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Melee Future


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     I have been playing BM since beta, and I love the class. However, will there be any future to the melee class such as BM ? To be honest, after the patch of releasing legendary weapon, I haven't been able to do much in SSP and my AP is 655. In general, there are only a few melee class characters can be seen in SSP, and those chars are really high ap. Just with the pve contents, range classes already have so many advantages over melee classes. Now with the linked group channel in ssp, how are melee going to play ? We are all know that the rewards in this game reply on damage. As for melee classes, we now not only need to deal with bosses attacks, but also will be looking out to players attack while range classes only need to focus on players' attack. There isn't any reward for wining the battle as well. All rewards are within the damages deal on boss, and this will be impossible for melee. Ncsoft force people to pvp, but there isn't any rewards for wining the faction wars. Therefore, my question to NCSoft is " Is this the dead sentence to melee classes in general?" I would like to know, so I can decide whether to move on another char or quit. Melee life sucks so bad in this game. 


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the mob mechanics and lag in that zone really is just a huge middle finger to melee. i dont even bother anymore. the community itself does things on the pulls that stack the odds against melee even more.


everyone says just role a ranged alt to play SSP. i say screw that, ive spent to much time on my main to want to have a crappy alt fro one area. roll ranged or buy your moonstones from the people who barely need to try. 


they are merging servers on the 14th too, so mushins gonna be even more of a cluster*cricket*. 


the devs feel the area works fine too so dont expect any changes. the only thing coming is optimization for that area. 


i feel melees future is in one of the other many mmo's coming out soon lmfao.

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I am talking mainly in SSP. It is really sad right now for melee. Most people now are focus farming SSP since it is most profitable, and melee can't even attempt to try it. Range classes have so many advantages in almost every where but arena. Not to mention, there are a lot of people who kicked others due to the fact others are melee. I am a veteran from beta. Ncsoft kept promise to balance, but the more patches, I only seen the bigger the grasp of the two classes. I would bet 100% that if there is a class exchange services, there certainly 99% of melee will change to range, and 99.99% range will not change to melee. 

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34 minutes ago, Kunz said:

I am talking mainly in SSP. It is really sad right now for melee. Most people now are focus farming SSP since it is most profitable, and melee can't even attempt to try it. Range classes have so many advantages in almost every where but arena. Not to mention, there are a lot of people who kicked others due to the fact others are melee. I am a veteran from beta. Ncsoft kept promise to balance, but the more patches, I only seen the bigger the grasp of the two classes. I would bet 100% that if there is a class exchange services, there certainly 99% of melee will change to range, and 99.99% range will not change to melee. 

Lol no MMO can ever balance between arenas, OwPvP and PvE. Is not possible.

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I play about 2 months , wasted ALOT time on the game 

Today i am 50 lvl HM9 +60% with 598AP , playing as a Bladedancer . I love this char , tried making a Force master just for SSP , stopped at 25lvl cause i just DONT ENJOY playing with him . 


During SSP i can do enough damage on the regular Captains although Terrors are kinda dangerous . While Boars come , i have to split (going to the least crowed side) in order to get my box . Right now , A MAGE WITH 450-500AP IS EQUAL OF AN 600AP MELEE during SSP . 


Things wont change , just pay for your moonstones with real money . If NCsoft wanted to have equal farming , they would have just put less melee resistance on these mobs , such an easy job to do . 

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the mobs in ssp are a joke, completely anti melee particularly the boar, melee have to get out of the way of its charges and also the aoe stuns, while we are trying to dodge these we cant dps which leads to melee taking risks in order to try get the drop which generally leads to death and no drop.

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When creating a new character the game needs to update the description for melee.  Something like -- "Have fun leveling and improving your gear, but when you get to endgame content at the soulstone plains then just don't even think about trying to quest or farm there because we have nothing for you melee there except grief"


I have what I thought was fairly decent gear and HM 9 lvl 50 Kung Fu Master.  True Breeze wep and all awakened oathbreaker accessories and 568 attack power and 52% crit and 121% accuracy.  If I had stats like these on a ranged class, then I would farm SSP content easily.  Instead I get lucky if I can finish the 6 captains and 3 conscript quest but that usually takes more than one mining session because at the 10 min point and the 3d attack stage, then here comes the grindtooth boar channel hoppers and all they do is melt the final 2 conscripts and melt the boar and I am always left with no credit on the boar and looking for another channel to kill a conscript on. 


Heuk Bulmu crimson commander in the crimson camp always gives me the quest drop; Suljun during the capturing stage always gives me the quest drop.  I have still yet to ever one time see the quest drop from grindtooth boar because the range classes camp there and melt it from a distance while melee spend time chasing the boar and dodging it's charges and aoe. I must have tried fighting the grindtooth boar 100 times and not once got credit for the quest.  This is very sad.


