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A Veteran that has been having trouble


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So I actually played this game since early release, though, to reasons I wont go into, my first account was banned. Now, prior to this update, I had quit PvE, thus I only knew knowledge up to Sogun's Lament. And sadly, when I created a new character, at the time of the release of Shadows of Innocents, I was having trouble getting my gear up to par, so I could not participate in the learning of the dungeons.

This, coupled with the fact that no clans on my server recruit anyone with my AP (563) have made it incredibly difficult to participate in PvE. I would like to stop doing PvE at HM9 and focus on PvP, but missing four dungeons (roughly 44k EXP) probably isn't the fastest route to going there, and I can't ignore doing those dungeons any longer. I have a boyfriend (who is a complete jerk by the way >_>) and doesn't really care for PvE, so he normally asks his clanmates to leech him through dungeons. Plus he mainly only does PvP. 


Now, I have read all of the guides on these dungeons, but I am a hands on learner, sadly. Not that I don't understand what the guides are saying, but I will likely for get one or two things that could either get me or someone else killed. Now, I am aware that players are not readily available to hold the hands of noobs through players as they play.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT if there was someone that could do just that...I would not be against it. 
Or if there is any active clans on the Hajoon server group that are recruiting, that'd be pretty nice too. 



If someone could find (and believe me, I've tried) 

A Summoner PoV or just an inclusive video guide to the following dungeons, that'd be greaatttt.

-Sundered Nexus.
Gloomdross Incursion.
The Shattered Masts.

Twisted Grimhorn Wilds.


Thanks~ ♥


Oh, and here's my coffee page. http://bnscoffee.com/character/NA/Su%20Barbiea

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1 hour ago, RavTH said:

so you have 563 ap and you can't do these?
Sundered Nexus.
Gloomdross Incursion.
The Shattered Masts.

Twisted Grimhorn Wilds.
but you can do Asura?
How did you get mats for your upgrades?

One of my good friends quit a while back. He farmed 4-man Asura all the time and gave me his gold after he found out he was banned. 

It's not that I can't do them. It's that I don't know how. 

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14 hours ago, Lovey said:

One of my good friends quit a while back. He farmed 4-man Asura all the time and gave me his gold after he found out he was banned. 

It's not that I can't do them. It's that I don't know how. 

I know mechs for these dungeons but I am not sure if I can help @_@.. (sin player)

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If you look on youtube you can find a lot of videos explaining those dungeons. I'm at work now and I cannot take a look to find some video. I'll link you just my playlist about some dungeon guides and other stuffs.




Anyway, except Sundered Nexus and Sogun's Lameng, that are less forgiving in case of some mistake the other dungeons are really easy.

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On 2016/8/2 at 9:28 PM, Lovey said:


A Summoner PoV



Masts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4X1WqGN3xw

Gloomdross - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70poMdmPPic

Nexus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je2WRUA-qrs

Wilds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jesmBck1PCs


She mains summoner so hopefully her channel helps. If you ever get the chance to transfer to Mushin, DO IT. Hajoon's guild situation sounds truly awful.

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links above should help and are significantly more detailed.

Mechanics are pretty straight forwards for each dungeon.


Masts-first boss don't absorb over 3 of the same color and attack the boss of the opposite color or dmg is reflected. at 3 stacks switch colors and dps the other boss.  For the final boss stand in the safe aoe and petal storm range attacks. can seedshroud his charge attack and cc as soon as cc bar shows you are able to. kitty grapple incr party dps time. Can run 6 man and pay attention to the prompts so you know when to advanced seed shroud for party during 4 mans when there is no prompt.


Gloom- its usually good for summoner or another ranged class to be the "mark". When he spawns bloom dbl daze,kd,or stun. using kitty grapple allows yourself additional time to get into position. Position yourself on the far side of the blooms (placing the bloom inbetween yourself and the enemy). the spawns will get caught in the bloom. repeat the same procedure. once he jumps back to mid position yourself on the far side of the spawn once more so he solar beams the spawns that are stick stuck in bloom killing them. rinse and repeat.


nexus- first boss i usually prefer to do all the cc for party so there's no confusion or accountability issues. if you dont have the hm skill for dbl kitty kd(i recommend getting it) can still trait your pet recall to kd. so providing dbl stun(tab),daze(kitty and number 2), and kd shouldn't be an issue for summoner. just make sure if u have to run in for a pet recall kd you use your x invun to avoid taking unnecessary dmg. boss only does range attack if the person with aggro isn't in close proximity to the boss. during the charge u can seed shroud him then pet grapple. after triple cc part make sure you stand in blue aoe for massive dps boost.

