of range of 18 to 30 to 45 second CD plus 4th one which is Red spin of 1min CD and it will never hit 5 times over Assassin for sure , and you do same compare to daze/knockdown ofcourse add to this shit Freeze bomb of 7 second effect and CD of 45 second plus web that extend shit CC -.- now back to escape part, Assissan got the normal 36 second escape plus a lotus that work have CD of 45 second not 1 min like blue buff. Lotus shit is almost spam-able in a annoying way like if you planet it and someone stun you after 15 second of summoning it you would be already had spend 15 second of using it and Cooldown is keep decreasing mean at this point it only 30 second, That *cricket*ing unfair for real.


And you say destroyer with blue buff is hard ? Assissan with perfect timing can put you in endless CC and you know that very well while still able to have all of this lovely toys while destroyer at top of it's power just try their best to just get that assissan out of hide or try to protect from their sneak attacks and when they catch assissan they try to CC them as possible and do highest dps at same time.

That why I cry about Assissan , I will never cry about BM cause BM is decent the way it's right now but Assissan is shit op and special if going for poke and hide Assissan which is pain in the ass (Resist , Evade and ofcourse pure high speed during hide which suppose to be sneak and slow who is the smart guy which designed such shit ? )


4 hours ago, N3ro said:


How about you ask real destros for once. Other destros can do just fine in this matchup, why can´t you? Find them ingame and ask them. Like the forum is gonna help you that much.

Like you see anyone on forum anymore, Here I asking on forum and you pretty much the only person who answered me 

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7 hours ago, Valiant said:

Lotus shit is almost spam-able in a annoying way like if you planet it and someone stun you after 15 second of summoning it you would be already had spend 15 second of using it and Cooldown is keep decreasing mean at this point it only 30 second, That *cricket

. ofc that´s how it works i never knew


I´d trade my flower for your blue buff any day without a second of hesitation.

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Let me help you 

Give up on playing Destroyer, simply because it's a waste of time and effort!

Currently the bottom of the tier for both pve and pvp no point playing Destroyer


Just save urself a pain load of hours like me mained destro since day 1 and I feel like shit now that other classe's get always something new and Destros with the same bugs as in release don't even bother reporting them the team does nothing to fix the problems that already exist with the class ad everytime penalize old players.


And for everyone else if you enjoy Destroyer go ahead and keep playing and get frustrated to see LOwer geared little sh1ts out dps you easy... LOL

and I'm not even starting with pvp. Which is pointless to even discuss...


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. ofc that´s how it works i never knew


I´d trade my flower for your blue buff any day without a second of hesitation.

Then let's trade and myself won't regret that choice either, LOL


4 hours ago, Vaizard666 said:

Let me help you 

Give up on playing Destroyer, simply because it's a waste of time and effort!

Currently the bottom of the tier for both pve and pvp no point playing Destroyer


Just save urself a pain load of hours like me mained destro since day 1 and I feel like shit now that other classe's get always something new and Destros with the same bugs as in release don't even bother reporting them the team does nothing to fix the problems that already exist with the class ad everytime penalize old players.


And for everyone else if you enjoy Destroyer go ahead and keep playing and get frustrated to see LOwer geared little sh1ts out dps you easy... LOL

and I'm not even starting with pvp. Which is pointless to even discuss...


Well I made the same mistake you made and I can't just quit on my destroyer, Cause I made destroyer my main since day 1 aswell

so no turning back sadly,And you see people like N3ro making fun of me and trying to claim that Destroyer is still a decent class in pvp and pve

While the guy in this topic, Made it clearly and with a goood explanation why Destroyer sucks at pve and pvp special pve

 Like Destroyer is out damaged by less or similar ap/gear level, The lowest class in number of Iframes and their huge CD, Stupid ani cancel that require perfect ping and stand steal , Stupid chi not regain in good terms cause wrong click during ani cancel or ping spike and ofcourse if we compare to similar class like Blade dancer.
Blade dancer shine in both pvp and pve, Cause higher dps level , Grab that require no cc, Tons of CC, Damage during grab, Same grab effect of destroyer , 3 Iframes similar to BM ones  , immune like summoner and spin that regain focus easily without put them into trouble. 


