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Is pvp officially dead?


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alright so like the last couple of days all I ever face in 1v1 is gold people meanwhile I'm literally only sitting at like 1500 and barely face other silver players. like 90% percent of my matches are against other gold players at HM 10-13, not only that I'm constantly facing the same players over and over again. I don't whats going on but I really think pvp is dead at this point if all that keeps happening.

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I´ve been bying hm block for my bm yday and so i played with it starting at 1300 and i got to like 1.7k. I also met the same players again and 'again' sometimes, IF i instantly queed again and mostly only 3 times max or so. But actually most of the time if you wait like 7 seconds before requeing you get a different opponent at low ratings almost guaranteed except you play at really unusual times.

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I have the same problem lately. On saturday i even had 3 rounds with 2 different Gold KFMs and genereally i face more gold players than usual.

I guess this is due to the current event, people want to farm corallite/silverfrost seeds and Arena doesnt seem to be interesting to most players currently.

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Lol yeah I guess with this update we can officially say pvp is dead and this game is now a pve game. Just like DC universe online. Give us small pve content then we get bored with it and wait for the new content

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PvP feels dead because there it is painfully obvious the leader boards are more or less taken up by mostly sins, destroyers, and LBM, and two of those classes are dead easy to play when compared to a class like BM. People who play other classes just get frustrated that they have to work harder to beat the "triforce" of PvP, and so they quit, it's an understandable reaction. Summoner get to the leaderboards too, but lately they havent had an easy time reaching the top top but still get pretty high. Most BMs I know do not pvp because they get frustrated at always having to work way harder to do well and make less mistakes. A lot of FMs I know have the same feeling. Until effort taken is = to how good a class can be is made more even, arena will be dead.

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Arena pvp is not that fun for most people. I personally don't like playing it often. It's MMORPG; I like to play in the open world. 

Arena pvp is designed for people who like to play pvp as a kind of esport that requires a lot of practice. 

That's not really what people usually look for in mmorpg pvp.

I see open world pvp is still active. By active, I don't mean that there is a big altercation happening at any time of the day.

There are other contents that people want to play too and not just do faction pvp all day.

But skirmishes happen here and there.


Still, I wouldn't call arena pvp dead. Players at your rank don't play area often and probably don't like as much as other stuff; that's why they're at silver or barely gold.

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8 hours ago, Princess Zelda said:

PvP feels dead because there it is painfully obvious the leader boards are more or less taken up by mostly sins, destroyers, and LBM, and two of those classes are dead easy to play when compared to a class like BM. People who play other classes just get frustrated that they have to work harder to beat the "triforce" of PvP, and so they quit, it's an understandable reaction. Summoner get to the leaderboards too, but lately they havent had an easy time reaching the top top but still get pretty high. Most BMs I know do not pvp because they get frustrated at always having to work way harder to do well and make less mistakes. A lot of FMs I know have the same feeling. Until effort taken is = to how good a class can be is made more even, arena will be dead.

Actually on EU BDs are also a rarity and don´t really make it into the top rankings. And BMs are extremely polarising. Generally BMs are really hard to get good with and as long as you´re not good with it, you won´t ever rek anything with it. But we have plenty of really good BMs in EU and those make it into top ranks too. FMs could do the same just fine, but there are not as many good FM players as there are BMs to compete on a high level.


People always assume classes like BD are completely faceroll, but actually if you want to be in top50 all ranking, they are very far from it, i can guarantee you that.

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13 hours ago, N3ro said:

Actually on EU BDs are also a rarity and don´t really make it into the top rankings. And BMs are extremely polarising. Generally BMs are really hard to get good with and as long as you´re not good with it, you won´t ever rek anything with it. But we have plenty of really good BMs in EU and those make it into top ranks too. FMs could do the same just fine, but there are not as many good FM players as there are BMs to compete on a high level.


People always assume classes like BD are completely faceroll, but actually if you want to be in top50 all ranking, they are very far from it, i can guarantee you that.

You missed my point mostly, I'm not saying that BM can't be good, I'm saying it just takes a lot more for a BM to be higher rank than the other classes as an example. And you just confirmed urself that bms are polarizing. I have two characters that I play on, my BM and my Summoner, my BM I have spent months playing and training and getting better and I'm usually around 100~ BM rank on it for all of NA, my BM is lvl 50 HM 9, in comparison, my summoner last season (haven't played this season) made it to 85th top summoner, a clear 200~ ELO above my BM, and is lvl 49 HM 2 with 0 Hm skills, while my BM has HM block and HM lightning Draw. I rarely play my summoner, and I have spent a considerable less amount of time on it than on my BM and it has always done better. This is the effort difference I am talking about and why people are frustrated with area PvP in NA. I have another alt, a destroyer, and b4 the level cap was raised to 50 (not after tho) I actually had a better score on my destroyer than my BM as well, and my Destroyer was lvl 42 and is still lvl 42. It's dead easy to play and even easier than summoner to be honest. While other classes might not be faceroll win everything, there certainly is still a very large gap in how much effort it takes to be good at the different classes. Maybe in the top 50 things even out, but most people who play don't care about top 50, they want maybe top 250 at best, and looking at leaderboards in NA....doesn't help the motivation.

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3 hours ago, Princess Zelda said:

You missed my point mostly, I'm not saying that BM can't be good, I'm saying it just takes a lot more for a BM to be higher rank than the other classes as an example. And you just confirmed urself that bms are polarizing. I have two characters that I play on, my BM and my Summoner, my BM I have spent months playing and training and getting better and I'm usually around 100~ BM rank on it for all of NA, my BM is lvl 50 HM 9, in comparison, my summoner last season (haven't played this season) made it to 85th top summoner, a clear 200~ ELO above my BM, and is lvl 49 HM 2 with 0 Hm skills, while my BM has HM block and HM lightning Draw. I rarely play my summoner, and I have spent a considerable less amount of time on it than on my BM and it has always done better. This is the effort difference I am talking about and why people are frustrated with area PvP in NA. I have another alt, a destroyer, and b4 the level cap was raised to 50 (not after tho) I actually had a better score on my destroyer than my BM as well, and my Destroyer was lvl 42 and is still lvl 42. It's dead easy to play and even easier than summoner to be honest. While other classes might not be faceroll win everything, there certainly is still a very large gap in how much effort it takes to be good at the different classes. Maybe in the top 50 things even out, but most people who play don't care about top 50, they want maybe top 250 at best, and looking at leaderboards in NA....doesn't help the motivation.

Well... then those players should not have picked a hard to learn class then? But it´s not even necessarily that BMs are so much harder to learn all the time. A lot of the ppl who think they are good on their spinnerinos or summoner are not actually good at them either... they just beat everything that can´t deal with it yet. My only point was that BM is a good class, just takes a good player to make it good, but then it starts going places. I think classes like that have a place in games too.

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I left this game a few months ago due to pvp just not cutting it anymore. I was one of the first Diamond Warlocks and for the most part was always top 5  i was also diamond FM and Sum. This is all opinion at least for my self but the big reason i left was due to lack of competition. Every good pvper left the game and going against newbies or just unskilled players is not fun :( . Another thing that killed it was the hackers im not talking about the ones you could beat but the ones that were unbeatable. So sad that we had to learn to beat bot hacks in the first place >___>. The pvp was fun though when there was competition going on and do wish for it to come back but not sure if thats gonna happen anymore.

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