Second boss-taunt a lot helps if you are tanking. can use x invun during triple ground pound. i usually advanced seedshroud for party during third pound encase they blew their iframes early. furthest player from enemy gets the drill aggro. just keep moving. i usually make a small circle so boss can absorb them all but he doesnt have to get them all. block the boss when he is over the aoe. the only time i don't cc boss when he is ccable is when automatums spawn. You can either dps them rather quickly or let the boss aoe his own spawns, either works.

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On 2/8/2016 at 8:28 PM, Lovey said:

I have a boyfriend (who is a complete jerk by the way >_>)


On 2/8/2016 at 8:28 PM, Lovey said:

Oh, and here's my coffee page. http://bnscoffee.com/character/NA/Su%20Barbiea

Well I'm single and not a  jerk and i'd love to have coffee with you.


On 2/8/2016 at 8:28 PM, Lovey said:

This, coupled with the fact that no clans on my server recruit anyone with my AP (563) have made it incredibly difficult to participate in PvE. I would like to stop doing PvE at HM9 and focus on PvP, but missing four dungeons (roughly 44k EXP) probably isn't the fastest route to going there, and I can't ignore doing those dungeons any longer. I have a boyfriend (who is a complete jerk by the way >_>) and doesn't really care for PvE, so he normally asks his clanmates to leech him through dungeons. Plus he mainly only does PvP. 


550 is the minimum to 4 man and the only super rewarding instance is gloomdross with its packs of seeds that give you 100 moonstons or soultones, shattered isnt hard on 6 man but requires coordination. If you can asura 4 man which i think you can, you can do the rest.


50 Ap wont give you that much advantage (roughtly 1k more), specially since nexus, gloomdross and shattered are won by mechanics, not raw dps, actually if you dont keep the balance of teh shattered twins, too many flowers will appear of certain color and teams wont be able to swap sides properly so dpsing your way through the dungeon claiming  you have 800ap doesnt really work as much as ppl claim. ofc ap is half the fliter atm for ppl knowing what to do , the other half is showing the achievement . But as far as it come to what your character can do, you definetly can do the dungeons if you party random or not, knows what to do.


Im in  clan but due to timezones and equipment i normally do all instances alone inside xserver, and cant complain, yes youll get some groups that wont know what to do, but if you keep restraining yourself instead of trying, and dying and then trying it again, you'll never learn.

There are a lot of ppl in x server that if you ask at the begining if they could lead you on what to do, they'll give you advice on each phase so that you visually learn what to do and when to do it. Just lose that fear.


as for grimhorn, thats a 24 man map so just follow the rest of the players, there will be 3 mayor events

1.- bodyguarding the fat frog throw the map till he cleans a tree

2.- killing two partys of executoners to save 2 dudes , which will help you fight a miniboss that wil do multiple dots of AoE

3.- kiling the big balrok like with the help of the fat frog and te dueds you saved, thats just a dps fest



bomb the guy in the first room, jump the lions, if you get the path with the plants, shield/invicibility yourself to pass them, first boss: , when he spins you need to counter 2 saws, the counter needs to stay infront of the group while the rest covers behind, then he needs 3 double CCs, it shows on screen which one is needed, after the cc pohase get into the blue aura to recieve 300% crit buff, then kill everythin in your way, untill you reach second boss, first form, easy dps, second form dps, then the player furthest from it will get targeted by misiles, dont place them in one spot or all ppl die, walk with S to place them together  just not on top of each other so they can be destroyed easily, block boss on top of the aura they leave and  dps it, after 50 % a message appears saying earthquake, use invincibility  for the 3 aoe, keep repeating according to the phase.



kill pyre lord, 1 player go to rescue the injured pirates and bring them back to defending zone to help fight, the rest defent incoming waves, once its comepleted like in necro , move to the other seal, kill spiders to stop big fat minibosses from walking so you can dps or simply dps as they move, once the seal is complete move to the boss area, DPS it, once the seed appears, 1 players moves behind the seed  placeing the seed between him/her and fiends that appear from the red beam accross the area, meanwhile comeone CC the boss ASAP after the seed appears so he doesnt AoE and kil everyone, after that the boss will jump to the guy behind the seed and dps again, repeat twice, then jumps back to the middle and 1 guys furthest from boss will get targeted, he needs to stays behind the seed aligning him with boss and the fiends, with enough distance to not get killed by the boss breath, reduce distance so anothr players gets targeted doing the same with the other fiends o simply move across the zone to repeat the first move, beware boss only does this breath  skill 3 times, repeat all the process and win