And ofcoruse Destroyer having problems against BM, Assissan , FM and Warlocks mainly cause of Snares, Iframes and escapes but eh who I talking someone like N3ro just saying let me take your blue buff and gave you lotus like for real

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Wow, so you truly think our flower that has 45 seconds cooldow THE MOMENT YOU ESCAPE STUNS WITH IT and does absolutely nothing except like 2 seconds iframe, witch you usually dont benefit a whole lot from, with possible downtime, because you also need to replace it every 45 seconds if you dont use it is better than your buff? Im so done.


But ofc its attached to sin. It has to bd better. Also our tab escape is super op against blue buff, hm emberstomp or simply spin. Just tab escape easy opening against destro right?

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8 hours ago, N3ro said:

Wow, so you truly think our flower that has 45 seconds cooldow THE MOMENT YOU ESCAPE STUNS WITH IT and does absolutely nothing except like 2 seconds iframe, witch you usually dont benefit a whole lot from, with possible downtime, because you also need to replace it every 45 seconds if you dont use it is better than your buff? Im so done.


But ofc its attached to sin. It has to bd better. Also our tab escape is super op against blue buff, hm emberstomp or simply spin. Just tab escape easy opening against destro right?

And why you think a blue buff that is useable every 1 min is better ?

First it doesn't break any snare or Charge disables effect, Mean you can not cc anyone in your face using charge stun/daze skills so you need  perfect timing to use stun shield or pull, Blue buff support 5 second or 5 hits immune that is great but you can do pretty much the same after you use flower with your charge immune skill beside all of sudden you can KD during that effect destroyer cause gap closer 
Beside your flower can be managleable from time you use it, So we talking about 30 second or less Cd over your flower 

So tell me which is better ?

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1 hour ago, Valiant said:

And why you think a blue buff that is useable every 1 min is better ?

First it doesn't break any snare or Charge disables effect, Mean you can not cc anyone in your face using charge stun/daze skills so you need  perfect timing to use stun shield or pull, Blue buff support 5 second or 5 hits immune that is great but you can do pretty much the same after you use flower with your charge immune skill beside all of sudden you can KD during that effect destroyer cause gap closer 
Beside your flower can be managleable from time you use it, So we talking about 30 second or less Cd over your flower 

So tell me which is better ?

Blue buff by far. Not even close. Good destros that i (might) loose against spin x dagger daze after flower and they iframe if the flower puts me in tab swap range IF my tab swap is ready. They usually have a really good 'instinct' or call it whatever you want when tab swap is ready as that´s the goto opener for most sins against spin classes. And imagine if you do the same with your blue buff. 5 seconds is just SOO MUCH better than use your skill instantly, or your iframe is gone. So basically like i said flower resets the neutral game, but does not do anything more for us. Also witch snare do you want to break against sins? And sins also don´t have many charge disables, i can count 3 and i´m not even using 1 of them since sleep 1 got buffed atm, although that´s probably more in the testing phase i think it´s really good. Also flower does not cleanse charge disables either, would be cool if it did.


I´m something between 1900-2000 rating most of the time now and it´s not so easy for me to fight GOOD destros, but ofc i just kill anything that´s not that good, witch is kind of to be expected, because if i would not destro would just straight up be redicolously op against sins, or i would s*ck hard against them, one of those two. I think destros should actually have it easier now to get high ranked as you´ll meet a lot more summs in higher ranks since last patch, or maybe that evens out because there also are a lot more bms, witch got really strong too now (not even necessarily because of firebuild i think that´s a little bit overrated in some cases, but hm y is absolutely nuts in every matchup). I´m not sure if bms are really favored against destro though. And yeah that rating also means i don´t meet you anymore on my sin(s) given that i´m more than 200 rating above you, but i did meet you at the start of the season or when i started playing my second sin, i don´t really remember witch one it was.