NCSOFT please have someone take a look at this and fix it for the melee to stand a chance to compete and farm for gear and quests.

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Ive said this from day one through support. I couldnt have said it any better. Im kfm and with the shitty lag im just praying i can could evade in time, not to mention trying to start my dps up again to get hit points. While range just sits and fires we are wasting time evading if possible by the time the damn hog dies we are clunky jerk herk pause freeze dead or knocked back trying to get a drop. Not to mention the unbalance of factions now as well having all 4 channels dominated then dealing with super ranged crit defense crimson while trying to evade terror or jumping out of the path of hog instead of just killing it, has too the enjoyment out.. I moved on to icarus so enjoy shit ncsoft. Im sure they will lose everyone soon enough.. they never listened to the ones that make them the money, never listen to the ones that matters.

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I play BM since the official release in january and been running strong till now with 681 AP on DPS soul shields and 676 AP on Crit defense soul shields. i get what you're saying, melees do get a harder time in ssp compared to range classes but if you can learn the attack patterns and timing for each waves, life as a melee in ssp gets easier (Look up AzureSymphony if you want to see my gear and stats). IMO blade masters still have a lot of future not just as tanks but as damage dealers as well, its just a steeper learning curve that comes with the class. Personally, i play lightning build on blade master and i generally get aggro on monsters so i just expect it to change aggro to me. During ssp, i anticipate that reds will try to jump on me at any given point so i am prepared just in case they actually do jump in during waves.


here are some notable patterns for SSP waves:

Terror waves: for the special red AoE like the arrows or the poison, it generally follows a time intervals that can be prepared for that will make life easier at ssp

first special AoE generally occurs 10 seconds after the fight with terror wave has been started, then the 2nd special AoE happens 30 seconds after (give or take a few seconds depending if terror gets cc'd/grabbed) and repeats the cycle at 30 second intervals. Ex) Engage>10seconds>1st special AoE>30 seconds> 2nd special AoE>30 seconds>1st Special AoE>30seconds>2nd special AoE>Rinse and repeat every 30 seconds.

if you just want the time for it, its Start fight>10 sec >40 sec >70 sec >100 sec>repeats every 30 seconds.


Recommendation as BM: Take off threat buffs and threat multipliers if you don't want to tank terror. generally start the fight off with blade call and lightning rod


Grindtooth: when he spawns, he either charges or he just does a frontal attack but his general attack pattern is 3 charges then giant red aoe. he might add in little red AoEs in between each charges depending on who's the target. if you're not tanking, i would recommend dpsing from the sides and saving gap closers to use after each charge so you don't have to walk to where he stops. if you're tanking, stand in front of him to block the charges and just turn around to dps him then rinse and repeat for the charges, when he's gonna do the red aoe, just time your iframes accordingly to dodge it then dps him.


Pig waves: as blade master, i like to wait for him to get near the little pigs but its optional. i drop blade call lightning rod then switch to draw stance to get blade storm and whirling scourge in then just melt it down with honed>flicker animation cancels (do whatever you need to do to keep focus recovery going like sundering sword for continuous nuking).


for extra monsters, its just the same as fighting any other dungeon bosses or open world bosses.


Note for Blade Masters; Blade storm increases the damage of honed slash by about 20-40% as long as the debuff is on so take advantage of that.

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The only class what I want play is KFM.


But easy to predict class balance issues - the game is balanced over 1v1, so melee classes must be underpowered in any kind of mass PvP and other mass events. And topics like this and other opinions just confirms my prediction. What cause I still have KFM on low lvl and I play other games.

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On 27.07.2016 at 4:40 PM, AzureSymphony said:

I Grindtooth: when he spawns, he either charges or he just does a frontal attack but his general attack pattern is 3 charges then giant red aoe. he might add in little red AoEs in between each charges depending on who's the target. if you're not tanking, i would recommend dpsing from the sides and saving gap closers to use after each charge so you don't have to walk to where he stops. if you're tanking, stand in front of him to block the charges and just turn around to dps him then rinse and repeat for the charges, when he's gonna do the red aoe, just time your iframes accordingly to dodge it then dps him.


On my server atm mostly Grindtooth does:

- appears

- charges

- small red aoe

- die

All that takes max 10 sec.


Only late at night and at the morning he can additionaly charges 3 times and does big aoe. Thats only time when I can get box on my 670ap BM.

But, I can always get loot on my 548ap warlock made espacialy for ssp.


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