Choose a corner, dps, take flowers, stay in your corner and dont take more than 3 flowers, 1 per spawn in 6 man, or 1 then 2 per spawn, swap places to the other corner once you get 3 flowers of the same color and the other flowers are aviable to dps the different color snake, beware of cobalts ranged spit, and shield/invicivility your self wen you hear red's snake laugh. Get to the fat boss , deal with adds first, dps the fatty, then he spawns more adds, kill em fast before they evolve, more fatty dps, and beware of the jumps, Get to final boss , dps, watch for AoE skill and iframe, more dps, look for landing point of whole room dirty water skill, get to the landing point cus it'll be clean, beware of the jumps and shiled yourself, dont step on the water, once he jumps far from you, shield for ranged  proyectiles, then he charges towards the party, someon counter it so that you get an hp buff, use lots of healing skills during the fight to regen cus you cant use pots, and if you can as a summoner, cc asap once countered and grab for longer dps window, repeat the whole procces and win


Also make your own partys, dont depend on anyone , "550+ap know mechs", you'll probably end up with 700+ap guys with experience that are willing to explain, since for daylies its easier to go 6 in some cases then get back to 4 for farming

and check the ss from zaiwei (3/4), grimhorn (1/2), gloomdross (5/6) and shattered (7/8), you might like the twisted set, has the best crit in game atm, except for the challeger ss


On 2/8/2016 at 8:28 PM, Lovey said:


Thanks~ ♥


dont mention it, ill wait you for that coffee

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14 hours ago, AuraTG said:


Masts - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4X1WqGN3xw

Gloomdross - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70poMdmPPic

Nexus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je2WRUA-qrs

Wilds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jesmBck1PCs


She mains summoner so hopefully her channel helps. If you ever get the chance to transfer to Mushin, DO IT. Hajoon's guild situation sounds truly awful.

Thank you! And yes, I do plan on transferring to Mushin with my boyfriend. He's a pretty avid PvPer, and I will be too after I hit HM 9. 


8 hours ago, Torunder said:


Well I'm single and not a  jerk and i'd love to have coffee with you.


550 is the minimum to 4 man and the only super rewarding instance is gloomdross with its packs of seeds that give you 100 moonstons or soultones, shattered isnt hard on 6 man but requires coordination. If you can asura 4 man which i think you can, you can do the rest.


50 Ap wont give you that much advantage (roughtly 1k more), specially since nexus, gloomdross and shattered are won by mechanics, not raw dps, actually if you dont keep the balance of teh shattered twins, too many flowers will appear of certain color and teams wont be able to swap sides properly so dpsing your way through the dungeon claiming  you have 800ap doesnt really work as much as ppl claim. ofc ap is half the fliter atm for ppl knowing what to do , the other half is showing the achievement . But as far as it come to what your character can do, you definetly can do the dungeons if you party random or not, knows what to do.


Im in  clan but due to timezones and equipment i normally do all instances alone inside xserver, and cant complain, yes youll get some groups that wont know what to do, but if you keep restraining yourself instead of trying, and dying and then trying it again, you'll never learn.

There are a lot of ppl in x server that if you ask at the begining if they could lead you on what to do, they'll give you advice on each phase so that you visually learn what to do and when to do it. Just lose that fear.


as for grimhorn, thats a 24 man map so just follow the rest of the players, there will be 3 mayor events

1.- bodyguarding the fat frog throw the map till he cleans a tree

2.- killing two partys of executoners to save 2 dudes , which will help you fight a miniboss that wil do multiple dots of AoE

3.- kiling the big balrok like with the help of the fat frog and te dueds you saved, thats just a dps fest



bomb the guy in the first room, jump the lions, if you get the path with the plants, shield/invicibility yourself to pass them, first boss: , when he spins you need to counter 2 saws, the counter needs to stay infront of the group while the rest covers behind, then he needs 3 double CCs, it shows on screen which one is needed, after the cc pohase get into the blue aura to recieve 300% crit buff, then kill everythin in your way, untill you reach second boss, first form, easy dps, second form dps, then the player furthest from it will get targeted by misiles, dont place them in one spot or all ppl die, walk with S to place them together  just not on top of each other so they can be destroyed easily, block boss on top of the aura they leave and  dps it, after 50 % a message appears saying earthquake, use invincibility  for the 3 aoe, keep repeating according to the phase.