Anyway i´ll try to stop arguing about it ever again seems pointless. If you think destro s*cks, then guess bad for you reroll sin or something, idk.

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1 hour ago, N3ro said:

Blue buff by far. Not even close. Good destros that i (might) loose against spin x dagger daze after flower and they iframe if the flower puts me in tab swap range IF my tab swap is ready. They usually have a really good 'instinct' or call it whatever you want when tab swap is ready as that´s the goto opener for most sins against spin classes. And imagine if you do the same with your blue buff. 5 seconds is just SOO MUCH better than use your skill instantly, or your iframe is gone. So basically like i said flower resets the neutral game, but does not do anything more for us. Also witch snare do you want to break against sins? And sins also don´t have many charge disables, i can count 3 and i´m not even using 1 of them since sleep 1 got buffed atm, although that´s probably more in the testing phase i think it´s really good. Also flower does not cleanse charge disables either, would be cool if it did.


I´m something between 1900-2000 rating most of the time now and it´s not so easy for me to fight GOOD destros, but ofc i just kill anything that´s not that good, witch is kind of to be expected, because if i would not destro would just straight up be redicolously op against sins, or i would s*ck hard against them, one of those two. I think destros should actually have it easier now to get high ranked as you´ll meet a lot more summs in higher ranks since last patch, or maybe that evens out because there also are a lot more bms, witch got really strong too now (not even necessarily because of firebuild i think that´s a little bit overrated in some cases, but hm y is absolutely nuts in every matchup). I´m not sure if bms are really favored against destro though. And yeah that rating also means i don´t meet you anymore on my sin(s) given that i´m more than 200 rating above you, but i did meet you at the start of the season or when i started playing my second sin, i don´t really remember witch one it was.


Anyway i´ll try to stop arguing about it ever again seems pointless. If you think destro s*cks, then guess bad for you reroll sin or something, idk.

How funny it's you say summoner in higher ranker , All I get is like assissan assissan, BM, BM, KFM, Assissan and ofcourse FM

Wish I really get a fight against destroyers or summoner or warlock or KFM more atleast I got that 50 50 chance, But like today 4 assissans in row

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On 29-8-2016 at 6:13 AM, Valiant said:

Well ya as the title say, I don't know what happen to me maybe I'm suck at game or they just op 
Notice I do use Blue buff instead of Fury for both classes.


So maybe some help against them would be lovely .

For first let's talk about BM and what problem I do face against them:
1- The spam/Breaking their block which mean they press block then move and repeat so I can't aim my knee to break their defense at all, I can't bypass that and ofcourse don't forget most of their Iframe skills include switchs.
2- Their high damage which make me wonder when to use my both escapes, Like Their Back blades make them use high dps, Their aircombo do alot of damage, Their new fire skills always do alot of damage, Then their light dps so I confused when to use escape in this phases.

And now Assassin :
1- How to kill a *cricket*ing shit piece of shit Poke and hide Asssassin I'm complete helpess against them
2-Perfect timing hide, Stun, Drag, web, Hide, Flower, Escape Asssissan I feel like there no gap to catch them even if I manage to control myself and not put them into hide.

Help please, 

Edit : Curse every damn stupid assassin with poke and hide, Shame on you and shame on this game 

BM: If they spam block try to grab them and press tab when they try to get out of it with their flock of blades so you don't get dazed. Next time when they block, you can grab him again, but this time their flock of blades will be on cooldown so you can keep punching them in the face. After that, just let them loose and stun them to get some anicancels in. They'll probably use their escape at that point so watch out for that. If they don't have escape, you can just straight up kill them. Don't go for obvious knee's, try to knee when he except it the least.


Sin: Sins who use the hit and run tactic are anoying as hell. The only tip I can give you, is to try to predict their stun jump when they are in stealth. You can resist their stun with your spin and use c to iframe the poison. When they get out of stealth, they useally try to counter your gapclosers, so using knee is a good option.



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3 hours ago, Natello said:

BM: If they spam block try to grab them and press tab when they try to get out of it with their flock of blades so you don't get dazed. Next time when they block, you can grab him again, but this time their flock of blades will be on cooldown so you can keep punching them in the face. After that, just let them loose and stun them to get some anicancels in. They'll probably use their escape at that point so watch out for that. If they don't have escape, you can just straight up kill them. Don't go for obvious knee's, try to knee when he except it the least.


Sin: Sins who use the hit and run tactic are anoying as hell. The only tip I can give you, is to try to predict their stun jump when they are in stealth. You can resist their stun with your spin and use c to iframe the poison. When they get out of stealth, they useally try to counter your gapclosers, so using knee is a good option.



Thank  you for advice, I will try the BM method

but I afraid assissan don't go for counter anymore when they go out of hide, They just go for Freeze bomb or Iframe Iframe forever while I slow move behind them and can't catch them then sudden hide all over that

That why I hate poke and hide assissan, They are the most underrated way to play class ever

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13 hours ago, Valiant said:

How funny it's you say summoner in higher ranker , All I get is like assissan assissan, BM, BM, KFM, Assissan and ofcourse FM

Wish I really get a fight against destroyers or summoner or warlock or KFM more atleast I got that 50 50 chance, But like today 4 assissans in row

Idk, i don´t have any statistics on that or anything, but i feel like i´m meeting a lot more summs since the patch hit in >plat. It´s a bit different in 1.7k rating range. Or i´m just somehow remembering summs more as that´s currently one of the classes that´s REALLY giving me trouble since the patch hit. When you look at top 30 destros and sins, you see that destros are generally higher rated. And i think partly that´s because they do better against summs than sins and also they have mr. b as diamond pogchamp (not sure if the chinese guy is also mr.b), while ruyki sort of quit for the time being, so we don´t have diamond sins mostly becaue the sins who could get diamond (now) are not playing the game. Maybe sins could do well against summs too still, but currently it´s really hard for me. There are not many matchups i´m sometimes getting completely farmed and drop like 150 rating against the same guy. Basically summ and warlock that´s it. I can beat fms like chloroform all be it not consistently i can do it sometimes, but i have like a zero percent winrate against summs like symex or kellyqq and i also loose against a lot of summs i´ve literally never met before the patch hit.

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46 minutes ago, N3ro said:

Idk, i don´t have any statistics on that or anything, but i feel like i´m meeting a lot more summs since the patch hit in >plat. It´s a bit different in 1.7k rating range. Or i´m just somehow remembering summs more as that´s currently one of the classes that´s REALLY giving me trouble since the patch hit. When you look at top 30 destros and sins, you see that destros are generally higher rated. And i think partly that´s because they do better against summs than sins and also they have mr. b as diamond pogchamp (not sure if the chinese guy is also mr.b), while ruyki sort of quit for the time being, so we don´t have diamond sins mostly becaue the sins who could get diamond (now) are not playing the game. Maybe sins could do well against summs too still, but currently it´s really hard for me. There are not many matchups i´m sometimes getting completely farmed and drop like 150 rating against the same guy. Basically summ and warlock that´s it. I can beat fms like chloroform all be it not consistently i can do it sometimes, but i have like a zero percent winrate against summs like symex or kellyqq and i also loose against a lot of summs i´ve literally never met before the patch hit.

Man I wish I face summoner, But in 1700 rating it seem like there no summoner or warlock even, Just Assissan and BM moslty rare chance to face SF or Destroyer 

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There IS no point playing Destroyer With 3 Ip's conected to client Being currently located in Austin TEXAS means HUGE LATENCY for EU players,

And Destroyer is ALL ABOUT reaction timings... I can surely play it but enjoy it? *cricket* no it's impossible to play the class when you have this high ping latency loss packages etc...
Just choose a class that forgives bad ping like all the other classes except KFM XD they also rely on good ping... :/

THOSE ARE the problems with the class because the other bugs Destro has you can actually manage them if you have enough experience with them :D


Peace out!

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