kill pyre lord, 1 player go to rescue the injured pirates and bring them back to defending zone to help fight, the rest defent incoming waves, once its comepleted like in necro , move to the other seal, kill spiders to stop big fat minibosses from walking so you can dps or simply dps as they move, once the seal is complete move to the boss area, DPS it, once the seed appears, 1 players moves behind the seed  placeing the seed between him/her and fiends that appear from the red beam accross the area, meanwhile comeone CC the boss ASAP after the seed appears so he doesnt AoE and kil everyone, after that the boss will jump to the guy behind the seed and dps again, repeat twice, then jumps back to the middle and 1 guys furthest from boss will get targeted, he needs to stays behind the seed aligning him with boss and the fiends, with enough distance to not get killed by the boss breath, reduce distance so anothr players gets targeted doing the same with the other fiends o simply move across the zone to repeat the first move, beware boss only does this breath  skill 3 times, repeat all the process and win



Choose a corner, dps, take flowers, stay in your corner and dont take more than 3 flowers, 1 per spawn in 6 man, or 1 then 2 per spawn, swap places to the other corner once you get 3 flowers of the same color and the other flowers are aviable to dps the different color snake, beware of cobalts ranged spit, and shield/invicivility your self wen you hear red's snake laugh. Get to the fat boss , deal with adds first, dps the fatty, then he spawns more adds, kill em fast before they evolve, more fatty dps, and beware of the jumps, Get to final boss , dps, watch for AoE skill and iframe, more dps, look for landing point of whole room dirty water skill, get to the landing point cus it'll be clean, beware of the jumps and shiled yourself, dont step on the water, once he jumps far from you, shield for ranged  proyectiles, then he charges towards the party, someon counter it so that you get an hp buff, use lots of healing skills during the fight to regen cus you cant use pots, and if you can as a summoner, cc asap once countered and grab for longer dps window, repeat the whole procces and win


Also make your own partys, dont depend on anyone , "550+ap know mechs", you'll probably end up with 700+ap guys with experience that are willing to explain, since for daylies its easier to go 6 in some cases then get back to 4 for farming

and check the ss from zaiwei (3/4), grimhorn (1/2), gloomdross (5/6) and shattered (7/8), you might like the twisted set, has the best crit in game atm, except for the challeger ss



dont mention it, ill wait you for that coffee

Thank you~ and I'm not sure how my boyfriend will like me having coffee with other guys. xD 


13 hours ago, Jackiesaysya said:

links above should help and are significantly more detailed.

Mechanics are pretty straight forwards for each dungeon.


Masts-first boss don't absorb over 3 of the same color and attack the boss of the opposite color or dmg is reflected. at 3 stacks switch colors and dps the other boss.  For the final boss stand in the safe aoe and petal storm range attacks. can seedshroud his charge attack and cc as soon as cc bar shows you are able to. kitty grapple incr party dps time. Can run 6 man and pay attention to the prompts so you know when to advanced seed shroud for party during 4 mans when there is no prompt.


Gloom- its usually good for summoner or another ranged class to be the "mark". When he spawns bloom dbl daze,kd,or stun. using kitty grapple allows yourself additional time to get into position. Position yourself on the far side of the blooms (placing the bloom inbetween yourself and the enemy). the spawns will get caught in the bloom. repeat the same procedure. once he jumps back to mid position yourself on the far side of the spawn once more so he solar beams the spawns that are stick stuck in bloom killing them. rinse and repeat.


nexus- first boss i usually prefer to do all the cc for party so there's no confusion or accountability issues. if you dont have the hm skill for dbl kitty kd(i recommend getting it) can still trait your pet recall to kd. so providing dbl stun(tab),daze(kitty and number 2), and kd shouldn't be an issue for summoner. just make sure if u have to run in for a pet recall kd you use your x invun to avoid taking unnecessary dmg. boss only does range attack if the person with aggro isn't in close proximity to the boss. during the charge u can seed shroud him then pet grapple. after triple cc part make sure you stand in blue aoe for massive dps boost.

Second boss-taunt a lot helps if you are tanking. can use x invun during triple ground pound. i usually advanced seedshroud for party during third pound encase they blew their iframes early. furthest player from enemy gets the drill aggro. just keep moving. i usually make a small circle so boss can absorb them all but he doesnt have to get them all. block the boss when he is over the aoe. the only time i don't cc boss when he is ccable is when automatums spawn. You can either dps them rather quickly or let the boss aoe his own spawns, either works.

Thank you too. Thank you all! ♥

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